Sutshekhar Ras is a Rasa preparation mentioned in Yoga Ratnakar Amlapitta (hyperacidity) Rogdhikar.1Yogaratnakar, ch. Amlapitta Chikitsa. It is a preferred medication for Amlpitta (hyperacidity). In addition, it has been stated to be useful in diseases like Gulma (Abdominal Lump), abdominal burning, diarrhea, headache, etc.
Sutshekhar Ras is described under Kharliya Rasayana in Rasashastra. The term “Kharliya Rasayana” refers to medications made using Khalva Yantra’s trituration process.
Raschintamani has the earliest description of Sutshekhara Ras. Aside from this, several classics like Yogaratnakar, Rasatantrasar, and Bhaisjayaratnavali explain various formulations under the label Sutshekhar Ras Aushadhi.
It is referred to as Surya Shekhar in Brihat Nighantu Ratnakar. Bhaisjaya Ratnavali refers to this medication as Sitari Ras2Bhaisajyaratnavli, ch. Jvararogadhikara, Sitari Rasa. Presently Sutshekhar Rasa medicine refers to Sutshekhar Ras described in Yoga Ratnakar3Sharma, Karunanidhi & Kumar, Sanjay & Paul, Vd & Swami, Kanchan & Rajput, Dhirajsingh. (2019). Critical Review Of Sootashekhara Rasa.
Two formulations of Suratshekhar Ras are described in Ayurveda Saarsangraha, and they are as follows:
Sutshekhar Ras (with gold).
and Sutshekhar Ras (without gold).
The Siddha Yog Compendium is where Sutshekhara Rasa (without gold) is referenced. In which the golden ashes have been eliminated, rendering the medication gold-free.
Sutshekhara Ras (without gold) is somewhat less expensive than Sutshekhara Ras (with gold), yet both are rated as equally beneficial in Ayurveda Saar Sangrah.
At present Sutshekhar Ras (with gold) and Sutshekhar Ras (without gold) both are popular. Both Rasa preparations are said to be equally beneficial in Ayurveda Saar Sangrah.
Sutshekhar Ras Ingredients
According to Yoga Ratnakar, Sutashekhara Rasa has 18 ingredients including Bhavana Dravya (i.e. Bhringaraja Swarasa). All the ingredients are taken in equal parts.
Shuddh Parada (purified mercury)
Shuddh Gandhak (sulfur)
Shuddh Tankan (Borax)
Svarna Bhasma (Gold ashes)
Tamra Bhasma (Cuprum)
Shankh Bhasma (Turbinella pyrum)
Shuddh Vatsanaabh (Aconitum ferox)
Shuddh dhatura (Datura metal)
Shunthi (Zingiber officinale)
Maricha (Piper nigrum)
Pippali (Piper longum)
Dalchini/tvak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
Tejapatr (Cinnamomnm tamala)
Ela (Elettaria cardamomum)
Nagakeshar (Mesua ferrea)
Bilva (Aegle marmelos)
Kachoora (Curcuma zedoaria)
Bhrngaraaj Svarasa (Eclipta alba) – Used as a Bhavana Dravya.
According to Siddha Yog Sangraha, Rajat Bhasma has been taken as the ingredient in place of Shuddha Vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox).
The “Siddhi Yog Sangrah” refers to Sutshekhara Ras (without gold), which is detailed in the Ayurvedic Saar Sangrah. where Vatsanabha and Swarna Bhasma have been eliminated.
Method of Preparation
The “Kharliya Rasayan manufacturing process” is used to make Sootshekhar Rasa. To begin, excellent Kajjali is made by combining Shuddha Parada (pure mercury) and Shuddha Gandhaka (pure sulfur) in the Khalva Yantra. After that, all of the remaining components are ground together to make a mixture.
The mixture of all the components is now ground in Kharal for 21 days by giving “Bhavana” of Bhringraj Swarasa. And finally 2-2 ratti ie 250 mg tablets are made from the obtained medicinal mixture.
The preparation obtained in this way is called Sutshekhar Ras.
Sangragani or Grahani Roga (malabsorption syndrome/IBS)
Atisara (diarrhea)
Mandagni (digestive impairment)
Shula hara (relives pain and burning)
Bhrama (Confusion)
Hrud daha (chest and abdominal burning)
Vamana (vomiting)
Shvas Roga (dyspnoea)
Rajyakshama (tuberculosis)
Kasa Roga (Dry cough)
Abdominal distension
Hikka (Hiccough)
In addition to these, Sutshekhar Ras is effectively used for treating Reflux disorders, indigestion, primary dysmenorrhea, fever, sore throat, peptic ulcer, gastritis, convulsions, etc.
Sutshekhar Ras dose and how to take
Take 125 to 250 mg, or 1 to 2 tablets, Before or after food in the morning or evening.
Anupana (adjuvants): Sutshekhar Rasa is more effective when taken with Madhu (Honey), Sarpi (Ghee), Sherbet, or lukewarm water.
Only take this medication as directed by your doctor. It is not advised to administer the medication on oneself.
