lāghavam राघिभ ्lightness : a property of substance
laghu pañcamūla रघु ऩञ्चभरूCombination of Five roots obtained from small plants; Shalparni (Desmodium gangeticum), Prishnparni (Uraria picta), Brahti (Solanum indicum), Kantkari (Solanum surattense), Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris).
laghu रघुLight/ lightness; one among 20 gurvadi gunas. opposite of guru guna; caused due to activated vayu, agni, akasha mahabhutas; denotes physiological & pharmacological lightness; manifested by lightness in the body, easy to digest, stimulates Agni, decreases all body tissues, pacifies kapha, aggravates Vata, heals wounds;
lāja maṇḍa राज भण्डA thin gruel prepared out Laja (parched rice) or roasted rice. Is a good appetizer and pacifies thirst and diarrheas.
lājā राजाObtained by roasting undried and unhusked paddy. Is light and easily digestible. Cures thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, diabetes, obesity, cough and pitta.
lājagandhi राजगत्न्धSmell is like fried paddy (corn)
lajjā रज्जाfeeling of Shame
lakṣaṇā रऺणाspecific expression indicated by a word or phrase or sentence
lākṣārasa राऺायसa liquid preparation prepared of lakh by adding 6 times of water and processed in dolayantra
lākṣārasopamaṁ ārtava राऺायसोऩभॊ आतिशMenstrual blood in the color of the juice of Lac
lālā chardi रारा छर्दशVomiting of saliva
lālā strāvīḥ रारा स्त्रािी्Excessive salivation, Symptom of a rabid dog.
lālana jihvā रारन त्जविाShaking of tongue
lālāsrāvaḥ रारास्राि्Salivation
lālātantuyutaṁmutraṁ रारातन्तमु तु भॊ त्रु ॊSaliva like urine
lambana रम्फनPendulous or drooping
laṁghana icchā रघॊ न इच्छाDesire to fasting
laṁghana रघॊ नTherapy which produces lightness of the body is called laṁghana.Reduction therapy consists of two parts Pallative and Purification. Laṁ ghana consist of 10 methods. The first 4 are types of purification process excluding blood letting. Remaining six are palliative therapy viz exposure to wind, exposure to sun, fasting, taking medicine / herbs to increase digestive function etc. This therapy is indicated in preventive and treating Kaphaja and Medo roga.
lāñchana राञ्छनA mark or sign, one of the basis for naming plants.
lāṅgalakī राङ्गरकीGloriosa superba, a plant having poison in its root/rhizome.
lasikā रसीका1. A watery component of the body, lymph, serum. 2. Mala of Rasa. 3. A site of Pitta.
lasikāvat mūtraṁ रमसकाित ् भत्रू ॊUrine resembles serous fluid
latā रताplants with a weak stem; climbers/twinners/prostates/creepers
lauha — लौह1. Element iron Ferrum with chemical symbol Fe Atomic. no 26.
2. Used to represent all metals.
lauha रौह1.Element iron ferrum with chemical symbol Fe at At.no 26
lauhapārāyā रौहऩायामाused in grinding purpose
laukika karma रौक्रकक कभशIt refers to Worldly action. All activities like sitting, standing, sleeping, running, throwing etc comes under this.
laukika रौक्रककbelonging to or occurring in ordinary world
lavaṇa icchā रिण इच्छाFond of salt
lavaṇa rasa रिण यसSalty taste
lavaṇa skandha रिण स्कन्धClass of different salts;
lavaṇa varga रिण िगशClass of different salts;
lavaṇa yantra रिण मन्त्रSalt bath apparatus used in various processes for purpose of indirect heating
lavaṇa रिणSalty; one of the six rasa.
layana रमनLoss of consciousness, Delusion, Distraction
lehaḥ रेह्It means the preparation of the medicines topically in palatable form (in the form of linctus) given for licking.
lehanaṁ oṣṭha रेहनॊ ओष्ठHabit of licking lips
lekhanaṁ guda रेखनॊ गदुScrapping like feeling in anus
lekhanīya रेखनीमScrapping, Scratching, Substances that reduce excess body tissues.
lepa mukhasya रेऩ भखु स्मCoating in the mouth
lepana रेऩनAnointing/application- here application of antiseptics, any other germicidal solution to vitiated land to maintain biologically hygiene.
līla icchā रीर इच्छाFond of playing
liṅga śarīra मरङ्ग शयीयthe subtle body
liṅganāśaḥ मरङ्गनाश्Blurred vision
liṅgaśaithilya मरङ्गशधथल्मLoss of erection of penis
lobha रोबGreed: insatiable desire for having something; Excessive desire to acquire more than need.
lohagandha रोहगन्धSmell of metal
lohita darśanaṁ रोर्हत दशनश ॊLooks objects in blood color
lohitagandhī रोर्हतगन्धीSmell of blood
lohitam रोर्हतभ ्blood or synonym of blood
lohitavarṇa रोर्हतिणशSmell of metal
loka रोकWorld or domain or universe
lolaḥ रोर्Desire or Fond of
lolaṁ रोरॊUnsteady activities
lolanaṁ रोरनॊNodding the head.
lomaharṣaṇam रोभहषणश भ ्It is a symptom produced in animate type of poisoning which means raising of hairs.
loṭhana रोठनNodding the head
lucyate iva pārśva रच्ु मते इि ऩाश्िशFeeling of drooping of the flanks
lulita pakṣma रमु रत ऩक्ष्भWavering of eyelashes
luptacita रप्ु तधचतConfusion or absence of mind
lūtā रतू ाPoisonous spiders which have poison in various sites in their body.
lūtāviṣaṁ ghoratamaṁ durvijñeyatamaṁ ca tat रतू ाविषॊ घोयतभॊ
lutavisham ghortamam durvigyeyatamam cha tat — लूताविषं घोरतमं दुर्विज्ञेयतमं च तत्The Cases of venomous spider bites are the most dreadful and most difficult to diagnose and treat.