icchā इच्छाRefers to desired attributes- requisition of whatever is not available with us is desire. Is a spiritual attribute. Desire is produced from pleasure. Derived from the enjoyment of garlands, women etc.
icchādveṣau animittataḥ इच्छाद्िेषौ अतनमभत्तत्Like and Dislike without any reason
ikṣu varga इऺु िगशGroup of sugar cane products;
ikṣuvikāra इऺुविकायSugarcane products;
indradhanuṣaprabharakt a raktaṁ इन्द्रधनषु प्रबयतत यततॊBlood with multicolor like rainbow
indradhanuṣiṁ darśanaṁ इन्द्रधनवु षॊ दशनश ॊSees rainbow in objects
indragopābha raktaṁ इन्द्रगोऩाब यततॊBlood with the color of earthworm
indragopaka इन्द्रगोऩकA kind of insect of red color
indriya इत्न्द्रमorgans of motor action and sensory perception
indriyabalahāni इत्न्द्रमफरहातनloss of strength of sensory faculty
indriyabuddhi इत्न्द्रमफद्ु धधperceived sense as an outcome of the direct perception
indriyādhiṣṭhāna इत्न्द्रमाधधष्ठानThe seat of sense organ like Ear for auditory sensation etc.
indriyāṇāṁ ca vaikṛtyaṁ इत्न्द्रमाणाॊ च िकै ृ त्मॊFood mixed with poison on it reaching stomach give rises to derangement of the sense organs.
indriyāntara saṁcāra इत्न्द्रमान्तय सचायRapid conjugation of mind with sensory or motor organs
indriyārthāḥ इत्न्द्रमाथाश्The objects of sense organs like sound, touch, vision, taste and smell, which are perceived through the sense organs.
indriyārthasannikarṣaḥ इत्न्द्रमाथसत्न्नकष्शsequential interaction between the sensory organ with object
indubhi ājitaṁ iva darśanaṁ इन्दमु ब आत्जतॊ इि दशनश ॊSees things as covered by the light of moon
indupāṇḍura dṛṣṭimaṇḍala इन्दऩु ाण्डु य दृत्ष्टभण्डरMoon like pale pupil
indupariveṣa darśana इन्दऩु रयिेष दशनशSees circular patch like moon before eyes
ingitagyo manushyanam vakcheshtamukha vaika — इङ्गितज्ञो मनुष्याणां वाक्चेष्टामुख वैकKinesics experts should identify poisoners by observing variations in speech, actions, and facial expressions.
iṅgitajño manuṣyāṇāṁ vākceṣṭāmukha vaikṛtaiḥ इङ्धगतऻो भनष्ु माणाॊ
iṣṭa deśa aśniyāta इष्ट देश अत्श्नमातIn favorable place-place where we have to take should be lonely, neat & clean, with full concentration on meal.
iṣṭa sarvopakaraṇa aśniyāta इष्ट सिोऩकयण अत्श्नमातWith all the favorable accessories- all type of utensils, products, and workers should be present there to serve you.
iṣṭikācurṇasaṁkāśaṁ इत्ष्टकाचुणसश कॊ ाशॊResembling brick powder -indicating the color of bhasma of mica & ideal property of dust of fruit of Mallatos philipensis
itarāhvaya इतयाविमOthers; plants are also named on basis of many other parameters.
itastataḥ darśanaṁ इतस्तत् दशनश ॊLooking in all directions