aachaar [achara] — आचार1. Moral conduct or behavior based on rules, conventions, principles, etc.
2. Ethics or Customary conduct which is to be obeyed according to various specified rules in different contexts. E.g. ethos, scriptural conduct, etc.
aachaar rasayana — आचार रसायन1. It means moral conduct which reflects the physical and mental conduct of persons and is designated as a Rasayana (a vitalizer agent) for the whole life span. This is a measure having no inclusion of drugs, if implemented honestly, It can refuel and maintain the life process, keeping free of diseases and in a happy, healthy socio-physiological state.
2. Conductible virility - Customary regulation, codes, and conducts/conduct which prevent psychosomatic afflictions. It includes principles explained in the context of Dharaniya Vega & Sadvritta Palan.
aachaar vibhramam — आचार विभ्रमंConduct and manner that is inappropriate
aachaman [achmana] — आचमनShipping of water — It's a piece of the day-to-day routine to keep up with individual cleanliness, in which clean water is held in the palm of the hand with the thumb pointing towards the center and the water is sipped. It is typically finished subsequent to cleaning hands and feet, after the act of excretion, before and after food, after a chariot ride, and so forth.
aadaay [adaya] — आदायCollection of drugs
aadan [adana] — आदानAlso called the Northern Solstice or Uttarayan. The sun begins moving northward during Aadan Kaal. During this time moisture, unctuousness, and strength of the body get depleted and absorbed by the atmosphere by virtue of climate. There are three seasons in Aadan Kaal - Late Winter, Spring, and Summer.
aadhaar [adhara] — आधारBase — An organ or group of organs that contain some biological matter.
abaddhavak — अबद्धवाक्Refers to disorganized or Incoherent speech.
abalatva — अबलत्वThe loss of physical strength.
abhakta — अभक्तOn an empty stomach or Before consuming any food or drink.
abhaktacchanda — अभक्तच्छन्दIt is the lack of interest in food (Anorexia).
abhaktaruk — अभक्तरुक्A loss of appetite (Anorexia)
abhesajam — अभेषजम्Drugs that have adverse effects.
abhidha — अभिधाThe literal power of words.
abhidhya — अभिध्याHaving a desire to gain others' wealth.
abhidravana — अभिद्रवणHarass, trouble, or annoy others repeatedly and continuously.
abhihanana— अभिहननHarass, trouble, or annoy others repeatedly and constantly
abhikama — अभिकामThe Desire or want
abhikanksa — अभिकाङ्क्षाdesire/having a desire.
abhiksana — अभिक्ष्णfrequently
abhilasa — अभिलाषDesire, Fond of
abhimana — अभिमानPride, self-respect, the quality or state of being proud.
abhinissarana— अभिनिस्सरणExcessive
abhinivesha — अभिनिवेशThe Desire, Found of
abhipreta — अभिप्रेतAimed at, intended, desired, to have in mind as a purpose, wished.
abhisyanda— अभिष्यन्दDischarge/Release
abhisyandi — अभिष्यन्दिSlimy, heavy substances that obstruct Srotasa; e.g. Curd
abhitapa — अभितापHeat or warmness
abhivoda — अभिवोढाOne that carries or transports. It is said for Vata.
abhivridhi — अभिवृद्धिEnlargement/growth
abhojana — अभोजनA lack of appetite
abhojanabhilasi— अभोजनाभिलाषीLack of interest in foods/Loss of appetite
abhradarsana — अभ्रदर्शनThe sight of cloud before eye
abhrasamplavam vyabhre darsana — अभ्रसंप्लवं व्यभ्रे दर्शनThe sight of un-existed moving clouds
abhubhuksa — अभुभुक्षाLoss of appetite.
abhugnam — आभुग्नंSlight bending
abhutadarsana — अभूतदर्शनThe sight of non-existent things.
abhyanga — अभ्यंगAbhyanga is a therapeutic technique that involves applying oil and lightly massaging the body to achieve desired outcomes. It is a type of Bahya Shnehana and is mentioned as a part of panchakarma and Dincharya (daily regimen). It is an invaluable part of a daily routine that eases discomfort or uneasiness and preserves wellbeing. It involves Shiro abhyanga (head massage), pada abhyanga (massage over the feet), and Karna Purana (oiling of ears).
abhyanjana — अभ्यञ्जनExternal Snehana (oleation); causing unctuousness
abhyantar kandarah— आभ्यन्तर कण्डराःDeep tendons - flexor tendons of the hand.
abhyantarat sankoch— अभ्यन्तरत सङ्कोचIndrawing towards the center.
abhyantarayatanetra — अभ्यन्तरायातनेत्रSunken eye.
abhyanugya — अभ्यनुज्ञाAcknowledging the allegations made by the opponent and accusing the opponent with the equal allegations.
abhyardita — अभ्यर्दितPainful
abhyas — अभ्यास1. Repetitive or habitual usage or practice.
2. To practice something in a repetitive manner.
abhyavaharan shakti — अभ्यवहरण शक्तिThe capacity of food consumption or power of ingestion. Amount of food that does not disrupt an individual's physiological functions. It can not be generalized. It always varies from one individual to another and even from time to time, it straightforwardly relies upon the digestive fire, taste of prepared food, and current psychological state.
abhyavapata — अभ्यवपातःWrong identification, misidentification
abhyunnata— अभ्युन्नतElevated
abubhuksha — अबुभुक्षाLoss of Appetite
abuddhitva — अबुद्धित्वLack of intelligence
acheta — अचेताLoss of consciousness/unconsciousness/lack normal awareness
achetana dravya — अचेतन द्रव्यNon-living: Inanimate substances that lack consciousness or the characteristics of life.
achetanam — अचेतनं1. Loss of tactile sensation.
2. Unconcious.
achintyavirya — अचिन्त्यवीर्यOf inconceivable potency
acinta svadharmeshu — अचिन्ता स्वधर्मेषुIndifference or lack of interest towards own routine work.
acintitarambha — अचिन्तितारम्भ1. Unthinkable start.
2. The act of initiation without thinking.
adaṃśaśophaḥ [aadansh shoph ] — आदंशशोफःSwelling around the wound from the bite.
adamsha [adansha] — आदंशRefers to the area near a bite or sting.
adarshnam — अदर्शनंloss of sight.
adhah kaayah — अधः कायः1. The body below the waist.
2. Body part below the head.
3. Lower extremity.
adhah shayan — अधः शयनInclination to lie always in the prone position.
adhah srotah — अधः स्रोतःThe urethral or anal passage.
adhahpatan — अधःपातन1. The purification method wherein substances, specifically mercury (Parada), are displaced downwards.
2. A second sub-step of Patan that is the 5th of the 8 purification procedures of the Parada (mercury) wherein mercury is displaced downwards.
adhar — अधरः1. Inferior or lower in place.
2. Lower lip
3. A soft outer structure that forms the border of the mouth.
adharamargah — अधरमार्गःAnal or urethral passage
adharaniya vega — अधारणीय वेग1. Non-suppressible urges.
2. Vegas (natural urges) that should not be strongly suppressed.
13 types of natural urges mentioned that should not be suppressed are — defecation, urination, weeping, sneezing, farting, sleep, cough, urge to breathe while exercising, vomiting, semen ejaculation, hunger, and thirst. Suppressing these natural urges can lead to acute and chronic illnesses.
adhargudam — अधरगुदंAnal canal and rectum — 1. Inferior portion of the rectum 2. Anus
adhastat striya shirashchotisthanti lalate — अध्स्तात् स्त्रिया शिराश्चोत्तिष्ठंति ललाटेA bite by the female serpent exhibits such symptoms as downcast eyes and the appearance of veins on the forehead of the victim.
adhibhautikah (tapah)— आधिभौतिकः (तापः)One of the three kinds of miseries, which are caused by various sorts of living creatures.
adhidaivik (tapah) — आधिदैविकः (तापः)One of the three kinds of miseries, that which is caused by rain, sun and other such natural inanimate cause and agencies
adhidanta — अधिदन्तExcessive growth of teeth
adhijihvika — अधिजिह्विका1. Epiglottis: A thin leaf-shaped structure located immediately posterior to the root of the tongue.
