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BMI Calculator India

BMI Calculator Chart
BMI Weight Status
BMI less than 16.5 Severely underweight
Below 18.5 Underweight
Between 18.5 – 24.9 Normal or Healthy Weight
25.0 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity (Moderately obese)
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity (Severely obese)
40 or above Class III Obesity (Very severely obese)

What is BMI (Body Mass Index)?

Body mass index (BMI) is a matric index employing a person’s weight and height to estate Obesity (Overweight ) or Underweight in a human body. A person ( male and female) can be classified as normal, overweight, and underweight as per the state of nutrition.


The normal BMI is 20 to 25 in males and 18 to 23 In females. It’s easy to calculate BMI as just the height (in cm) and weight (in kg) are required.

The higher BMI indicates overweight and vice versa the lower BMI shows underweight. Over or underweight may prompt medical problems.

However, it’s simply an assessment and not diagnostic of an individual’s health or body fatness. (BMI is a measure of excess weight rather than excess body fat). BMI is not straightforwardly correlated to an individual’s health status.

Although these are additional ways that measure body fatness, BMI appears to be a powerful tool that can be correlated to varied diseases and metabolic sicknesses like Diabetes (hypoglycemia), High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and several more.

According to the recent metric data issued by WHO in February 2018, This confirms that global obesity has tripled since 1975.

WHO Statistics observed that there are 1.9 billion overweight adults around the globe and 650 million of them are obese (BMI more than 30).


‘overweight’ and ‘obese’ are terms Described as “abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health” by the WHO.

In simple words, an excessive amount of fat is dangerous for one’s well-being.

What is BMI Calculator India, kg and cm For Male & Female?

BMI calculator India, for male and female calculates your Body mass index in kg and centimetres. Indians normally prefer calculating their BMI in kgs thus the above Indian BMI calculator facilitates the process, making it easier to calculate BMI in Kgs, cm with age for Indian men and women.

How is BMI calculated for Indians using the Above BMI calculator?

BMI arises when we divide weight (in kilograms) by the height ( in meters squared) of a person.


BMI = weight (in kg)/ height^2 (in meter square).


The higher BMI indicates overweight and the other way around the lower BMI shows underweight. Over or underweight may direct to health concerns. Yet, it’s simply an estimation and not indicative of an individual’s health or body fatness.

Example: If a person’s weight is 60 kg, and Height 160 cm (1.6 m)
Calculation: 60 ÷ (1.60)2 = 23.4

​STEPS to Calculate your BMI Using The above BMI Calculator India.

  • Measure your weight in Kilograms.
  • Measure your height and convert it into centimetres (cm).
  • Put the Measurements in the above Online BMI calculator for India.
  • Select your gender and enter your age.
  • Next, enter your height and weight and press to calculate.

Why is BMI used to Measure Overweight and Obesity?

Because BMI measures the underweight, overweight, and obesity simply from height (in cm) and weight (in kg )of an individual. Although keep in mind that BMI is a measure of excess weight rather than excess body fat.

It’s easy to calculate and is a reasonable tool. You can calculate BMI on your personal, or use an online calculator such as the above BMI calculator provided by Ayurmedia.

​Is BMI Calculated The Same Way for Children as it is for Adults?

BMI is diversely interpreted for different age groups. As the ratio of muscle to fat varies among young females and males body. BMI allows correlation between different age stages of similar sex (children, teens, adolescents).


Despite this fact, it is calculated using the same formula as for adults.
Children and teen’s BMI should be age and sex-explicit, as to the fact that the measure of muscle to fat ratio changes with age.

How Effective is BMI as An Indicator of Body Fatness?

There is a reasonable relationship between BMI and body fatness yet the level of body fatness might be different or not two people have comparative BMI. (BMI is a measure of excess weight rather than excess body fat ).

As shown by the BMI weight status classifications, anyone with a BMI somewhere in the range of 25 and 29.9 would be distinguished as overweight and anyone with a BMI more than 30 would be classified obese.

Generally, at a similar BMI: ​

  • Athletes have less body fat than do non-athletes but however may have comparable BMI. An athlete’s muscle and bone weight may be comparable to that of a nonathlete’s body fat weight, resulting in a similar BMI.
  • On average, young adults tend to have less body fat than old individuals.
  • the female body overall has more body versus fat than male.
  • BMI works as an exact pointer of body fatness in people with a higher level of BMI, but it can only be determined by a professional health care advisor whether a person is overweight or normal.
  • All in all, a person with a higher BMI is more likely to have body fatness, but it also may be resulting from the weight of bones and muscles.

Health Risks of Obesity and Overweight for Adults

Individuals who are obese are in danger of numerous health conditions and diseases. The following health conditions lead to a greater risk of fatality.

