Pushyanug Churna (also known as Pushyanug Churna no 1) is an Ayurvedic powder composition consisting of 26 natural ingredients (25 herbal ingredients and one mineral which is Garik). It has a variety of uses in the treatment of gynecological and menstrual problems.
In Ayurveda, Pushyanug Churna is primarily recommended for Asrikdara or Pradara. It is a condition where menstrual discharge and bleeding are excessive and irregular.
In the Charak Samhita, Pushyanuga Churna is indicated for Yonidosha (vaginal disorders), Rajodosha (menstrual disorders), Shweta (white), Pita (yellowish), and Rakta (dark reddish) Yonisraav (discharge).
It is also advocated for Arsh Roga (bleeding piles), Raktatisara (bleeding diarrhea), and disorders in children with similar pathology or having external causes. Furthermore, it is recommended for all types of bleeding disorders.
The earliest mention of Pushyanug Churna is in the Charaka Samhita Chikitsasthanam Yonivyapad Chikitsa chapter 301Agnivesh, Charak Samhita, Chikitsasthana, Yonivyapatchikitsa 30/90-95..
Besides this, it is described in almost all important Ayurvedic classical texts such as Charak Samhita, Bhaishajya Ratnavali Yonivyapad Rogadhikar, Ayurvedsangrah Churna Prakaran, Astangsamgraha, Ashtanghridaya, and Yogratnakar.
Pushyanug Churna Content/ingredients
According to Charaka Samhita, Pushyanug Churna is made up of 26 contents.
Dravya/Content/Ingredients | Botanical Name |
Patha | Cyclea peltata |
Jambu beej majja | Eugenia jambolana |
Amra Beej majja (mango seed) | Mangifera indica |
Pashana bheda (Shila bheda) | Aerua lanata |
Rasanjana (Daruharidra) | Ber)beris aristata |
Ambhasta | Cissampelos pareira |
Salmali (Mocharas) | Salmalia malabarica |
Samanga | Mimosa pudica |
Padmakesara (Kamal) | Nelumbo nucifera |
Bahlika | Crocus sativus |
Ativisha (Atis) | Aconitum heterophyllum |
Bilva | Aegle marmelos |
Musta | Cyperus rotundus |
Lodhra | Symplocos racemosa |
Gairika | Red Ochre |
Sonapatha (Katvanga) | Oroxylum indicum |
Maricha | Piper nigrum |
Shunthi (Ginger) | Zingiber officinalis |
Draksha (Mridvika) | Vitis vinifera |
Raktachandan (Red sandalwood) | Pterocarpus santalinus |
Katphala | Myrica nagi |
Vatsaka | Holarrhena antidysenterica |
Ananta mula (root) | Hemidesmus indicus |
Dhatki flower | Woodfordia fruticosa |
Madhuka (Yasti madhu) | Glycyrrhiza glabra |
Arjuna bark | Terminaliya arjuna |
Pushyanug Churna Shloka:

Method of Preparation
To prepare Pushyanuga Churna, all the ingredients are collected in Pushya Nakshatra in equal quantity and crushed to make a fine powder, thus the powder obtained is called Pushyanug Churna no 1.
This powder can be consumed in 2-3 grams with Madhu (honey), Tandulodak (rice water), or milk.
When Nagkesar is added in place of saffron, it is called Pushyanug Churna no 2.
Importance of Pushya Nakshatra and Nomenclature of medicine (Namkaran)
All of the drug ingredients are said to be gathered in Pushya Nakshatra in the original text. Because all the constituents of this medicine are collected in Pushya Nakshatra, it is called Pushyanug Churna.
It is described that the potency of drugs collected in Pushya Nakshatra is extremely high, hence it is recommended that all ingredients be collected in Pushya Nakshatra with this, the efficacy of the medicine increases manifold.
The importance of Pushya nakshatra in the collection of Pushyanuga Churna ingredients is mentioned in various Ayurvedic classics.
Pushyanug Churna Indications
- Asrigdara or Pradara (Menstruation that is irregular and excessive/menorrhagia)
- Shwetpradara (Leucorrhoea)
- Yoni Dosha/Roga (vaginal disorders)
- Yonisrav (Extensive vaginal discharge)
- Rajo Dosha (Menstrual disorder associated with whitish, yellowish, bluish, and dark reddish discharge)
- Garbhashaya Vikar (metrorrhagia)
- Arsha (Bleeding piles)
- Raktatisara (bleeding diarrhea)
- Pravahika (loose stool with blood)
- Yonikshata (female genital trauma)
- Yonidah (vaginal itching and burning)
- Agantuja Udar Roga (Udar Roga with external causes)
- Disorders in children with external causes.
- Dantotpatti Janya Vikara (tooth eruption disorder of children)
- Krimi Roga (worm infestation or parasitic disease)2Yogratnakar, Strirogadhikar Pradarchikitsa/7..