2. (Adenoids): a mass of lymphatic tissue located in depressions.
adhikangadarsana — अधिकाङ्गदर्शनSeeing body parts in excessive.
adhikarana — अधिकरणSeat of drug action.
adhikaranam — अधिकरणम्the main theme on which the entire science is build; or context of elucidation or discussion
adhikmatravat ahara — अधिकमात्रावत् आहारAn intake of food that exceeds the required amount. It depends on each individual's capacity. An excess of food intake leads to gastrointestinal disorders like indigestion, abdominal colic, and heaviness of the abdomen.
adhikshipta — अधिक्षिप्तDisplacement
adhimansa — अधिमांसFleshy growth
adhirata — अधीरताLack of retaining capacity
adhirohanarati — अधिरोहणरतिFond of climbing on heap of stones etc.
adhisthanam — अधिष्ठानम्1. seat (of poison).
2. Substratum or place of action.
adhmanam — आध्मानम्Distention of abdomen due to gas.
adhmatagrivam — आध्मातग्रीवम्Feeling of fullness in neck.
adhmatakandhara — आध्मातकन्धराFeeling of fullness in neck.
adho bhagam tu mulajam — अधो भागं तु मूलजम्Gangadhar commentary on charak samhita says the tendency of poisons of plant origin is to move downwards in the body.
adhobhagah — अधोभागःlower abdomen -Lower part of the portion of the trunk located between chest and pelvis
adhobhakta — अधोभक्तAdministration of oral medication immediately after taking food. To strengthen the body and to make the person stout, such medicine administration is advised.
adhodarśana अधोदशनशLooking downwards
adhogurutva nābheḥ अधोगरुु त्ि नाबे्Heaviness below the umbilicus.
adhomukhī अधोभखु ीkeeping mouth of the vessel downwards/Upside down
adhovaktraḥ अधोितत्र्Drooping of head, symptom of a rabid dog.
adhṛti अधतृ तLack of retaining capacity, Cowardliness
adhyaśana अध्मशनTaking food over and again the previous meal (before it digested) which may end up with metabolic disorders.
adhyasthi अध्मत्स्थHypertrophy of bone
adhyātmika karma अध्मात्त्भक कभशDifferent virtuous activities like scarifying etc are included here. Bhagavat gita a holy book of Hindu describes that type of karma as act of scarify, gift and austerity or penance should not be relinquished but should be performed. Scarify gift and austerity purifies the intelligence.
adṛḍhasauhṛdaḥ अदृढसौरृद्Unsteady in friendship
adṛṣṭam अदृष्टभ ्The invisible result of works done in former states of embodied existence; unseen consequences of an act.
adṛṣṭi अदृत्ष्टBlurred vision
adṛśya अदृश्मInvisible / unperceivable
agada अगदAntitoxic medication.
agadānāṁ hi saṁyogo viṣajuṣṭasya yujyate अगदानाॊ र्ह समॊ ोगो विषजुष्टस्म मज्ु मतेAgadas should be used only in cases of poisoning.
aghrāṇaṁ अघ्राणॊAnosmia or Absence of the sense of smell
aghraṣya अघ्रष्मShyness or does not tolerate with abusing words.
aglāniḥ अग्रातन्slight peace
agnau prakṣiptaṁ ciṭaciṭāyat indradhanurvaṇaṁ vā अग्नौ प्रक्षऺप्तॊ धचटधचटामत ् इन्द्रधनिु णश ॊ िाIn cases of poisoning, a piece taken from the heart and thrown in fire produces a crackling sound and becomes rainbow colored, he should hold that as poisoned.
agni balanāśaṁ अत्ग्न फरनाशॊ- Loss of digestive power
agni karma अत्ग्न कभशCauterization
agni upahati अत्ग्न उऩहतत- Loss of digestive power
agni viruddha अत्ग्न विरुद्धIntake of heavy food when the power of digestion is mild (mandagni): intake of light food when the power of digestion is sharp (tiksnagni). Similarly intake of food at variance with irregular and normal power of digestion comes under this category.
agni अत्ग्न1. Fire, the phenomenon of combustion manifested in light, flame, and heat 2. One of the five basic elements (Paṅcamahābhūtas) that make up all matter in the universe. 3. All factors responsible for digestion and metabolism / transformation. This is of three classes: Jaṭharāgni, Bhūtāgni and Dhātvagni. 4. Physiologically, the intensity of Agni is influenced by Doṣas and is of four types: Viṣama (irregular, due to the dominance of Vāta), Tīkṣṇa (intense, due to the dominance of Pitta), Manda (depressed due to the dominance of Kapha) and Sama (normal, due to the balanced state of all three Doṣas).
agnibhraṁśa अत्ग्नभ्रशॊLoss of digestive power
agnidagdhanibhaṁ अत्ग्नदग्धतनबॊ- Color of burnt scar
agnidaurbalyam अत्ग्नदौफल्श मभ ्Loss of digestive power
agnihāni अत्ग्नहातनLoss of digestive power
agnihotraṁ अत्ग्नहोत्रॊA vedic ritual in which an oblation is offered particularly to agni, The god of Fire
agnikṛśatā अत्ग्नकृ शता- Loss of digestive power
agnikṣāma अत्ग्नऺाभ- Loss of digestive power
agnikṣayaṁ अत्ग्नऺमॊ- Loss of digestive power
agnilāpaharaṁ अत्ग्नराऩहयॊ- Loss of digestive power
agnimāndya अत्ग्नभान्द्मLack of digestive power
agnimārdava अत्ग्नभादशिLack of digestive power
agnināśaṁ अत्ग्ननाशॊLoss of digestive power
agninibhaṁ dik darśanaṁ अत्ग्नतनबॊ र्दक् दशनश ॊSees fire like objects in all directions
agniparikṣīṇaṁ अत्ग्नऩरयऺीणॊ- Loss of digestive power
agnipranaṣṭaṁ अत्ग्नप्रनष्टॊ- Loss of digestive power
agnisāda अत्ग्नसादLack of digestive power
agnisadana अत्ग्नसदनImpairment of digestive power
agnisannikarṣa अत्ग्नसत्न्नकषशModulation of properties of food articles by cooking process. Here the raw food articles made to come in contact with fire directly or indirectly.
agnisiddhaṁ अत्ग्नमसद्धॊProcessed by heating
agnisthānaṁ अत्ग्नस्थानॊDuodenum - Place of complete digestion, small intestine. The alimentary canal extending form duodenum to ileum.
agnivadha अत्ग्निधLoss of digestive power
agnivaiṣamya अत्ग्निषम्मImproper digestive power
agnyādhiṣṭhāna अग्न्माधधष्ठानGastro-intestinal place of digestion
agnyāśayaḥ अग्न्माशम्Pancreas - A compound acinotubular gland situated behind the stomach in front of the first and second lumbar
agranāsikā अग्रनामसकाtip of the nose
agraparva अग्रऩिशDistal part of the finger.
ahaṅkāraḥ अहङ्काय्The material principle of egoist or existence having three inherent properties of sattva, raja and tama; one of the principles of the evolution as per classical indian philosophy
aharavidhivisheshayatana — आहारविधिविशेषायतनBasic factors to be considered while preparing and consuming diet. The eight such factors are: prakṛti (nature), Karana (processing), Samyoga (combination), Raśi (amount), Deśa (region), Kaala (time and season), Upayoga Samsthaa (rules for consumption) and Upayoktaa (consumer).
aharṣa अहषशLoss of Libido; Erectile dysfunction, Impotent.
ahasana अहसनDuring meal one should not indulging in laugh, it may lead to passage of food in to wrong tract.
ahatat [aahatat] — आहतात्Plant materials not infested with insects, cold, hot climate etc.
ahetu अहेतुfallacious semblance of an argument
ahita āhāra अर्हत आहायNon - conductive food- Food which disturbs the Tri-dosha's and physiological functions of the body. It is contrary t to Hita.
ahitāyu अर्हतामुthe kind of human life which is not beneficial for the self or the society
ahorātra अहोयात्र1 Day and 1 night = 24 hours
aiśvarya ऐश्िमश1. Supremacy, Sovereignty 2. of such powers as vision , audition , cogitation , discrimination , and omniscience ; and of active powers such as swiftness of thought , power of assuming forms at will , and faculty of expatiation
aitihyam ऐततवमभ ्Historical authoritative testimony.