  • ​Obese people are more likely to get heart disease
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Excess LDL cholesterol level, low HDL cholesterol level, or excess of triglycerides (dyslipidemia)
  • Type 2 diabetes due to impairment of insulin.
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Stroke, due to disturbed blood flow to the brain.
  • Gallbladder disease, Women are more likely to have Gallbladder disease.
  • Osteoarthritis, caused by the malfunction of cartilage and bone inside a joint
  • Sleep and breathing disorders
  • Long term inflammation and risk of long term oxidative stress
  • A few kinds of malignant growth such as (cancer of endometrium, mammary gland, colon, kidney, gallbladder, and liver)
  • Low life span and low-grade life.
  • Causing mental disorders, affecting mood, behaviour and sometimes causing clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental illness
  • Body ache causing unable to perform physical activity.

What causes high BMI?

The most well-known causes of obesity are linked to an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of physical activity, and high caloric intake, leading to an increase in BMI.

  • The activities/habits that lead to an unhealthy lifestyle are:
  • Unhealthy Sleeping patterns
  • Uncontrolled eating propensities (increased calorie intake or skipping meals)
  • Low Level of physical activity
  • High-calorie intake
  • Stress and depression
  • Dehydration
  • Regular use of chemicals
  • Processed and fast food intake
  • Few medicines prescribed by a Physician can also be a typical reason for weight acquired leading to high BMI, particularly glucocorticoids, steroids, antipsychotics, insulin, and sulfonylurea cause weight gain.

How to Maintain Normal BMI?

  • Try a gentle exercise like walking, yoga daily for 30 minutes every day consistently.
  • Eat healthy by taking nutritious meals, like fruits, vegetables, and keep appropriate healthy diet (calorie) intake.
  • You can follow the Ayurveda lifestyle, and diet to remain fit.
  • Cutoff high-fat, high-calorie foods like chicken, eggs, etc.
  • Get sufficient rest Sometimes awakening for quite a while makes you hungry and you eat more.
  • Practice meditation for about 10 minutes or more toward the beginning of the day. Mind-body exercises like yoga, meditation, relax our body and mind. It assists with mitigating stress, which is one of the main reasons behind weight gain.
  • Ordinary medical care screening.
  • Practice gratitude

Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in India

India is the second-most crowded country in the world, because of which the prevalence of overweight and obesity is high and this prevalence is expected to increase significantly in India by 2040.

In India, abdominal obesity is one of the significant danger factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Various researches have shown that the predominance of obesity is significantly higher among women than men.

As indicated by an examination, people with heart disease in India who have normal weight but have abdominal obesity are at a higher risk of mortality.

In an investigation directed by ICMR-INDIAB for 2015, the prevalence rates of obesity, central obesity, and central obesity are between 11.7% to 31.3% and 14.8% to 37.3% respectively.

Obesity in India has attained epidemic proportions in the 21st century. The typical cause of obesity is a sedentary Lifestyle and a reduction in physical activity.

What’s more, as indicated by one investigation, between 2010 and 2040, the prevalence of obesity among Indian adults aged 20–69 will dramatically increase, while the prevalence of obesity will triple.

Prevalence of Obesity in India: NFHS data

As per an article on Wikipedia, a survey directed by the National Family Health Survey in 2006 to determine the prevalence of obesity in India, a list of states of India in order of percentage of overweight or obese people has been made as shown in the table.

Prevalence of Obesity in India: NFHS data
States Male% Males rank Females % Females rank
India 12.1 14 16 15
Delhi 45.5 49.8
Punjab 30.3 1 37.5 1
Kerala 24.3 2 34 2
Goa 20.8 3 27 3
Tamil Nadu 19.8 4 24.4 4
Andhra Pradesh 17.6 5 22.7 5
Sikkim 17.3 6 21 6
Mizoram 16.9 7 20.3 7
Himachal Pradesh 16 8 19.5 8
Maharashtra 15.9 9 18.1 9
Gujarat 15.4 10 17.7 10
Haryana 14.4 11 17.6 11
Karnataka 14 12 17.3 12
Manipur 13.4 13 17.1 13
Uttarakhand 11.4 15 14.8 14
Arunachal Pradesh 10.6 16 12.5 15
Uttar Pradesh 4.9 17 12 16
Jammu and Kasmir 8.7 18 11.1 17
Bihar 8.5 19 10.5 18
Nagalang 8.4 20 10.2 19
Rajasthan 8.4 20 9 20
Meghalaya 8.2 22 8.9 21
Odisha 6.9 23 8.6 21
Assam 6.7 24 7.8 23
Chhattisgarh 6.5 25 7.6 27
West Bangal 6.1 26 7.1 25
Madhya Pradesh 5.4 27 6.7 26
Jharkhand 5.3 28 5.9 27
Telangana 5.2 29 5.3 28
Tripura 5.1 30 5.2 29

BMI Calculator for Indians Men and Women: Final Words


I trust the BMI calculator India will assist you with calculating your exact BMI. It’s easy to keep up your BMI within the normal range. Daily exercise and appropriate diet (calorie) intake will support you maintain your BIM within the normal range. You can utilise the above BMI calculator tool periodically to check your BMI.

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