Besides these, it is given in all types of Pradar Roga (bleeding disorders associated with menstruation) and Arsha Roga (Hemorrhoids)3Shri Govindadas, Bhaishajyaratnavali, Pradarrogadhikar 66/ 31..
Pushyanug Churna Uses and benefits
Pushyanug Churna has the tikta (pungent) and kashaya (astringent) tastes. It treats Pilles, diarrhea, and many gynecological conditions including dysfunctional uterine bleeding, leucorrhoea, and menorrhagia.
In Ayurveda, Pushyanug Churna is considered as Sheeta Veerya (cold potency), Laghu-Ruksha, Raktastabhak (hemostatic), Raktashodhak (blood cleansing), Shothhara (anti-inflammatory), Grahi (absorbent), Vedanasthapak (subsides pain), Shonitsthapak, Pitta dosh Hara and Vata Shamak (pacifies Pitta and Vata).
Its Sheeta Veerya property aids in pacifying Pitta dosha and burning. Being a Raktastambhak and Raktashodhak aids in controlling bleeding and purifying the blood.
It improves menstrual health and uterine function due to its Garbhashaya Sthapak, Rakta Sthapak, and Vednashamak (pain relieving) properties.
It is most commonly used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding, vaginal discharge, and bloody piles. Aside from that, Pushyanuga Churna is a very effective Swetapradara (leucorrhea)4Salve, P., & Ghule, J. (2019). A Review study of effect of Pushyanug Churna in Shwet Pradar. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 3(02). https://doi.org/10.52482/ayurline.v3i02.195.
Pushyanug Churna benefits in Pradara Roga (Menorrhagia)
Asrigdara also called Pradara is considered a Sonitajanya Vyadhi characterized by irregularities and excessive flow of Rajasa (menstrual Blood) and secretions.
It is caused due to vitiated Vata and pitta dosha which further spoils the Rakta Dhatu (blood), Artava (menstrual blood), and Rasa Dhatu leading to increased blood flow.
Pelvic pain, abdominal burning, an excess of blood flow even in the absence of menstruation, and whitish, yellowish, blueish, and dark reddish blood discharge are some of the symptoms.
Pushyanuga Churna is very effective in Pradara Roga (menorrhagia). It is Balya (strengthening) and Raktastambhak (hemostatic) that help prevent excessive bleeding and weakness (deficiency of hemoglobin caused by excessive blood loss)5Vatsala Jain et al: A Critical Review On Pushyanuga Churna: An Ayurvedic Polyherbal Formulation. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2019 Available from: http://www.iamj.in/posts/images/upload/609_615.pdf..
Its Sothhara (anti-inflammatory), Raktashodhak (blood cleansing), Sheeta Veerya (cold potency), and Vata-Pitta Shamak characteristics aid in reducing inflammation, regulating blood flow, relieving pain and burning, and calming the vitiated doshas.
In modern times, Pradara Roga can be compared to menorrhagia and dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
Pushyanuga Churna is widely used with different Anupana (adjuvants) to cure different conditions like menorrhagia, dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), metrorrhagia, Shwetpradar (leucorrhoea), bleeding piles, and bleeding diarrhea. Anupana like Madhu and Tandulodak, increases the potency of Pushyanuga Churna.
Pushyanug Churna benefits in Swetapradara (leucorrhea)
Swatapradara is considered to be a Kaphaja vyadhi. Its description is found in the Kaphaja Yonivyapad Chikitsa by Acharya Charaka. Dietary and activity habits that increase Vata and Kapha dosha cause this condition. This further results in excessive whitish discharge from the vagina.
This condition is correlated with leucorrhea in modern times.
The Laghu-Ruksha properties of Pushyanug Churna balance the Kapha dosha, along with regulating vaginal discharge. This makes it very useful in treating Swetapradara.
Pushyanug Churna benefits in Piles
Arsh (Piles) is a Tridosjaja Vyadhi caused by Tridosha and Rakta Prakop which further spoils Rakta, Mansa, and Meda Dhatus and results in swollen masses in the rectum. Symptoms include Shool (pain), Daha (burning), Kandu (itching), and Raktpravriti (bleeding). It can be correlated to Piles.
Pushyanug Churna is astringent and pungent in nature. It acts as Raktastambhak (hemostatic), Shothhara (antiinflammatory). Its pitta Shamak and Sheeta Veerya Nature helps relieves burning and pain. Thus, it is effective in the treatment of piles.
Pushyanug Churna benefits in Raktatisara (Bleeding diarrhea)
It is caused by vitiated pitta dosha. As per the Charaka Samhita if an individual suffering from Pittaja Atisara does not take treatment and continues to have Pittavardhak Hetu then the vitiated pitta further spoils Rakta Dhatu and develops Raktaatisara. It can be correlated to bleeding diarrhea and ulcerative colitis.
Since Pushyanug Churna is pungent, Pitta Shamak, Raktastambhak, Shothahara, and Sheeta Virya thus it helps treat Raktatisara.
