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Vasavaleha Uses, Benefits, Ingredients, Side Effects & Indications

Vasavaleha uses, benefits Ayurveda

What is Vasavaleha?

Vasavaleha is a semi-solid ayurvedic medicine that is made up of five natural components (Vasa plant, sugar, Ghee, long pepper powder, and Honey), it is considered highly effective in treating respiratory conditions such as Shwasa (difficulty in berating), Kasa (cough), Kshaya Roga (tuberculosis), Bronchial Asthma, and fever.

This natural Ayurvedic formulation is considered to be fruitful and safe for everyone. The main ingredient of Vasvaleha is Vasa (Adhatodha vasica) which has an expectorant, bronchodilator, and anti-asthmatic action. Ayurveda recommends its use for respiratory illnesses like difficulty in breathing, Asthma, cough, and tuberculosis.


Vasa works primarily on our respiratory system, acting as a bronchodilator that relieves chronic respiratory disorders like bronchitis, tuberculosis, and asthma. It also enhances lung immunity and improves lung function.

What is Vasa?

Vasa (Botanical name – Adhathoda vasica) is a medicinal plant, also known as Adusa. it is used to treat a variety of diseases mainly Asthma, Tuberculosis, Shwasa (bronchitis), Kasa, urinary disorders, etc.

Apart from these in Ayurveda, Vasa is considered as Kshayaroghara (cures Tuberculosis), Shothhara (anti-inflammatory), Vednasthapana (relieves pain), Hridya (beneficial for the heart), Raktashodhaka (purifies blood), Atisarnashaka ( cures diarrhea), Swasahara (relives breathing illness), Kushthhara (cures skin disorders), also the vasa oil is used in epilepsy.

What is Avaleha?

In Ayurveda, Avaleha means a semi-solid medicine that can be eaten via licking. Examples are Vasavaleha and Chyawanprashavaleha.

Vasavaleha Ingredients

  • Vasa (Adulsa) – Juice is extracted from leaves – 768 gm
  • Sugar – 384 gm
  • Ghee – 96 gm
  • Long pepper powder – 96gm
  • Honey – 384 gm

Vasavaleha Uses and Indications

  • Rajayakshma – Pulmonary Tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis
  • Kasa – cough, and cold
  • Shwasa – asthma, respiratory disorders involving Tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, dyspnea (difficulty in breathing).
  • Parshvashoola – pain on the sides of the abdomen
  • Hrid Shoola – cardiac pain (pain in the chest area)
  • Raktapitta – Haemorrhagic disorders like nasal bleeding, Ulcerative colitis, and menorrhagia
  • Jwara – fever
  • Cardiac discomfort

Vasavaleha uses and benefits

Vasavaleha benefits in Bronchial Asthma

Bronchial asthma is one of the chronic respiratory illnesses that cause many deaths annually. Increasing pollution is the chief cause of Asthma. Asthma in Ayurveda can be understood symptomatically by Tamak Swas.

The main cause of Tamaka Shwasa (bronchial asthma) is obstruction of the Srotasa (channels). This causes disturbance and imbalance of Vata and Kapha doshas, resulting in inverse motion of the doshas.


Using Vasavaleh destroys dreaded diseases like Bronchial Asthma, as well as increases our immunity. It mainly acts as a bronchodilator due to which problem like suffocation and wheezing goes away.

It is also verified by modern studies that Vasavaleha is effective in the treatment of bronchial asthma without any side effects.

Vasavaleha benefits for Cough

Vasavaleh is a good expectorant so it can be used for all types of coughing, respiratory illnesses, chronic coughs, etc. It reduces inflammation in the airways and is more useful in chronic respiratory illnesses like asthma and tuberculosis.

It is also given to children in a dose of 1.5 grams with honey, 3-4 times a day, in Kukur Khansi or Whooping cough. According to a clinical study, Vasavaleha is an effective Ayurvedic medicine in Kasa Roga (chronic bronchitis)1Suryavanshi, Milind & Meena, Hari & Babu, Gajji & Yadav, Babita & Chaudhary, Shweta & Namburi, Uday & Bhatnagar, Anu & Varanasi, Subhose & Khanduri, Shruti & Sharma, Bhagwan & Rana, Rakesh. (2017). Clinical Efficacy and Safety of “Vasavaleha” in the Management of Stable Chronic Bronchitis: A Prospective Open Label Multicenter Study. Journal of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences. 1. 231-237. 10.5005/jp-journals-10064-0023..