Sutshekhar Ras Benefits and Uses
The main function of Sutshekhar Ras is Pitta Shaman, the constituents of Sutshekhar Ras have the properties of Tikta, Kashaya, and Madhur Rasa which are Pitta Shamak (pacifying), which help in neutralizing the acidic nature of Pitta Dosha.
It relieves the symptoms of acidity by pacifying vitiated pitta dosha with its Tikta, Kashaya, and Madhura (sweet) properties. Therefore, Sutshekhar Ras is used to treat hyperacidity, indigestion, abdominal pain and burning feeling, heartburn, GERD, acid reflux, flatulence, diarrhea, and other Pitta conditions.
Beneficial in Amlapitta (hyperacidity)
In Ayurveda, Amlapitta is defined as increased Amlbhav (Acidic nature) of pitta due to Virudh Ahara (unhealthy lifestyle) which results in Mandagni (weak digestive fire) and Ama formation (undigested food showing toxic effects).
Amlapitta can be correlated with hyperacidity, and GERD in modern. Sutshekhar Rasa acts on pitta dosha and reduces the symptoms of Amlapitta.
As it contains Kashay, Madhur, and Tikta rasa which are pitta pacifying which results in Pitta Saman.
This drug contains ingredients like Dhatura, Tankan, Shankha Bhasm, and Louha Bhasma which help in balancing the pH of the stomach4Kumar, Ajay & Singhal, Tina. (2018). SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION OF MODE OF ACTION OF SUTSHEKHAR RAS IN AMLAPITTA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ACID PEPTIC DISORDERS: A REVIEW. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy. 9. 47-49. 10.7897/2277-4343.095154.
So it is beneficial not only in Amlapitta but also in other diseases like Gulma, Atisara, Daha rogas, and other pitta-predominant disorders5PROBABLE MODE OF ACTION OF SUTSHEKHAR RASA– A CRITICAL REVIEW, Vd. Sujata J. Laddha*, Vd. Vishal Sureka and Vd. Pradnya S. Swan.
A case study demonstrates the efficacy of SutShekhar rasa, Avipattikar churna, and Drakshavaleha in the treatment of Amlapitta (hyperacidity)6Divya Singh Charan et al: Ayurvedic Management Of Amlapitta (Gastritis) – A Case Report. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal {online} 2021 {cited October 2021} Available from:
Beneficial in anorexia and dyspepsia
Sutshekhar rasa has the properties of Aganidipan and Aampachan which correct the vitiated pitta and Mandagni which results in improving the appetite and digestive functions.
Apart from this, it acts as a “Vrana Ropana” (wound healing) in peptic ulcers, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining), stomatitis (inflammation of the inner part of the mouth), etc.
Beneficial in headache and migraine headache
Headache, sleeplessness, burning sensation, and excessive thirst are common symptoms of an aggravated (worsened) state of pitta dosha.
Sutshekhara Ras is given along with Chandraputi Pravala and Giloy Sattva for symptoms like headache, dizziness, sleeplessness, and excessive thirst due to the vitiation of Pitta7Ayurved Sarsamgraha, Rasa Rasayana Prakarana, Sutshekhar Rasa No. 1 (with gold) .
Beneficial primary dysmenorrhea
Sutshekhar Ras is beneficial in very light menstruation. It is also beneficial for recurrent pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation (primary dysmenorrhea), headache, and weakness associated with menstruation. Thus it is beneficial in primary dysmenorrhea.
Kamdudha Ras is purely a herbal preparation whereas Sutshekhar Ras contains herbal ingredients as well as components of metallic origin like- Loha Bhasma and mineral origin like Shankha Bhasma.
Kamadudha rasa is usually used in the initial (acute) stage of Amla pitta whereas Sutshekhara rasa is utilized in the chronic stage when there are symptoms of Ama formation and pain.
To cure Pitta (hyperacidity), Kamadudha rasa is sometimes prescribed with Sutshekhar rasa.
In general, medicines containing metallic elements (primarily Rasa Preparation) such as Sutshekhar Ras are not prescribed in kidney impairment. When necessary, is given only under strict medical supervision.
Sutshekhar Ras Side effects
The potential side effects of Sutshekhar Ras remain unclear. However, this medication should only be taken as directed by a physician.
Most people tolerate this medication well, although it is advised not to use it for an extended period of time.
Self-medication and overdosage can prove unhealthy.
If you have kidney impairment, you should stay away from this medication. In such cases, alternatives like Kamdudha Ras can be provided which is a comprehensive herbal preparation.
The use of this medicine should be avoided in pregnancy and children.
Yogaratnakar, ch. Amlapitta Chikitsa
Bhaisajyaratnavli, ch. Jvararogadhikara, Sitari Rasa
Kumar, Ajay & Singhal, Tina. (2018). SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION OF MODE OF ACTION OF SUTSHEKHAR RAS IN AMLAPITTA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ACID PEPTIC DISORDERS: A REVIEW. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy. 9. 47-49. 10.7897/2277-4343.095154
Divya Singh Charan et al: Ayurvedic Management Of Amlapitta (Gastritis) – A Case Report. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal {online} 2021 {cited October 2021} Available from:
Ayurved Sarsamgraha, Rasa Rasayana Prakarana, Sutshekhar Rasa No. 1 (with gold)