ajagaraḥ अजगय्Snakes of boaede family.
ajalpana अजल्ऩनDuring meal one should indulge in talking which may lead to passage of food in to wrong tract.
ajarakaṁ अजयकॊIndigestion
ajighratvaṁ अत्जघ्रत्िॊAnosmia or absence of the Sense of smell
ajñāna अऻानIgnorance, Illusion
akāla mṛtyu अकार भत्ृ मुUntimely death.
akāmā अकाभाLoss of Libido, Lack of interest in sex
akāmataḥ chardi अकाभत् छर्दशVomiting without specific reason
akarmaṇyaḥ अकभण्म्Loss of motor function
akarmaśīlatā अकभशीरताLack of interest to do any work
akāruṇyaṁ अकारुण्मॊMercilessness
akash — आकाश1. A free or open space, the subtle and ethereal fluid (supposed to fill and pervade the universe and to be the peculiar vehicle of life and of sound). 2. One of the five basic elements (Paṅcamahābhūtas) that make up all matter in the universe.
akashiya dravya — आकाशीय द्रव्यsubstances having akaśa as the predominant mahabhuta;
akopanaṁ अकोऩनॊHabit of not getting angry
akrishta [akrsta] — आकृष्टcollection / procurement of raw materials
akrishya [akrsya] — आकृष्यA process of extraction through which specified component may be extracted
akritasamgyata — अकृतसंज्ञता Feeling of urge even after defecation.
akrodhavrataḥ अक्रोधव्रत्Habit of not getting angry
akroshnam — आक्रोशनम्Wailing
akṛta अकृ तThe food articles without seasoning i.e. without addition of oil, mustard etc.
akṛtasaṁjñatā mūtre अकृ तसऻॊ ता भत्रू ेFeeling of urge even after micturition
akṛtasaṁjñatā अकृ तसऻॊ ताFeeling of urge even after defecation
akṛtrima viṣa अकृ त्रत्रभ विषPoison from natural source.
akṣaḥ अऺ्Eye, Sense organs
akṣakaḥ अऺक्Clavicle - the collar bone that articulates with the sternum and the scapula.
akṣakasandhi अऺकसत्न्धSterno-clavicular joint - the joint formed between manubrium of the sternum and the medial end of clavicle.
akṣamatvaṁ अऺभत्िॊIntolerance
akṣāṇi अऺाणणSpecial senses, perceptive faculties, receptors various sensory nerve endings
akṣānti hitopadeśeṣu अऺात्न्त र्हतोऩदेशषे ुIntolerance to advices
akshepa [aksepa] — आक्षेपConvulsion, Harassing.
akṣi bandhāni अक्षऺ फन्धातनEye lids - the movable protective fold that when closed cover the anterior surface of the eyeball.
akṣi gharṣaṇaṁ अक्षऺ घषणश ॊSense of friction in the eye
akṣi golakam अक्षऺ गोरकभ ्Eye-ball - the globe of the eye.
akṣi huṇḍanaṁ अक्षऺ हुण्डनॊIntrusion of the eye
akṣi viśanti pakṣmāṇi अक्षऺ विशत्न्त ऩक्ष्भाणणInward bending of eyelashes
akṣi अक्षऺEye - the organ of vision
akṣikanīnikā अक्षऺकनीतनकाInner canthus, Medial angle of eye. The angle at medial side of the slit between the eyelids.
akṣikoṣa अक्षऺकोषEye lid - the movable protective fold that when closed cover the anterior surface of the eyeball.
akṣikūṭa अक्षऺकू टOrbital or Ocular margin, Eye ball or oculas. Superciliary ridge. The bony pyramid-shaped cavity of the skull that contains and protects the eyeball.
akṣimardana अक्षऺभदशनRubbing of the eye
akṣipakṣmāṇi अक्षऺऩक्ष्भाणणEye -lashes - stiff hair on the margin of the eyelid.
akṣipuṭa अक्षऺऩटुEye lid - the movable protective fold that when closed cover the anterior surface of the eyeball.
akṣirājī अक्षऺयाजीAppearance of lines in the eye because of conjunctival vessels.
akṣirodhaḥ अक्षऺयोध्Blurred vision
akṣitārakā अक्षऺतायकाIris -the colored contractile membrane suspended
akṣivairāgya अक्षऺियाग्मLoss of color of eyes.
akṣivartma अक्षऺित्भशEye lid - the movable protective fold that when closed cover the anterior surface of the eyeball.
akṣivartmakoṣaḥ अक्षऺित्भकोष्Eye lid - the movable protective fold that when closed cover the anterior surface of the eyeball.
akṣivyudāsaḥ अक्षऺव्मदु ास्Spasmodic movement of the eye
akṣṇyāṁ raktaṁ अक्ष्ण्माॊ यततॊBleeding through eye
akṣut अऺुत ्Loss of hunger
akṣyuparodhaḥ अक्ष्मऩु योध्Blurred vision
akujanam — आकूजनम्Cooing (voice resembles the sound of pigeon), Lament
akulata — आकुलताPerplexity or confusion
akunchanam — आकुंचनम्Contraction : a shortening or tensing of a part or organ
alabupushpasankasa [alabupushpsankash] — आलाबुपुष्पसङ्काशColor of the flower of Alābu (Lagrnaria vulgaria)
alakṣyapada अरक्ष्मऩदIndistinguishable voice
alaktakasannibham — आलक्तकसन्निभम्Color of the juice of Lac
alalatantubaddham iva — आलालतन्तुबद्धम् इवLooks like saliva
alaṅkāraḥ analaṅkāraiḥ अरङ्काय् अनरङ्कायै्Decorate with undecorable articles
alasya — आलस्यLoss of enthusiasm, idleness , want of energy, apathetic, Reluctance to work or make an effort, laziness
alikaṁ अमरकॊFore-head- The anterior part of the head below the hairline and above the eyes.
alobha अरोबFree from undue desire
aloma अरोभAbsence of hair; It is one among the eight un-desirable conditions. Absence of generalized body hairs is associated with dysfunction of the pituitary, adrenal cortex and gonads.
alpa अल्ऩLess, Scanty, Diminished
alpabala अल्ऩफरLoss of physical strength or weakness
alpabuddhi अल्ऩफद्ु धधLack of intelligence
alpāgni अल्ऩात्ग्नDiminished digestive power
alpāhāra अल्ऩाहायIntake of less quantity of food
alpālpa अल्ऩाल्ऩFrequent and scanty
alpanidratā अल्ऩतनद्रताLoss of sleep
alpaprāṇatā अल्ऩप्राणताLoss of mental strength
alparujaḥ अल्ऩरुज्Light pain
alpaśaḥ अल्ऩश्Frequent and scanty
alpavahni अल्ऩित्वनCertain pharmaceutical process are to be carried out over mild heat
alpavāk अल्ऩिाक्Closemouthed, in conversable.
amanojñadarśana अभनोऻदशनशUnpleasant appearance
amanojñagandha अभनोऻगन्धUnpleasant smell
amānuṣa अभानषुUnprecedented, Unmaly or Super power
amartya अभत्मशMore than one's natural capacity, Imperishable, Immortal
amātrāvat āhāra अभात्राित ् आहायTaking inappropriate quantity of food is of two types - deficient and excessive. Food in deficient quantity is said to be causing loss of strength, complexion & development, unsaturation, upward movement of vayu, harms the lifespan, virility, immunity etc food in excessive vitiating all dosa's. fainting, giddiness, irregularity of digestion, stiffness of flanks etc.