Vasavaleha benefits for tuberculosis (TB)

TB is an infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs. Due to this, symptoms like excessive cough, and difficulty in breathing occur. In Ayurveda, Vasavaleha is also considered very effective in Tuberculosis. It is also mentioned in Kshayrogadhikar (the drug of choice for the treatment of Rajyakshama or tuberculosis) in the Bhaishajya Ratnavali.

Vasavaleha benefits for bronchitis

Bronchitis is usually caused by infection with viruses, or bacteria, or breathing in an excessively polluted environment. Due to this, lungs and breathing tubes become inflamed, the person’s ability to take oxygen decreases, and symptoms like shortness of breath arise with coughing. Vasavaleha is also beneficial in bronchitis as it is very useful in all types of respiratory (breathing, coughing illnesses).


Vasavaleha effect on Tridoshas

Vasavaleha aims to balance and pacify pitta and Kapha doshas.

Vasavaleha and its various medicinal products are available for buying online.

Other medicinal uses of Vasavaleha

  • Vasavaleha is also useful in the treatment of Raktapitta (Bleeding disorder), Rajayakshma (Tuberculosis), Raktapradar, Bleeding piles, and Bloody dysentery.
  • Different conditions in which Vasavaleha is indicated are Angina pectoris and Parshvashula (Intercostal neuralgia and pleurodynia).
  • Vasavaleha is fruitful in common cold cough, whooping cough, chronic bronchitis, and asthma.
  • Decoction of the leaves of Adhatoda has a soothing effect on irritation in the throat. It is thus, taken into consideration to be a very good remedy for sore throat.
  • The Vasa ayurvedic herb helps in increasing immunity.
  • Vasavaleha is beneficial for the treatment of cough, asthma, bronchitis, abdomen pain, bleeding disorders, and fever.
  • It acts as a bronchodilator so it is very beneficial in breathing illness and bronchial inflammation.
  • It also works as an antimicrobial which reduces the risk of microbial growth.
  • It is beneficial for the treatment of sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, COPD
  • Lateral pain – abdominal pain on both sides.
  • Heart pain – beneficial in heart pain (pain in the chest area).
  • Bleeding disorders – It is useful in bleeding disorders such as runny nose, ulcerative colitis, and menorrhagia.

Dosage and how to take Vasavaleha

  • 6 – 12 grams with warm water/milk or as directed by the ayurvedic physician.
  • For children 1.5 grams with honey/ milk, 3-4 times a day, or as directed by the ayurvedic physician.

Vasavaleha Side effects

Vasavaleha can be taken regularly it is safe and has no known side effects, however, when taken in excess amounts it may Cause Stomach discomfort or irritation.

Diabetic patients Should seek the doctor’s recommendations before taking it.

Method of preparation

The Sanskrit verse :

वासकस्य रसप्रस्थं माणिका सितशर्करा ।
पिप्पल्या द्विपलं तावत्सर्पिषश्च शनै: पचेत् ॥
तस्मिल्लेहत्वमायाते शीत क्षौद्रपलाष्टकम् ।
दत्त्वाऽवतारयेद्वैद्यो लीडो लेहोऽयमुत्तम: ॥
हन्त्येव राजयक्ष्माणं कासं ह्वासं च दारुणम् ।
पार्श्वशूलं च हृच्छूलं रक्तपित्तं ज्वरं तथा ॥

– Bhaishajya Ratnavali

vāsakasya rasaprasthaṃ māṇikā sitaśarkarā |
pippalyā dvipalaṃ tāvatsarpiṣaśca śanai: pachet ||
tasmillehatvamāyāte śīta kṣaudrapalāṣṭakam |
dattvā vatārayedvaidyo līḍo lehoyamuttama: ||
hantyeva rājayakṣmāṇaṃ kāsaṃ hvāsaṃ ca dāruṇam |
pārśvaśūlaṃ ca hṛcchūlaṃ raktapittaṃ jvaraṃ tathā

First, the Juice is extracted from the vasa leaves and then sugar is added and heated until a semi-solid syrup is obtained. After that Ghee and long pepper powder is blended well. When the semisolid syrup is completely obtained, it is taken out of the heat.


At the end when the mixture is cooled down honey is added and the formulation is stored in a vessel.

See Also: Ayurvedic Dictionary Sanskrit with translation (Online)

Shelf Life of Vasavaleha

The Shelf Life for Vasavaleha is 3 years from the date of manufacture. It is good to consume Vasavaleha within 4-5 months.


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