Aushadha Sevana Kala also known as Bhesajya Kala refers to the timing of the planned and appropriate medication administration. The time of administering medication or drugs is referred to as Aushadha Sevana Kala. It belongs to the Avastika Kala.
Various Acharyas have defined Aushadha Sevana Kala as a guideline for when to take the drug. These periods are considered appropriate times for drug administration.
Only when the medication is taken in a well-planned and timely manner will it be totally effective1Aneesh E.G., Deole Y.S.. Aushadha Sevana Kala. In: , eds. Charak Samhita New Edition. 1st ed. Jamnagar, Ind: CSRTSDC; 2020. Accessed January 19, 2023..
Even though the medicine has the right quantity, quality, and Anupana, if it is taken at the wrong time, it does not cure the disease completely.
According to Charaka, when treating illnesses it is imperative to consider the patient’s and disease’s strengths, as well as Dosha, Satmya, Asatmya, Anupana, Desha, Kala, and Pathya-Apathya.
In addition to these, Aushadha Sevana Kala should also be taken into account; only then can medicine fulfill its purpose.
According to Acharya Charak, medicine given at the right time and in a well-planned manner is more effective than medicine given at the wrong time2Agnivesh, Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthan, Yonivyapat Chikitsa Adhyay, 30.. In order to treat a patient’s disease, medicine must be administered at the right time.
Synonyms- Bheshajya Kala, Bheshaj Kala, Bheshajya Grahana Kala, Aushadha Avacharana Kala, Agada Kala, Bheshaja Upkarma Kala Aushadha Kala.
Number of Aushadha Sevana Kala
Aushadh Sevan kala according to different Acharyas
- Acharya Charaka, Sushruta, and Kashyapa have described 10 Aushadh Sevan Kala.
- Acharya Vagbhatta (Ashtang Hridaya) has described 10 Aushadh Sevan Kala3Vagbhatta, Ashtanga Hridaya, Sutra Sthana, Doshopakramaniya Adhyay, 13..
- Ashtanga Sangrah mentions 11 Aushadh Sevana Kala, including Nisha (night)4Vagbhatta, Ashtanga Samgraha Sutrasthan, Bheshavacharaniyya Chapter 23..
- Apart from these, Acharya Sharangdhar has mentioned 5 Bhaisajya Kala5Sharangdhar Samhita, the first volume, 2/2..
Name of Acharyas | Aushadha Sevana Kala |
Charaka, Sushruta, Ashtanga Hridaya (Vagbhatta), Kashyapa | 10 |
Ashtanga Samgraha | 11 |
Sharangdhara | 05 |
Aushadha Sevana Kala according to Charaka
- Nirann (Pratah Kala/morning)
- Bhuktadou
- Bhuktamadhye
- Bhuktapaschat/After eating (morning)
- Bhuktapaschat/After eating (evening)
- Muhurmuhu (frequently)
- Samudg
- Bhaktasanyukta
- Grass
- Grasantar
Aushadha Sevana Kala according to Sushruta
- Abhakta (on an empty stomach in the morning)
- Pragbhakta (before breakfast)
- Adhobhakta (immediately after a meal)
- Madhyabhakta (during half a meal)
- Antrabhakta (in the afternoon when breakfast is digested or during two meals)
- Sabhakta (mixing medicine with food)
- Samudga (at the beginning and end of the meal)
- Muhurmuhu (repeated medication with or without food)
- Sagras (with every bite of food)
- Grasantar (between two bites of food)
- Nisha (before going to bed at night) – Ashtanga Samgraha
Aushadha sevana kala Ashtanga Hridaya (Vagbhata)
- Abhakta (Annan)
- Pragbhakta (Annadou)
- Madhyabhakta
- Subordinate
- Adhobhakta
- Samudg
- Muhurmuhu
- Sagras
- Grasantara (Kavalantare)
- Nisha (Night)
Aushadh sevan kal According to Acharya Sarandhara
- Suryodaye Jaate (at the time of sunrise)
- Diwasbhojane (at the time of day meal)
- Sayantane Bhojane (at the time of the evening meal)
- Muhushchapi (Muhurmuhu) repeated drug intake.
