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Praval Ratna: Coral Stone Uses, Benefits, Types, Indications: Ratna Varga

Praval Ratna Coral gemstone or Munga


Praval Ratna (Corallium rubrum) or Munga, which can be considered coral stone, is one of the nine highest grade Ratna (gems) and is related to Mangal Graha. Coral is an extinct form of an anthozoan polyp (marine invertebrates) whose body contains a high level of calcium. It is a biological drug with numerous qualities.

Its significance has been recognized since Vedic times. In Ayurveda, it is indicated in various conditions such as Kasa Roga, pitta disorders, Netraroga, (an eye disorder), Kasa, Raktapitta (bleeding disorder), excessive night sweats, and visa (poisoning) disorders. An important drug that is made from Praval is Praval Pishti which is indicated in Kasa Roga, pitta disorders and shows great significance.


How Praval Ratna medicines are made?

Rasa Shastra is a particular branch of Ayurveda in which Ratna (gems) and Upratna (minor gems) play a unique role in both ornamental and medicinal applications. Various techniques like Shodhana (purification), Maran (incineration), and Pishtikarana are utilized to convert the natural drug for medical benefit. Ratnas are high-quality gemstones that can bind the mercury.

Ratnas (gems) are nine in number and each gemstone is associated with a planet and is said to exhibit biological effects. Praval stone is related to mangal Graha hence wearing this stone pacifies the mangal Graha.

In Ayurveda, these Ratnas are utilized as a drug for therapeutic purposes. Various forms of these drugs are prepared and utilized only after their non-toxic certification.

NamePraval Ratna (Corallium rubrum) or coral stone
SynonymsPravala, Vidhruma, Bhoumaratna, Abdhijantu visesottha, Raktaanga, Latamani, Ambodhi pallava, Raktaankura, Raktadeha, Jaladhi garbha keeta, Pravalaka, Abdhi jantu
ColorBlood red, Pink, White, Orange, Black
Among these, Red Praval is considered the most useful
Hardness3.5 to 4.0
Density2.6 to 2.7
Chemical formulaCaco3 (Calcium carbonate)
Praval Ratna (coral stone) features


It is obtained from the sea and is mostly found in the seas of Australia, Italy, Spain, Algeria, and France.

Pravala Ratna types (classification)

It comes under Ratna Varga. Praval Ratna has four types based on its color

  1. White
  2. Grey
  3. Black
  4. Red

Red Praval is considered the most useful of these.


Based on Shape:

  1. Praval shakha (Corallium rubrum), a vine-like shape.
  2. Praval Mula (Tubiphora musica), is beehive-shaped.

Praval Ratna Historical overview

Praval was known to Indians since the Vedic period. It is described in various Puranas including Shrimad Bhagwat, Mahabharata, Garun Purana, Vishnu Purana, and Manusmriti. Besides these, it is described as a mineral substance in Kautilya Arthashastra.

Rasa Shastra, a branch of Ayurveda, provides a detailed description of Praval. It is described in almost all the Samhitas of Ayurveda.

There are various indications of the internal use of Praval in the time of Acharya Charaka.

Grahya Lakshana (Features of Acceptable Praval)

Redness like Pakva Bilimbi phal (rip Scarlet gourd). Which is pure, elongated, thick, without scar, large, unctuous, oval, and uniform luster. Praval with all these symptoms is considered auspicious and best.

Redness like the morning sun rays, originating from the sea and remaining radiant even after being rubbed on the Kasauti (black stone), appears like a vine or a tree branch. Praval with these characteristics is considered auspicious and best.

Agrahya Lakshana (Features of Unacceptable Praval)

Beige-colored, having scars, dirtiness and dryness, porous, light, and white-colored Praval is considered inauspicious.


Praval Ratna Indications

In different texts of Rasashastra, Pravala is indicated in the following conditions.

Kshaya, Netraroga (eye disorders), Kasa (coughing), Raktapitta (bleeding disorders), Sweda Atigamana (excessive sweating), Ratrisweda (excessive night sweats), Bhuta Vikara (disease of unknown cause), Visa Vikara (poisoning), Graha dosa and pitta disorders.

Praval Ratna Shodhana (Purification)

The following are different methods for purifying Praval in different Rasashastra texts.

  • Praval gets purified by giving Bhavana in Sahadevi Patra Swarasa.
  • Praval is purified by Swedana in Dolayantra for three hours using tanduliya patra swarasa/jayanthi swarasa/ svarjika kshara yukt jala.
  • Swedana in Dolayantra with godugdha.

Praval Ratna Marana (Bhasma formation)

Shodhita (purified) Pravala is made into a fine powder, then Bhavana of Ghritkumari Svaras/ Shatavari Svarasa/Jayanti Svarasa or Gaudugdha is given then it is assembled into Chakrikas, permitted to dry and placed in Sharavasamputa. In the end, it is then subjected to Gajputa 3 times. In this way, a fine white-colored Praval Bhasma is obtained.

Prepration of Praval Pishti

A fine powder of Shodhita (purified) Pravala is prepared, then it is taken in a Khalwayantra, and mardana with Gulab Jala (rose water) is performed for 3 days. Afterward, it will have a light rose color.

Praval Pishti Indications

  • It is indicated in Kasa (coughing), eye disorders, bleeding disorders such as nose bleeding, and heavy periods.
  • It is high in calcium and treats calcium deficiency (hypocalcemia), increases bone and joint strength, and boosts immunity.
  • It improves digestion and enhances skin luminance.

Preparation of Chandraputi Praval Pishti

Purified Praval is crushed into a fine powder, placed in a Khalwayantra, to which rose water is added and a mardana is performed for 21 days in the moonlight, and Pishti is obtained. Therefore, it is called Chandraputi Praval Pishti.


Chandraputi Praval Pishti Indications

The Chandraputi Praval Pishti is similar to the Praval Pishti but is more effective. However, it should only be taken under a doctor’s supervision.

  • It is indicated for cough and cold, respiratory illnesses, bleeding disorders, excessive sweating, night sweating, and for improving digestive power, Immunity, and Skin radiance.

Praval Bhasma Uses, Guna and Karma (qualities of Praval Bhasma)

Praval Bhasma is considered Madhura (sweet), Laghu (light to digest), Deepana (improves digestive fire), Pachana (improves digestion), Sheeta Veerya (cold potency), Chakshusya (improves eyesight), Tridosha Shamana (calms Tridoshas), Balya (provide strength), Vrishya (aphrodisiac), Shukrala (increases sperm count), Jwaraghna (cures fever), Strimangaladayaka (is auspicious for women), Varna Vardhana (improves skin complexion) and Visaghna (antitoxic).

See Also: Ayurvedic Dictionary Sanskrit with translation

See Also: Ayurvedic Dictionary Sanskrit with translation

Praval Bhasma and Praval Pishti Dosage

½ to 2 Gunja/Ratti or 125-250 mg.

See Also: Ayurvedic Unit Converter

Anupana (After drinks or adjuvants)


Navanita (Butter) and Madhu (Honey

Ayurvedic medicines of Praval (formulations)

  • Praval Pishti
  • Kasturibhairava Rasa
  • Praval Panchamrita
  • Muktapanchamrita Rasa
  • Apurva Malini Vasantha Rasa
  • Trilokya chintamani Rasa
  • Kanchanabhra Rasa
  • Brihat kanchanabhra Rasa
  • Sarvanga sundara Rasa

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