Amavisha — आमविषIt is a kind of disorder which results from incompatible food or from eating before digestion of previous meals, similar to intestinal toxemia because it simulates the symptoms of toxemia.
ambara अम्फयSynonym of mica, agnijar and also denotes cloth
ambarapīyuṣa अम्फयऩीमषूA nectar-like vital entity present in the atmosphere, indicative of oxygen
ambhonibha अम्बोतनबColor of cloud
ambu iccha [ambu ichha] — अम्बु इच्छाDesire for drinking water
aṁbu अफॊ ुWater, the watery element of the body
ambudendradhanusha — अम्बुदेन्द्रधनुसColors like that of rain bow – fire - property of diamond
ambumargah — अम्बुमार्गाःPaths of circulating fluid.
ambusambhavam — अम्बुसम्भवम्Poison having its origin from jala mahabhoota.
ambutulyam — अम्बुतुल्यंResembling water
ambuvahini srotansi — अम्बुवाहीनि स्रोतांसिTubes for fluid circulation.
aṁgāravarṇa अगायिणशproperty to be observed as an end point in case of Putapaka swarasa
amgirasi [angirasi] — आंगिरसीone among four categories of medicines described in Atharva Veda
amgulyagram [angulyagram] — अंगुल्यग्रम्Tip of the finger.
amgustha [angushth] — अंगुष्ठThumb. First toe
aṁguṣṭhodaram अगॊ ष्ु ठोदयभ ्length of the thumb, above the distal crease, area where thumb impression is taken
amisa [amisha] — आमिष1. One of the useful parts of animal (flesh) 2. Commonly used for all Non-vegetarian diet??
amisam iccha [amisham iccha] — आमिषम् इच्छाFond of taking flesh
amla gandha अम्र गन्धSour smell
amla icchā अम्र इच्छाFond of sour taste
amla pañcaka अम्र ऩञ्चकCombination of following five sour plants viz., Amlavetas (Garcinia pedunculata), Jambeer (Citrus limon), Matulunga (Citrus medica), Narang (Citrus reticulata), Nimbuk (Citrus aurantifolia).
amla rasa अम्र यसSour taste, having the acid taste
amla skandha अम्र स्कन्धGroup of sour substances;
amla अम्रSour; One among six Rasa;
amlabhakṣaṇākṣama अम्रबऺणाऺभIntolerance to sour taste
amlarasatā अम्रयसताSour taste
amlasparśāsahatva अम्रस्ऩशाशसहत्िIntolerance to sour taste
amṛtīkaraṇa अभतृ ीकयणA process adopted for the removal of remnant impurities/ toxicity
aṁsabandhanam असॊ फन्धनभ ्Ligaments (and Muscles) of the shoulder.
aṁsābhitāpa असामबताऩWarmth in shoulder
aṁsadeśaḥ असदेश्Shoulder - the junction of the clavicle and scapula where the arm meets the trunk.
aṁsafalakaḥ असफ़रक्Scapula - the large flat triangular bone that forms the posterior part of shoulder.
aṁsakūṭa असॊ कू टAcromion - the lateral triangular projection of the spine of the scapula.
aṁsamulam असॊ भरु भ ्apex of the Scapula
aṁsapiṇḍaḥ असवऩण्ड्Deltoid Prominence
aṁsapiṇḍikā असवऩत्ण्डकाdeltoid tuberosity
aṁsapīṭha असऩीठTop of the shoulder (glenoid cavity)
Aṁsasaṅdhiḥ अन्ससत्न्ध्Shoulder Joint - the joint formed by humerus and glenoid cavity of scapula
anabhikāṁkṣā अनमबकाॊऺाLack of desire
anabhilāṣa अनमबराषLack of desire
anabhinandana अनमबनन्दनLack of desire
anaddhavastih — आनद्धवस्तिःdistension of bladder
anādi अनार्दa process or state whose beginning cannot be ascertained
anāgata अनागतPartially manifestation or no manifestation of the diseases. Diseases may be communicable or non-communicable or lifestyle related.
anāgatābāda pratiṣeda अनागतफाधा प्रततषधेPrevention of partially or not manifested diseases. This preventive measure are applied by following the Dincharya, Ritucharya, etc
anāgatavekṣaṇama अनागतिेऺणभthe statement that points to prospective reference
anaha — आनाहdistention of abdomen due to incomplete evacuation of stool, urine and flatus
anala dveṣa अनर द्िेषAversion to fire (Pyrophobia)
anālakṣyagandha अनारक्ष्मगन्धInsignificant smell
analaprabha dṛṣṭimaṇḍala अनरप्रब दृत्ष्टभण्डरThe color of pupil become glowing fire
analavyāptalokadarśana अनरव्माप्तरोकदशनशSees surrounding objects in fire
analekṣaṇaḥ अनरेऺण्Fiery, dreadful eyes.
anāmikā अनामभका4th or ring finger. Annularis
ananubandhana अननफु न्धनObstruction
ananuyojyam अननमु ोज्मभ ्The statement which does not leave any scope of question
anārtavaṁ अनातिश ॊLoss of menstruation
anati griva — आनतिग्रीवाForward bending of neck
anati tīkṣṇa purīṣaṁ अनतत तीक्ष्ण ऩयु ीषॊStool with slight pungent smell
anativikṛtavībhatsaceṣṭā अनततविकृ तिीबत्सचे ष्टाSlight loathsome activity
anaujasya अनौजस्मLoss of enthusiasm
anavasthitarūpadarśana अनित्स्थतरूऩदशनशObjects look as unstable
anāvilaṁ अनाविरॊTurbid less
aṇḍaja अण्डजliving beings originated from eggs
aṇḍakoṣaḥ अण्डकोष्Scrotam - the double pouch of the male which contains the testicles and part of the spermatic cord found
andhāhika अन्धार्हकBlind snake (non poisonous)
andhamūṣā अन्धभषू ाit is a type of crucible where mouth is closed/ sealed
andhrana — अंध्रणSealing / cementing all joints etc using specified materials to make air-tight
anekāntaḥ अनेकान्त्statements which are not absolute or conclusive and vary from context to context
anekāntavāda अनेकान्तिादconcepts in which invariable causes are given for one effect
anekavarṇa अनेकिणशMultiple color
aṅga अङ्ग(1) Body. (2) Part of the body. (3) Organ. (4) the physical part of man as distinguished from mind spirit, A part of the body having special function
aṅgabhaṁga अङ्गबगॊLoss of power of limbs.
aṅgacimicimā अङ्गधचमभधचभाTingling sensation.
aṅgagandhaṁ अङ्गगन्धॊIndistinct bad smell of body
aṅgaglāni अङ्गग्रातनExhaustion
aṅgagraha अङ्गग्रहPressing pain or restricted movement of the body
aṅgaharṣa अङ्गहषशHorrification
aṅgamarda अङ्गभदशPressing pain
aṅgamardapraśamana अङ्गभदशप्रशभनAnti-malaise; substances relieving malaise & body ache;
aṅgapradeśa अङ्गप्रदेशdifferent spots or areas of the body
aṅgapragraha अङ्गप्रग्रहPressing pain or restricted movement of the body
angara — अंगारsmokeless red hot coal
aṅgaśūla अङ्गशरूStabbing pain
aṅgāvamarda अङ्गािभदशPressing pain on body
aṅgāvasādanaṁ अङ्गािसादनॊExhaustion
angulasthi — अंगुलास्थिPhalanges -any one of the bones of toes or fingers
angulasthmulam — अंगुष्ठमुलम्First metacarpal - Root of the thumb. Outer end of the wrist in front.
angulayah — अंगुलयःFingers. Toes(Digits)
anguligranthayah — अंगुलिग्रन्थयःKnuckles-digital nodes or joints- The prominence of the dorsal aspect of any of the phalangeal joints.
anguliparvani — अंगुलिपर्वाणि1. Digital nodes 2. Inter nodal lengths of the digits
anidrā अतनद्राSleeplessness, disturbed sleep
anidratā अतनद्रताDiminished or loss of sleep
anila icchā अतनर इच्छाFond of sitting in wind
aniladveṣa अतनरद्िेषAversion to sit in wind
anilavat अतनरित ्With flatus
anilāyanāni अतनरामनातनAir passages.
aṇimā अणणभाT he power of becoming extremely minute; one of the supra normal psychic power derivable from the practice of Yoga.
animiṣacakṣu अतनमभषचऺुWidely opened eye
animiṣākṣaḥ अतनमभषाऺ्Widely opened eye
anirdeśyarasa अतनदेश्मयसUnidentifiable taste.