- Nishi (at night)
Aushadha Sevana Kala Chart:

Aushadha Sevana Kala Shloka:

According to Charak:
रोग्यवेक्षो यथा प्रातर्निरन्नो बलवान् पिबेत।
-Ch. Chi. 30/297-301
भेजं लघु पथ्यान्नैर्युक्त क्तमद्यातु दुर्बलः॥
भैषज्य कालो भुक्तादौ मध्येपश्चान्मुहुर्मुहः॥
समुद्गम् भक्तसंयुक्तं ग्रासग्रासान्तरे दशः॥
अपाने विगुणे पूर्वं समाने मध्यभोजनम्॥
व्याने तु प्रातरशितमुदाने भोजनोत्तरम्॥
वायौ प्राणे प्रदुष्टे तु ग्रासग्रासान्तरिष्यते॥
श्वासकासपिपासासु त्ववचार्यं मुहुर्मुहुः॥
समुद्गम् हिक्किने देयं लघुनान्ने संयुतम्॥
समभोज्यं त्वौषधमं भौज्यैर्विचित्रैररुचौ हितम्॥
According to Sushruta:
अत ऊर्ध्वं दशौषधकालान् वक्ष्यामः।
-Su. Utt. 64/65
तत्राभक्तं प्राग्भक्तमधोभक्तं मध्येभक्तमन्तराभक्तं
सभक्तं समुद्गं मुहुर्मुहुर्ग्रासं चेति दशौषधकालाः॥
According to Vagbhata (Ashtang Hridaya)
युञ्ज्ज्यािनन्नमन्नािौ मध्येऽन्तेकविान्तरे|
-Ash. Su. 13/37
ग्रासेग्रासेमुहुः सान्नं सामुद्गं हनहिचौषधम्||३७||
According to Sharangdhara
ज्ञेयः पंचविधः कालो भैषज्य ग्रहणो नृणाम।
-Sha. Samhita. Purva. Khanda 2/1
किञ्चित् सूर्योदये जाते तथा दिवसभोजने॥
सायन्तने भोजने च मुहुश्चपि तथा निशि।
Aushadh Sevan Kal in Ayurveda
“Roga Sarvepi Mandagni”
In Ayurveda, the cause of all diseases is said to be Mandagni (retarded fire). Taking food and medicine at the wrong time causes Mandagni and poor metabolism, resulting in disease. To maintain Agni Samata (balanced digestion), food and medicines must be taken according to Agni’s power and at the appropriate time.
As per Ashtanga Samgraha, “Kalo Bhaishjya Yog Krita” means that time fulfills the purpose of administering Bheshaj (medicine)6Dr. Swathi R; Dr. Vikram S; Dr. Smrithi V; Dr. Deepika S. Critical Review of Aushadha Sevana Kaala. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2018, 3, 212-1218..
One of the major objectives of Ayurvedic medicine is to establish Agni and Dhatu equilibrium. Therefore, the Acharyas have described the Aushadha Sevana Kala by using medicine and food rationally to achieve balanced Agni and Dhatu.
It is used for the purpose of Ayurvedic Treatment modalities such as Panchakarma (Shodhana) or Shaman Chikitsa (Palliative treatment).
Aushadh Sevan Kaal, Uses Indications and precautions
Let’s know in detail about the Aushadha Sevana Kala.
Abhakta (Niranna) – on an empty stomach in the morning
Consuming medicine on an empty stomach at the time of sunrise is called Abhakta Kala. Or consuming medicine on an empty stomach in the morning when the previous day’s food is digested is called Abhakta or Ananna Kala. And food should be taken only after the medicine is digested.
Since there is no contact with food at this time and the medication’s Veerya is unaltered. The medication is therefore more efficient and advantageous.
According to Acharya Indu, the medicine should be taken One Yama (three hours) after sunrise. According to Hemadri, it should be used in Kaphaudrekagat Kal.
According to Kashyapa Just as the strong conquer the weak, in the same way, the medicine consumed during this period conquers disease.
- Increase in Pitta and Kapha Dosha and Kapha Prakopa.
- In “Santarpanjanya” disease.
- Balvan Roga and Rogi.
- All kinds of “Kashaya” (Panchavidh Kashaya Kalpana).
- Vamana, Virechana, Lekhana, and Rasayana Medicine should be given in Abhakta Kala.
Children, old people, women, and youth should not be made to consume medicine during this period. Or they should be given some food and made to consume medicine. Otherwise, symptoms like Glani and Bala Kshaya (loss of strength) may occur.
Pragbhakta (before meals)
Pragbhakta Kaal refers to the period of taking medicine just before a meal. That is, food is consumed after taking the medication. This is also called Annad Kaal. According to Acharya Sushruta, because the medication is quickly absorbed, it does not deplete the strength of the person7Sushruta Samhita, Uttartantra, Savasthoprakram Adhyay, 64..
- Children, old people, women, timid and weak.
- Adhakaya (diseases of the lower part of the body).
- To strengthen the lower parts of the body (Ashtanga Samgraha).
- In “Apan Vayu Vikara” (Acharya Charak).
Adhobhakta (immediately after a meal)
Taking medicine immediately after having food is called Adhobhakta or Paparabhakta. It is divided into two periods; After the morning meal and after the evening meal.
The medicine taken during this period strengthens the upper parts of the body and eliminates weakness.
- After the morning meal in “Vyan Vayu Vikriti”.
- In “Udan Vayu Vikriti”, after meals in the evening.
- To treat Kapha disorders and to strengthen the upper body parts.
- In Swarbheda (hoarseness) and throat diseases, after evening meal.
- In high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, and general pain in the morning after meals.
Madhyebhakta (in between meals)
Consuming medicine in-between meals is called Madhyabhakta. That is, the medicine is taken after half the meal and then the rest of the meal is taken.
- Samana Vayu Vikriti.
- Madhya Sharira Kosthgata Vikara (abdominal disorders).
- Disorders caused by Mandagni.
- And in Pitta dosha predominant disorders.
