haima हैभOne among the classification of Antariksha jala. It is a kind of water source, in which ice or snow is liquefied.
haṁsapada हॊसऩदA unit of Measurement; Synonym of one karsha equivalents to 12g of metric units
haṁsodakaṁ हॊसोदकॊHamsodaka has two connotations. Hamsa stands for the sun and the moon: so the water purified by the rays of the sun and the moon is known as Hamsodaka. It is known as Hamsodaka also because this is the type of purified water which Swans (Hamsa) enjoy. Usually this type of water gets naturally in the month of Sharada. In this month by the action of Sun and moon rays and detoxifying effect of Agatsya Nakshatra, water gets purified.
hanana हननHarass, trouble and annoy others continually or repeatedly
hananaṁ sandhi हननॊ सत्न्धDifficult function of joint
hanti yogavaśenāśu cirācciratarāt हत्न्त मोगिशने ाशु धचयात्च्चयतयात ्Gara visha (artificial poison) kills the person either quickly or after long time because of the nature of combination of drugs.
hāridraṁ हारयद्रॊYellow like Turmeric
hāridrarūpa darśanaṁ हारयद्ररूऩ दशनश ॊSees objects in turmeric yellow color
hāridratvaṁ हारयद्रत्िॊYellow like Turmeric
hāridravarṇa हारयद्रिणशYellow like Turmeric
harikeśatā हरयके शताTawny color of hair
harikeśo हरयके शोTawny hair person.
hariloma हरयरोभTawny colored hair
hariṇajaṁ हरयणजॊrelated to deers/ stag
hariroma हरययोभTawny color of hair
harita rūpa darśanaṁ हरयत रूऩ दशनश ॊSees green colored objects
harita varga हरयत िगशGroup of green leaves, vegetables, fruits, spices, etc. which can be used only in wet form; these can be used before and after food, but cannot give (Tripti) satiety. This category of food is consumed without any Samskara (Modulation of basic properties) along with main meal. Raw food articles which are used as Salad like Onion, Lemon, etc come under these categories.
haritālavarṇaṁ raktaṁ हरयतारिणं यततॊBlood with the color of orpiment
haritatvaṁ हरयतत्िॊGreenish
haritavarṇaṁ हरयतिणंGreen color
harṣa danta हषश दन्तGnashing of teeth
harṣa dhamanī हषश धभनीEngorgement of artery
harṣa pāda हषश ऩादTingling sensation of foot
harṣa roma हषश योभHorripilation
harṣaṇa हषणशSense of friction
harṣaṇaṁ roma हषणश ॊ योभHorripilation
harṣaṇam हषणश भ ्Causing pleasure
hāsa icchā हास इच्छाFond of laughing
hasanaṁ asthāne हसनॊ अस्थानेLaughing at inappropriate occasion
hastanartana हस्तनतनशDancing movement of hand.
hāsya icchā हास्म इच्छाFond of laughing
hatabala हतफरDebility or loss of physical strength or weakness
hatacūrṇaka हतचूणकशPowdered arsenic
hatadarśanaṁ हतदशनश ॊBlurred vision
hataṁ हतॊLoss of motor function
hatanāma हतनाभPiles in rectum
hataprabhaṁ हतप्रबॊDiminished complexion or weakness of sense organs
hatasvaraṁ हतस्ियॊAphonia
hatendriyaḥ हतत्न्द्रम्Weakness of sense organs
haṭhāgni हठात्ग्नStrong heat
hatotsāha हतोत्साहLoss of enthusiasm.
hetu हेतुEtiology: includes the immediate and distant causes of diseases;
hetvābhāsa हेत्िाबासfalse reason or fallacy
hetvantaram हेत्िन्तयभ ्fallacy of reason: Giving of an irrelevant reasoning instead of relevant reasoning
hetvarthaḥ हेत्िथ्शExtension of arguments; application of knowledge of one phenomenon happening elsewhere or the extension of a principle enunciated at one
hikkānigrahaṇa र्हतकातनग्रहणsubstances used to restrain hiccough
hiṁgula र्हगॊ रुAn ore of mercury
hiṁsā icchā र्हसा इच्छाFond of torturing others
hīnabala हीनफरLoss of strength
hīnamātrā āhāra हीनभात्रा आहायDeficient quantity is said to be causing loss of strength, complexion & development, harm to lifespan, virility& immunity.
hīnāṅga darśana हीनाङ्ग दशनशSees objects as defective organs
hīnarūpa हीनरूऩDiminished complexion
hīnasvaraḥ हीनस्िय्Aphonia
hīnavāk हीनिाक्Less talking
hīnayogaḥ हीनमोग्Suboptimal interaction of sense organ with their respective objects and time
hīnottaroṣṭha हीनोत्तयोष्ठSmaller upper lip or drooping of upper lip
hita र्हतFood which normalizes the vitiated Dosa’s/beneficial. Contrast to Ahita.
hitāyu र्हतामुa kind of life which is beneficial to the self and the society
hitopadeśaṣu akṣānti र्हतोऩदेशषु अऺात्न्तIntolerance to the advices though it is good
hrāsa dṛṣṭi maṇḍala ह्रास दृत्ष्ट भण्डरSmall size of pupil.
hṛdayāśuddhi रृदमाशद्ु धधFeeling of fullness in the epigastric region.
hṛdayāvaraṇa रृदमाियणPoisons, by their penetrating property, weaken the heart and in order to protect it the patient should be administered pure ghee, ghee mixed with honey, juices of sugarcane etc.
hṛdayopalepa रृदमोऩरेऩCoating like feeling in heart
hṛdayotkledaḥ रृदमोत्तरेद्Nausea
hṛdayotkleśa रृदमोत्तरेशNausea
hṛdisthitāni guhyāni vāk रृर्दत्स्थतातन गवु मातन
hṛdrava रृद्रिTachycardia or palpitation.
hṛdviśodhanam रृद्विशोधनभ ्It is one line of treatment in artificial poisoning in which there is cleansing of the heart by giving copper along with honey.
hṛdya रृद्मbeneficial/pleasing for cardiac health
hrīkṣaya ह्रीऺमLack of Shyness
hṛllāsikā रृल्रामसकाNausea
hṛllepa रृल्रेऩCoating like feeling in heart
hṛnmoha रृन्भोहBradycardia or weak heart beat
hṛṣṭa romā रृष्ट योभाHorripilation
hṛsva darśanaṁ रृस्ि दशनश ॊObjects look small in size
hṛsva vṛddha darśanaṁ रृस्ि िद्ृ ध दशनश ॊSees object in magnificient form
hṛsvaṁ mahat darśanaṁ रृस्िॊ भहत ् दशनश ॊSees object in magnificient form
hṛṣyenmayūra udvignaḥ रृष्मेन्भमयू उद्विग्न्Peacock moves about and becomes delighted on seeing poisoned food.
hṛt ghaṭṭanaṁ रृत ् घट्टनॊPressing pain in heart
hṛt kampa रृत ् कम्ऩTachycardia or palpitation.
hṛt viruddha रृत ् विरुद्धAny substance which is not pleasant in taste.
hṛtkroḍaśūnatā रृत्क्रोडशनू ताFeeling of emptiness in cardiac region.
huṇḍana हुण्डनTics of the head, Nose, Eye, Jatru or Neck. Otherwise falling of hair or breaking pain in head especially forehead and temples; Anosmia; intrusion of the eye; Congestion in chest; or Wryneck