anīśatā अनीशताLoss of power
anissaraṇa अतनस्सयणRetention
anīśvaraḥ अनीश्िय्Intolerance
anitya अतनत्मNon eternal or Transient.
aniyatānāṁ girā अतनमतानाॊ धगयाIncoherent speech
añjali अञ्जमरIndicating measure Synonym of one kudava=192 g of metric units
añjana अञ्जनIt’s a process of anointing, smearing, mixing, collyrium or black pigment used to paint the root of eye lashes. Anointment is done with a stick or pencil called as añjana shalaka. There are two types of añjana which are used by healthy individuals, one is Savira añjana should be applied to eyes daily and other is Rasanjana which is applied once in every five or eight days for stimulating secretion.
añjanābhaṁ अञ्जनाबॊColor of collyrium.
añjanatritaya अञ्जनत्रत्रतमThree Metallic sulphides; Kalanjan, Pushpanjan, Rasanjan.
aṅkuraḥ अङ्कु य्Polypus or A small vascular growth on the surface of a mucous membrane
aṅkuśikaḥ अङ्कु मशक्Pain resembling with the pulling by a hook
annamada अन्नभदDissatisfaction in food
annamārgaḥ अन्नभाग्शGullet, Esophagus. A muscular canal extending from the pharynx to the stomach.
annamārgarodha अन्नभागयोधObstruction to the path of food
annapāna अन्नऩानMode of administration of poison through beverages.
annapīḍitapurīṣaṁ अन्नऩीडडतऩयु ीषॊStool mixed with food articles
annapradveṣa अन्नप्रद्िेषAversion to food
annaprakriyā अन्नप्रक्रक्रमाA process of making food/cooking rice
annarasakheda अन्नयसखेदLack of interest to take food
annasampuṭa अन्नसम्ऩटुStomach. A dilated sac like distensible portion of alimentary canal between the esophagus and the duodenum.
annāśayaḥ अन्नाशम्Gastro-intestinal tract pertaining to the stomach
annāśraddhā अन्नाश्रद्धाDislike to take food
annāvarodha अन्नाियोधObstruction to food
annavidveṣa अन्नविद्िेषAversion to food
annavikṛti dveṣa अन्नविकृ तत द्िेषAversion to the derivatives of food
antaḥ karaṇa अन्त् कयणinternal means of acquiring knowledge which includes manas, buddhi, indriya, ahankara
antaḥkukṣi अन्त्कु क्षऺAbdominal or uterine cavity. 1. Cavity of the portion of the trunk located between chest and pelvis, 2. Cavity within the muscular hollow pear shaped structure of female reproductive system.
antaḥpuṣpam अन्त्ऩष्ु ऩभ ्Ovum -the female reproductive or germ cell capable of developing into a new organism of same species.
antapraveśa अन्तप्रिेशIndrawing
antara bhakta अन्तय बततAdministration of medicine in the mid day after the morning food has been digested, similarly taking afternoon medicine after the mid day meal has been digested is known as Antara bhakta. This method is useful in person who has good digestive capacity.
antarādhiḥ अन्तयाधध्Trunk - the body exclusive of head and limbs.
antarbahirvibhāgaḥ अन्तफर्हविबाग्medial (internal) lateral (inward or external)
antargalasvara अन्तगरस्ियMuffled sound
antarikṣa jala अन्तरयऺ जरAntariksha is intermediate sphere between earth and sky. Water which is originated from clouds between intermediate spheres is Rain water.
antarmukhasrotāṁsi अन्तभखुश स्रोताॊमसinternal channels - Internal tracts, channels, tubes, ducts
antarmukhatvaṁ romṇāṁ अन्तभखुश त्िॊ योम्णाॊInward bending of eyelashes
antaścetana अन्तश्चेतनliving beings having internal consciousness i.e. their consciousness is not externally manifested; e.g. plants
antau अन्तौCanthi, outer and inner angels of the eye. The angle at either side of the slit between the eyelids.
anteriorly from sides of thoracic vertebrae and forming skeletal thorax"
antikstham durastham darsana — आन्तिकस्थं दूरस्थं दर्शनRemote appearance of a near object.
antra — आन्त्रSmall intestine
antrāśayaḥ अन्त्राशम्Lumen of Intestine -cavity of the alimentary canal extending from the pylorus to the anus.
antriksha udaka — आन्तरिक्ष उदकrain water collected directly before reaching earth surface and is considered to be the best among all water
anubaddha अनफु द्धContinuous
anubaddharuk अनफु द्धरुक्Continuous pain
aṇubahuvidārita अणुफहुविदारयतMultiple fracture with tiny bone pieces
anubandha — अनुबन्ध1. one of the synonyms of life span.
2. receive or subordinate disease.
3. continuity of result.
anubandha अनफु न्ध1. One of the synonym of life span 2. Receive or subordinate disease
anubhūta svapna अनबु तू स्िप्नDream based on the previous experiences
aṇudvāra अणुद्िायTiny or narrow opening
anugraha अनग्रु हA Favor, kindness, obligation, Assistance
anukāra svara अनकु ाय स्ियImitation of other's speech.
anulepana अनरु ेऩनApplying cosmetics, Coating
anulepana अनरु ेऩनMode of administration of poison through an ointment.
anulomanaṁ अनरु ोभनॊSubstances which restores & facilitates the physiological direction of various flows within the body like flatus and stool.
anumānam अनभु ानभ ्the process through which the knowledge of the unseen facts is inferred on the basis of direct observation
aṇumārga अणुभागशNarrow pathways
anumataḥ अनभु त्statements of agreement with the opinion of others
anumiti अनमु भततconclusion from given premises
aṇumukhacchidra अणुभखु त्च्छद्रTiny openings faced towards internal
anupadehaḥ अनऩु देह्Lack of mucus
anupāna अनऩु ानAny liquid which is taken soon after food. Drink should have properties opposite to that of food, but should not be incompatible with the particular food. It helps in easy movement, digestion and assimilation of the food particles.
anurasa अनयु सRasa(Taste) of a substance which is perceived towards the end or with less intensity or which is latent;
anuvāsana dravya अनिु ासन द्रव्मsubstances having unctuous property used in BASTI ;
anuvāsanopaga अनिु ासनोऩगsubstances which are helpful to induce ANUVASANA BASTI ;
anuyoga icchā अनमु ोग इच्छाFound of questioning others
anuyogaḥ अनमु ोग्enquire something relating to a scripture or a part, a question or a part with a view to testing the knowledge, power of comprehension and expression and capacity to reply to the later
anuyojyam अनमु ोज्मभ ्The statement which is beset with defects of speech and which requires clarification.
aṇvasthīni अण्िस्थीतनShort bones.
anyaneyau pāda अन्मनेमौ ऩादFeels as pulling by others, Feels as others
anyena iva अन्मेन इिFeels as others
anyonyābhāva अन्मोन्माबािmutual non-existence
Apa — आप1. Water; 2. One of the pancha mahabhuta which is responsible for binding all particles within a substance; 3. Synonym of Jala
apadeśaḥ अऩदेश्statements which point out the definite cause for an effect and that such a cause as indispensable
apadhvaṁsana अऩध्िसनFalling
apagamasmṛti अऩगभस्भतृ तLoss of memory
apaharaṇa अऩहयणWasting with discoloration
apakarṣaṇaṁ अऩकषणश ॊStretching pain
apakartanaṁ अऩकतनश ॊCutting pain
apakti śakti अऩत्तत शत्ततLoss of digestive power or Indigestion
Apāna Vāyu अऩान िामुOne of the five subtypes of Vāyu (Vāta), situated in the pelvic region. It performs the functions like defecation, micturition, parturition, menstruation, and ejaculation.
apāṅgaḥ अऩाङ्ग्Outer Canthus. The angle at lateral side of the slit between the eyelids.
apāṅgaputrikā अऩाङ्गऩत्रु त्रकाTragus - cartilagenous portion in front of external meatus of the ear.
apāṅgasandhi अऩाङ्गसत्न्धOuter junction of the eye lids. The angle at lateral side of the slit between the eyelids.
aparā अऩयाPlacenta - The oval or discoid spongy structure in the uterus through which the fetus derives its nourishment.