Antrabhakt (in between two meals)
Antrabhakta Kaal refers to taking medicine in the afternoon after the morning meal has been digested or taking medicine between two meals. And after the medicine is digested, food is taken again in the evening.
Medicines taken during this period are nutritious, Deepana (appetizer), Manobalkara (strengthening for the mind), and Hridya (strengthening for the heart).
Vayanavayujanya Vikara, Deeptagni and Aruchi (Anorexia).
Sabhakta (mixed with food)
When medicine is consumed by mixing it with food. According to Indu, the medicine is consumed after being cooked with food, it is called Sabhakta Sevana Kaal.
children, old age, women, Aruchi (anorexia), Kshata Ksheena (chest injury), all body disorders, and Pranavayu Vkriti.
Samudga (at the beginning and end of the meal)
When the medicine is taken just before and at the end of the meal, then this medicine intake period is called Samudga. However, light food should be taken. According to Acharya Sharangdhar, medicines for digestion, Nasya, Avaleha, powder, etc. should be given in this period.
Hikka (hiccup), Kampa (tremors), Aakshepa (convulsions), Mandagni, Ama Dosha condition, and dosha located in the upper and lower part.
Muhurmuhu (medicine is taken repeatedly with or without food)
According to Acharya Sushruta when the medicine is administered repeatedly (with or without food) or is consumed repeatedly in small quantities, it is called Muhurmuhu Kaal.
This is divided into two time periods
- Abhakta Muhurmuhu – taking medicine with food (Charaka)
- Sabhakta Muhurmuhu – intake of medicine, with or without food (Sushruta)
Shvasa (breathing problems), Kasa (cough), Vamana (vomiting), Trishna (thirst), and disorders caused by poison.
Sagras (with every bite of food)
When Bhesaja (medicine) is taken with every morsel of food, it is called Sagras Aushadha Sevana Kala. The use of Churna (powder), Avaleha, Vati (tablet), etc. formulations are indicated in this period.
Pranvayujanya Vikara, Deepana, and Pachana (digestive) medicines, Alpa Shukra, heart disease, and use of Vajikaran medicines are prescribed to be consumed in this period.
Grasantara (between two bites of food)
When a medicine is taken between two bites of food, it is called Grasantara. It promotes Vata Anulomana.
Pranavayujanya Vikara, Aruchi (anorexia), Hridaya Roga (heart disease), Vamaniya Dhuma, and Avaleha directed in Kasa Roga.
Nishi (at night)
It is also called Naish or Nisha kala. This Bhaisajya Kala has been described in Ashtanga Sangrah, Ashtanga Hridaya, and Sharangdhar Samhita. The Nisha Bhaishajya Kala refers to taking medication at night after the evening meal has been digested.
Drugs acting as Virechana, Anulomana, sleep inducers, and drugs acting on Manovaha Srotas are directed in this period.
In Urdhvahjatrugata Vikara, Lekhana, Brihana (strengthening agents), Pachana (digestive), Shamana (palliative), and Virechana (purgative) drugs are directed in this period.
Knowledge of drug interaction is Important
In modern times people use both Ayurveda and allopathic systems of medicine. Therefore, it is essential that the drug should be administered keeping in view the knowledge of drug interactions.
Can ayurvedic medicine be taken with allopathy?
Some commonly used Ayurvedic medicines can interact with modern medicines, so taking Ayurvedic medicine sometime after taking allopathic medicine can reduce the chances of drug interactions.
Apart from this, the Aushadha Sevana Kala or Bhaishajya Kala can be used only for Shamana Aushadhi (Palliative medicinal herbs), but it cannot be used in emergency situations8Junjarwad AV, Savalgi PB, Vyas MK. Critical review on Bhaishajya Kaala (time of drug administration) in Ayurveda. Ayu. 2013 Jan;34(1):6-10. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.115436. PMID: 24049398; PMCID: PMC3764882..
Ayurveda also instructs to use Aushadha Sevana Kala judiciously keeping in mind the medicine and diet.
- 1Aneesh E.G., Deole Y.S.. Aushadha Sevana Kala. In: , eds. Charak Samhita New Edition. 1st ed. Jamnagar, Ind: CSRTSDC; 2020. Accessed January 19, 2023.
- 2Agnivesh, Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthan, Yonivyapat Chikitsa Adhyay, 30.
- 3Vagbhatta, Ashtanga Hridaya, Sutra Sthana, Doshopakramaniya Adhyay, 13.
- 4Vagbhatta, Ashtanga Samgraha Sutrasthan, Bheshavacharaniyya Chapter 23.
- 5Sharangdhar Samhita, the first volume, 2/2.
- 6Dr. Swathi R; Dr. Vikram S; Dr. Smrithi V; Dr. Deepika S. Critical Review of Aushadha Sevana Kaala. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2018, 3, 212-1218.
- 7Sushruta Samhita, Uttartantra, Savasthoprakram Adhyay, 64.
- 8Junjarwad AV, Savalgi PB, Vyas MK. Critical review on Bhaishajya Kaala (time of drug administration) in Ayurveda. Ayu. 2013 Jan;34(1):6-10. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.115436. PMID: 24049398; PMCID: PMC3764882.