Dosage and how to take Pushyanug Churna
- Pushyanuga Churna can be taken in doses of 1-3 grams along with Madhu (honey), Tandulodaka (rice water), or milk, twice a day before or after a meal. Churna Kalpana is usually taken in doses of 3 to 6 grams.
- The dosage of Pushyanuga Churna has been given as 1 to 3 grams in the Ayurvedic Formulary of India.
- Its dosage and duration should be discussed with your doctor because it can vary depending on the severity of the disease.
Pushyanug Churna side effects
- Pushyanug Churna has not been reported to have any side effects. However, this medicine should only be taken under medical supervision and shouldn’t be taken on your own.
- This medicine can help regulate menstrual flow. Use this medicine only if you have excessive menstrual flow or discharge.
- Using this medicine for an extended period of time can lead to irregular menstruation.
- You should consult your doctor if you are pregnant and intend to use the medicine.
Can Pushyanug Churna be used for endometriosis?
Endometriosis is mainly due to Vata vitiation. By using more Vata-promoting foods and activities, the increased Vata dosha contaminates Rakta (blood), Mamsa, Meda Dhatu, and Artava (female reproductive tissues) and establishes Artava in places other than the uterus. Due to this symptoms like more bleeding, and vaginal pain arises.
Use of Pushyanuga Churna can be useful in relieving pain, excessive vaginal bleeding or discharge, tenderness, and menstrual irregularities associated with endometriosis.
Other Ayurvedic Sanshamana medicines such as Chandrakala Ras, Dashmularishta, Pradarantakaras, Pradarariras, Dashmularishta, Phal Ghrita, Phalkalyanak Ghrita, etc. can be useful in the treatment of endometriosis6Dr. Vishwesh B. N. (2017). Endometriosis and its Ayurvedic perspective. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 2(03), 259-262. Retrieved from https://www.jaims.in/jaims/article/view/219.
For more information, you should speak with your doctor.
Can Pushyanug Churna be used in infertility?
According to Ayurveda, the menstrual cycle, the state of the womb, and the seed (egg and sperm), all these factors contribute to pregnancy. If there is a disorder in any of these, pregnancy does not occur. Vata vitiation is also considered one of the causes of infertility.
There is no direct use of Pushyanuga Churna in the treatment of infertility. Rather, it is used to stop the excessive discharge and bleeding from the vaginal area.
There are many types of Ayurvedic medicines that have been used for centuries in the management of infertility. These medicines include Falghrit, Shatavari Ghrita, Yograj Guggulu, Dashmool Kwath, Shatapushpa Tail (Nasya), Kalyanak Ghrita, Guduchi Rasayan, etc.
Apart from these, Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy such as Vaman, Virechana, Anuvasan Basti, Niruh Basti, and Uttar Basti is prescribed in the treatment of infertility in Ayurveda.
Can Pushyanug Churna be used for PCOS?
Pushyanuga Churna can be beneficial for the management of menstrual irregularities in PCOS such as the lack of menstrual flow, irregular menstrual flow, vaginal discharge, hormonal irregularities, etc. You should talk to an Ayurvedic doctor regarding the intake.
Various Ayurvedic Sanshamana (palliative) medicines like Shatapushpa, Triphala Kwath, Kanchanar Guggulu, Arogyavardhini Vati, Manibhadra Ras, and Panchakarma Shodhan Chikitsa like Uttar Basti, Yapna Basti, Guduchyadi Rasayan Basti are useful in the management of PCOS7Dayani Siriwardene SA, Karunathilaka LP, Kodituwakku ND, Karunarathne YA. Clinical efficacy of Ayurveda treatment regimen on Subfertility with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Ayu. 2010 Jan;31(1):24-7. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.68203. PMID: 22131680; PMCID: PMC3215317..
Apart from these, dietary intake plays an important role in the management of PCOS.
- 1Agnivesh, Charak Samhita, Chikitsasthana, Yonivyapatchikitsa 30/90-95.
- 2Yogratnakar, Strirogadhikar Pradarchikitsa/7.
- 3Shri Govindadas, Bhaishajyaratnavali, Pradarrogadhikar 66/ 31.
- 4Salve, P., & Ghule, J. (2019). A Review study of effect of Pushyanug Churna in Shwet Pradar. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 3(02). https://doi.org/10.52482/ayurline.v3i02.195
- 5Vatsala Jain et al: A Critical Review On Pushyanuga Churna: An Ayurvedic Polyherbal Formulation. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 2019 Available from: http://www.iamj.in/posts/images/upload/609_615.pdf.
- 6Dr. Vishwesh B. N. (2017). Endometriosis and its Ayurvedic perspective. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 2(03), 259-262. Retrieved from https://www.jaims.in/jaims/article/view/219
- 7Dayani Siriwardene SA, Karunathilaka LP, Kodituwakku ND, Karunarathne YA. Clinical efficacy of Ayurveda treatment regimen on Subfertility with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Ayu. 2010 Jan;31(1):24-7. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.68203. PMID: 22131680; PMCID: PMC3215317.