aparatva अऩयत्िInferior Quality; one among 10 Paradi gunas;
apasaraṇa अऩसयणProtrusion
apasavyaparidhāna अऩसव्मऩरयधानUpper garment worn in a fashion so as fall on his left arm.
apāstabuddhi अऩास्तफद्ु धधLoss of intelligence
apāstasaṁjñā अऩास्तसऻॊ ाUnconsciousness
apāstasmṛti अऩास्तस्भतृ तLoss of memory
apaśyan अऩश्मन ्Does not look forwards or Introvert
apatarpana अऩतऩणशUnder - nutrition-Regimen which leads to emaciation of the body, viz purification measures (Purgative , emesis, bloodletting and decoction enema treatments),fasting, basking, excessive exercise and even by taking negative calorie food. It is contrast to over-nutrition( Santarpana).
apathya अऩर्थमFood and behaviors which are not conducive or not wholesome to body and mind is called as apathy. Contrast to Pathya.
apatyamārgaḥ अऩत्मभाग्शVagina. Genital passage. A musculo membranous tube that forms the passage way between cervix uteri and the vulva.
apatyapathaḥ अऩत्मऩथ्Vagina. Genital passage. A musculo membranous tube that forms the passage way between cervix uteri and the vulva.
apauruṣa अऩौरुषMore than one's natural capacity
apavargaḥ अऩिग्शStatements which indicate or include an exception to a general rule.
apavartanaṁ अऩितनश ॊTwisting
apcara अप्चयAnimals which have made water as primary habitat or animals which resides in water comes under apacara category, it Includes those which swim about in water. Exp- Swan, Pheasant, Crane, Kingfisher etc.
apicchilaṁ अवऩत्च्छरॊRough
apinatva — आपीनत्वCorpulent
apradhṛṣyaṁ अप्रधष्ृ मॊInvincible or cannot be defeated
apraharṣa अप्रहषशLoss of Libido, Lack of interest in sex
aprasāda indriya अप्रसाद इत्न्द्रमWeakness of sense organs
aprasannadarśana अप्रसन्नदशनशUnpleasant look
apraśānta अप्रशान्तAgitated.
aprasiddhi अप्रमसद्धधLoss of activities
apratihanya vāṇī अप्रततहन्म िाणीSpeaking continuously
apratisañcāra अप्रततसञ्चायRetention
apravartanaṁ अप्रितनश ॊRetention
apravṛttiḥ अप्रिवृ त्त्Retention
aprīti अप्रीततDislike or aversion
apṛthakabhāva अऩथृ कबािInseparable relationship
apsu avasīdati अप्सु अिसीदततSinking in water.
apsu majjati अप्सु भज्जततSinking in water.
apsu majjati अप्सु भज्जततone of the test of avaleha or gudapaka indicating relative density
apsu nimajjati अप्सु तनभज्जततSinking in water.
apsu plavati अप्सु प्रिततFloating in water
apsu upaplavati अप्सु उऩप्रिततFloating in water
apta — आप्तauthoritative person
aptavakyam — आप्तवाक्यम्Authoritative speech
aptopadesah— आप्तोपदेशःthe unimpeachable truth of enlightened men; the 1st proof of justifying knowledge
apunarbhava अऩनु बिशOne of the bhasma test -the bhasma shouldn’t reverse to its original elemental state when heated with prescribed material
Apūpā अऩऩू ाWhich is made out of Barley, it removes ailments such as Udāvarta, Pratishaya( coryza), Kasa (Cough), Gala Roga (Throat diseases) etc.
apurīṣaṁ purīṣaṁ अऩयु ीषॊ ऩयु ीषॊWatery stool
apūrvadhvani अऩिू ध्श ितनUnprecedented sound
apya dravya — आप्य द्रव्यsubstances having jala (water) as the predominant mahabhuta;
Ara — आरSharp big nail like sting.
Arakta chardi — आरक्त छर्दिHaematemesis
arambhasamarthya — आरम्भसामर्थ्यAction initiating ability of substances, which is specific to substances because substances only can initiate any action, not their properties;
Arambhavada — आरम्भवादthe ideology which believes that effect is produced sequentially after the sequential destruction of the cause
araṇyagomaya अयण्मगोभमCow dung obtained from forest
araṇyopala अयण्मोऩरNatural form of dried cow dung cakes obtained from forest used in graded heating system
arasagrāhitā अयसग्रार्हताloss of gustatory sensation
arasajñāna अयसऻानLoss of gustatory sensation
arasajñatā अयसऻताLoss of gustatory sensation
arasavedinī अयसिेर्दनीIt is symptom produced when poisoned food partaken produces loss of taste sensation (ageusia).
arati अयततRestlessness due to dissatisfaction
aratni अयत्त्नForearm, Anti-brachium. The portion of the arm between elbow and the wrist.
ardacharamavanaddha — आर्दचर्मावनद्धFeels as draped with wet clothing.
ardhamāsika prāṇahara yoga अधभामसक प्राणहयHarmful preparation made up of moderately toxic substances which prove to be fatal in a period of 15 days.
ardhapala अधऩरA unit of Measurement; Synonym of one sukti=24 g of metric units
ardhaśarāva अधशयािindicating measure Synonym of one kudava=192 g of metric units
ardhobhaka puṭa अधोबक ऩटुA graded heating system used for preparation of medicines which is equivalent to Half Gajaputa
arditakritikarana — आर्दिताकृतिकरणTwisting of face resembling facial paralysis
Ardra — आर्द्रMoist; Collection of herbal Materials in wet / fresh condition
ariṣṭaḥ अरयष्ट्grave prognostic sign
arkapariveṣadarśana अकश ऩरयिेषदशनशLooks circle of sun
arkapayoleśa nicita iva अकश ऩमोरेश तनधचत इिLooks as coated with juice of Arka (Calotropis gigentea)
arocaka अयोचकLoss of appetite
aroma अयोभAbsence of hair
arśoghna अशोघ्नantihaemorrhoidals; drugs useful in treatment of piles;
artha अथशobjects of sensory perception
arthaḥ अथ्श(1) Heart - a hollow muscular contractile organ, the centre of circulatory system.
arthāntaram अथाशन्तयभ ्varying statement or false statement
arthāpatti अथाशऩवत्तStatements made in such a manner which gives room for inferences of a different meaning.
arthaprāpti अथप्रात्प्तWhere another unsaid idea is conveyed by the said one.
arthāśraya अथाशश्रमthe word or the part of sentence where the actual meaning is lying
arthitā अधथताDesire, Fond of
aruci अरुधचLoss of appetite
arūṁṣikā अरूॊ वषकाUlceration
aruṇābhadarśanaṁ अरुणाबदशनश ॊObjects look like downy red.
aruṇāḥ sirāḥ अरुणा् मसया्Arteries - (small) arterial branches.
arunavarna — अरुणवर्णDowny red
asaar [asara] — असारUndernourished
aśabdaśravaṇam अशब्दश्रिणभ ्Acousma or hearing non existing sound
asadharana hetu — असाधारण हेतुFactors of the disease which are not generalized to all peoples but they are specific to specific individuals. Impact of these factors depends on age, strength, constitution etc.
asahatva — असहत्वIntolerance
asahishnutva [asahisnutva]— असहिष्णुत्वIntolerance
aśaitya अशत्ै मHeat generating property of poison.
asakrta nidrata — असकृत निद्रताImproper sleep
aśakti kriyāsu अशत्तत क्रक्रमासुLoss of motor function
aśakti अशत्ततLack of capacity to do properly
asamarthyam — असामर्थ्यंIncapability
asambaddhavachanam — असंबद्धवचनंIncoherent speech
asamgita [asangita] — असंज्ञिताUnconsciousness.
asamgyakalpam — [asangyakalpam] असंज्ञकल्पंUnconsciousness
asamhanta [asanhat] — असंहतDisunited, unconnected, not formed into a mass
asamprapti — असम्प्राप्तिLoss of power of sense organs
asamvayi — असमवायिCause that is innate to produce an effect
asamvedanam — असंवेदनंLoss of power of sense organs
asaṁvṛtagudaṁ असिॊ तृ गदु ॊProlapsed anus.
asaṁvṛtamukhaṁ असिॊ तृ भखु ॊWide opening
aśana icchā अशन इच्छाDesire to take food
asantosh — असंतोषDissatisfaction
asat dīpadarśanaṁ असत ् दीऩदशनश ॊSees non-existing light in
asat jvalanajvaldarshanam— असत् ज्वलनज्वालदर्शनंSees flames that do not exist.
asat rupadarśanaṁ असत ् रुऩदशनश ॊSees non-existing objects
asat tārakā darśanaṁ असत ् तायका दशनश ॊSees the non-existing stars
asatkāryavāda असत्कामिादthe ideology which believes that the effect is not present in the cause
asatmendriyarthasanyoga — असात्म्येन्द्रियार्थसंयोग1. Incompatible contact of the sense organs with their objects.
2. One of the three main causes of disease.
Asatmya - असात्म्यThings that are not pleasing or favorable to the mind, body, and senses are called Asatmya.
asiddhiḥ अमसद्धध्consequence of having no practical result
aśītoṣṇa अशीतोष्णNeither hot nor cold
askandī rakta अस्कन्दी यततUncoagulable blood
aśmagarbhābha अश्भगबाशबStony hardness
aśmagarbhaṁ iva अश्भगबं इिStony hardness
aśmarīghna अश्भयीघ्नlitholyptic; substances useful in treatment of calculi;
aśmāvṛtopaṁ अश्भाितृ ोऩॊFeeling of heaviness like bearing of stone
asparśasaha अस्ऩशसहIntolerance with touch.
asra अस्रindicating the borders of materials
aśraddhā अश्रद्धाLack of interest, especially to take food
asragvahāḥ असग्ृ िहा्Blood Vessels - the veins, arteries and capillaries.
asrakalpaṁ अस्रकल्ऩॊColor of normal blood
asrākṣi अस्राक्षऺLacrimation
aśravaṇaṁ अश्रिणॊLoss of hearing
asravaṇaṁ अस्रिणॊLoss of recreation
asṛk chardi असकृ ् छर्दशVomiting of blood (Haemetemesis)
asṛk gandha असकृ ् गन्धSmell of blood
asṛk icchā असकृ ् इच्छाDesire for blood
asṛk nimagnāriṣṭābha darśana असकृ ् तनभग्नारयष्टाब दशनशObjects look as if dipped in blood.
asṛk pūrṇatā असकृ ् ऩणू तश ाIntra abdominal bleeding
asṛkaṣṭhīva असकृ ष्ठीिSpitting of blood (Haemoptysis)
aśru vāhiṇyau अश्रु िार्हण्मौLacrimal Canaliculi - small canals concerned with conduction of tears from the lacrimal puncta to the lacrimal sac.
aśru अश्रुLacrimal fluids (Tears) - The liquid excreted into the eyes by the lacrimal glands
aśrumārgaḥ अश्रुभाग्शLacrimal apparatus - structures concerned with secretion and conduction of tears
aśruti अश्रुततLoss of hearing
aṣṭa giriṇḍa अष्ट धगरयण्ड8 dried cow dung cakes obtained from forest used in graded heating system
aṣṭa nindita purusha अष्ट तनत्न्दत ऩरूु षEight types of undesirable constitutions are there, those are as fallows Too tall, too short, too hairy, hairless, too white, too black, too corpulent and too emaciated. These constitutions are considered as undesirable because they do not possess sufficient resistance power against diseases. The qualitative and quantitative proportions of the tissues are not proper in them. The measurement by finger (Anguli Pramana) of the body and compactness of the tissue is also abnormal. Some opines that 8 types of undesirable constitutions are mainly related to some sort of hormonal dysfunction of the body. Dysfunction of thyroid, gonads, adrenal cortex and pituitary etc.
aṣṭamāṁsa अष्टभाॊशindicating to quantity of material equivalent to 1/8th part
aṣṭavarga अष्टिगशCombination of following Rhizomes of Eight Plants: Jeevak (Malaxis acuminate), Risbhak (Malaxis muscifera), Meda (Polygonatum verticillatum), Mahameda (Polygonatum cirrhifolium), Kakoli (Roscoea procera), Ksheerkakoli (Fritillaria roylei), Riddhi (Habenaria edgeworthii), Vridhi (Habenaria intermedia).
aṣṭavegam अष्टिेगभ ्The action of poison is manifested in eight virulent stages or impulses (vega).
asthāna vāk अस्थान िाक्Speaking at inappropriate place
asthi dhātu अत्स्थ धातुFifth of the seven basic Dhātus, whose function is to provide stability to the body. It is predominant of Pṛthvi and Ākāśa Mahābhūtas.
asthi अत्स्थBone - specialized form of dense connective tissue consisting of bone cells embedded in a matrix made of calcified intercellular substance.
aṣṭhīlā iva अष्ठीरा इिStone like excessive hardness
aṣṭhīlāvat अष्ठीराित ्Stony hard
aṣṭhīlāvata jivhā अष्ठीराित त्जव्हाStone like swelling and numbness of the tongue.
asthinibha अत्स्थतनबColor of bone
asthiparvāṇi अत्स्थऩिाशणणBony Nodes, joints - an articulation, the point of juncture between two bones.
asthipiñjara अत्स्थवऩञ्जयBony skeleton - the bone framework of the body.
asthisandhayaḥ अत्स्थसन्धम्Articulation, joints - the point of juncture between two bones.
asthisaṅghātāḥ अत्स्थसङ्घाता्Clumps of the bones.
asthisāram अत्स्थसायभ ्Bone marrow - the soft organic material that fills the cavities of the bones.
asthisnehaḥ अत्स्थस्नेह्Bone marrow - the soft organic material that fills the cavities of the bones.
asthivivaram अत्स्थविियभ ्Medullary canal - cavity within the bone containing marrow
aśubha अशबुOminous; Harmful for health
aśuci अशधु चAbsence of cleanliness; Impure
aśuddhi hṛdayasya अशद्ु धध रृदमस्मFeeling of fullness in the epigastric region.
asukham असखु भ ्Discomfort or unpleasantness, If agadas (antitoxic medicines) are used in healthy, non poisoned persons it would produce all kinds of discomfort.
asukhī असखु ीUnhappy disposition
asūyana vāk असमू न िाक्Interrupted speaking
asvapna icchā अस्िप्न इच्छाDesire to awaking
asvapna अस्िप्नSleeplessness
asvasthacitta अस्िस्थधचत्तdisturbed mind
asvāsthya अस्िास्र्थमDiscomfort, Disease
asvedanaṁ अस्िेदनॊLoss of Sweating
atasī gandhaṁ अतसी गन्धॊSmell of Linseed
atasī kusumacchavi अतसी कु सभु च्छविColor of linseed flower
atasī phala sannibhaṁ अतसी पर सत्न्नबॊResembles of Linseed
atharvāṇa अथिाशणMen, learned in the lore of the Atharva Veda.
ati tīkṣṇa puriṣaṁ अतत तीक्ष्ण ऩरु यषॊStool with excessive pungent smell
ati अततExcessive or Hyperactive
atibaddhaṁ अततफद्धॊMore obstructive
atidagdhaṁ अततदग्धॊExcessive burns during cauterization.
atideśaḥ अततदेश्such statements of the author permitting incorporation of useful knowledge from elsewhere not described by him
atidīrgha अततदीघशGigantism is one among the eight undesirable conditions, in this condition person become abnormally healthy and gain excessive height. He also become impotent and cannot resist disease. Gigantism – associated with the disturbance in the anterior pituitary which produce gigantism.
atigaura अततगौयBeing too fair or whitish skin.
atigrathitaṁ अततग्रधथतॊExcessive nodular or Hard
atihrasvaṁ अततह्रस्िॊDwarfism is one among the eight undesirable conditions, in this condition person become abnormally healthy and become dwarf. Dwarfism- is associated with disturbance in the pituitary. In this condition such as frolich’s syndrome and Cushing syndrome such dwarf constitution is produced.
atikrāntatā अततक्रान्तताDislocation
atikṛśa अततकृ शToo emaciated- Hyperactivity of thyroid causes wasting of muscles and develops wasting.
atiloma अततरोभExcessive hairs/ hirrsutism- excessive hair over the body associated with dysfunction of the pituitary, adrenal cortex and gonads, also indicates the abnormalities like PCOD,PCOS etc.
atimahāna अततभहानHyperactive
atimānuṣaṁ अततभानषु ॊUnprecedent or Super power
atimātraṁ अततभात्रॊExcess
atinidrā अतततनद्राExcessive sleep
atiprādurbhāvaṁ अततप्रादबु ाशिॊHyperactive
atiprasaktaṁ अततप्रसततॊContinuous
atipravṛtti अततप्रिवृ त्तHyperactive
atisṛṣṭaṁ अततसष्ृ टॊHyperactive
atisthūla अततस्थूरOverweight; Obese
atītakālam अतीतकारभ ्When the matter which actually to be said earlier but is said later, and because of delayed presentation become unacceptable
atītāvekṣaṇaṁ अतीतािेऺणॊmethods of referring back to the earlier portion of the book for information on a particular subject without which the present topic cannot be understood properly
atīva utsarga अतीि उत्सगशHyperactive
ativāhika śarīra अततिार्हक शयीयthe subtle body which consist of manas, indriya and atma , devoid of gross body
ativartanaṁ अततितनश ॊHyperactive, Hard
ativegaṁ अततिेगॊHyperactive
ativirecanaṁ अततवियेचनॊHyperactive
ativisarga अततविसगशHyperactive
ativṛttaṁ अततित्तृ ॊHyperactive
atiyogaḥ अततमोग्Extreme contact of sense organ with their respective objects and time
atṛptikaraṁ अतत्ृ प्तकयॊUnsatisfied, Insatiability
atyāgni अत्मात्ग्नExcessive digestive power
atyantābhāva अत्मन्ताबािabsolute non-existence
atyante laghvalpā bhojanaiḥ api अत्मन्ते रघ्िल्ऩाFullness of abdomen even taking less food.
atyarthaṁ अत्मथंExcessive
atyarthaśaṅkitaḥ अत्मथशङ्क्रकत्Paranoid.
atyātma vāk अत्मात्भ िाक्Speaks more than his natural capacity
audaka māṁsa औदक भाॉसFlesh of aquatic variety: Flesh of animal living or growing in water
audbhida gana औद्मबदAll substances of plant origin organized and unorganized.
audbhida jala औद्मबद जरArtesian well – water which springs from the earth and flows like a large spring.
audbhida lavaṇa औद्मबद रिणSalts derived from plants
aupādhika औऩाधधकrelating to or depending on special qualities , limited by particular conditions , valid only under particular suppositions
aupamyam औऩम्मभ ्the statement based on similarity
aupanāsikya sirā औऩनामसतम मसयाveins of the nose-Anterior facial vein, near the nose.(Angular vein)
aupasargika roga औऩसधगकश योगA clinically manifested disease of man resulting in the spread to another person; Communicable Disease
auṣadha औषधmedicine / drug
auṣadhi yukta bhojana औषधध मतु त बोजनMedicine mixed with food- for those who have aversion to words the medicines, for them food should be given mixed with medicine.
auṣadhi औषधधherbs having limited life cycle till fruiting or maturity i.e. annual plants
autsukya औत्सतु मExcitement
avabandhaḥ अिफन्ध्Inactive
avabhaṅga अिबङ्गInjured nose which is elicited by voice.
avabhañjana अिबञ्जनBreaking pain
avabhedaka अिबेदकBreaking pain
avacchinnaṁ अित्च्छन्नॊContinuous
avadaraṇaṁ अिदयणॊCracks of fissure
avadātaḥ अिदात्a normal complexion of man , bright white in nature
avadhamana अिधभनFrequent shaking movement of the body or pain in chest or irritation in the throat
avagāhana अिगाहनImmersion of anointed body in to a tub of warm water. It is one among the daily regimen which nourishes whole body, bestows strength, gives stability and enhances physical resistance power.
avagharṣaṇaṁ अिघषणश ॊFrequent rubbing
avagraha अिग्रहRestricted movement
avaguṇṭhana अिगण्ु ठनLikes to cover the head with hands
avakrama अिक्रभindicating property of material which is straight
avakṣipta अिक्षऺप्तHurled down from a height.
avakūjanaṁ अिकू जनॊVoice resembles the sound of pigeon
avalaṁbaka अिरफक कपOne of the five subtypes of Kapha that supports and sustains the heart and other sites of Kapha.
avaleha अिरेहA pharmaceutical dosage form- confectionery the decoctions are further concentrated to semisolid consistency after adding sweetening and other substances over fire
avalekhana अिरेखनModes of administration of poison through comb.
avalupyata iva अिरप्ु मत इिCutting pain
avalupyate अिरप्ु मतेDisgust for food articles.
avamāna labdheṣu अिभान रब्धेषुDisgust for food articles.
avamarda अिभदशPressing type of pain
avāmi अिामभDoesn’t produce nausea/vomiting- one of the test for copper containing bhasma
avāñchā अिाञ्छाLack of desire
avāñcī अिाञ्चीFace looking downwards.
avāṅmukha अिाङ्भखुDownward looking face
avanunnatvaṁ अिनन्ु नत्िॊTwisting pain in chest.
avapāṭana अिऩाटनUprooting pain in local area.
avapīḍakaḥ अिऩीडक्The use of a particular drug in excess amount.
avapīḍana अिऩीडनPressing pain
avara satva अिय सत्िPerson having poor mental tolerance/Inferior mind. They can sustain neither by themselves nor by others, although having big stature they are unable to endure even mild pain. They are associated with fear, grief, greed, confusion.
avarodha अियोधRetention or stiffness
avarodhaḥ अियोध्Shoulder - the junction of the clavicle and scapula where the arm meets the trunk.
avaropitam अियोवऩतभ ्Impaled
avasāda अिसाद1. Depression 2. Sinking, fainting, Exhaustion, fatigue 3. Lacking courage and spirit
avaśātanaṁ अिशातनॊPutrefaction
avasraṁsanaṁ अिस्रसनॊFlabbiness
avasṛkastrāvaṇa असकृ ् स्रािणBlood circulation
avaṣṭambha अिष्टम्बResting upon; holing of body
avasthā pāka अिस्था ऩाकDifferent three phase of Digestion that takes place within the GIT i.e. stomach, small intestine & large intestine, each stage correspondingly producing Kapha, Pitta & Vata.
avasthā viruddha अिस्था विरुद्धRegimens which are unwholesome to health status. Intake of Vata aggravating food by a person after exhaustion, sexual act and physical exercise or intake of kapha aggravating food by a person after sleep or drowsiness.
Avasthika Kala आित्स्थक कारConditionally moving time is that which is concerned with the various stages diseases manifestation. Like Acute or Chronic stages.
avataraṇaṁ अितयणॊPutrefaction
avaṭuḥ अिटु ्Nape of the neck - back of the neck.
avegaṁ अिेगॊInvoluntary or without reflex
avekṣā pāṇyooḥ अिेऺा ऩाण्मो्Looks towards palms frequently without any specific cause
avidyā अविद्माignorance and illusion
avimalendriyatvaṁ अविभरेत्न्द्रमत्िॊWeakness of sense organs
avimukta अविभतु तIncomplete
avipāka अविऩाकImpairment of digestion or metabolism
avipākī अविऩाकीIndigestible.
aviṣa/ nirviṣ अविष/ तनविषश ्Detoxified state
aviṣaliṁgam अविषमरगॊ भ ्Absence of sign of poison, a bite a non- venomous serpent is marked by the absence of any of the specific symptoms of poisoning.
avitatha अवितथTells truth
avyakta darśanaṁ अव्मतत दशनश ॊBlurred vision
avyakta अव्मततUnmanifestated state, unapparent, indistinct, invisible, imperceptible. A feature of Vāta.
avyaktavāk अव्मततिाक्Indistinct Speech
avyavasthita अव्मित्स्थतIrregular
avyaya अव्ममNot liable to change; Imperishable, A synonym of Ātmā
ayānai gamanodyama अमानै गभनोद्मभRiding on undesirable vehicles.
ayodaṇḍa अमोदण्डIron ladle/ rod used for different processes of medicines
ayoga अमोगNon employment , non use, non application, non performance