na badhyante न फध्मन्तेNot to be bandaged, ulcers due to scalds, in lepers, fleshy condylomata due to a bite from a poisonous rat or any other poisonous ulcers should not be bandaged.
nābhi bandhanam नामब फन्धनभ ्Umbilical end of cord. The attachment connecting the fetus with the placenta
nābhiḥ नामब्Navel, Umbilicus. The depressed point in the middle of the abdomen. The Scar that marks the former attachment of umbilical cord to the fetus
nābhihate daṇḍarājī syāt नामबहते दण्डयाजी स्मात ्It is a sign of death of a poisoned person in which bruise does not occur on the skin of the person even when hit by sticks.
nābhimaṇḍalam नामबभण्डरभ ्Round area of umbilicus. The depressed point in the middle of the abdomen, the
nābhināḍī नामबनाडीUmbilical cord. The attachment connecting the fetus with the placenta.
nābhipradeśaḥ नामबप्रदेश्Umbilical region. The depressed point in the middle of the abdomen, the scar that marks the former attachment of umbilical cord to the fetus
nadana kar¸a नदन कणशFlute like sound in the ear.
naddhatvam iva nāsikā नद्धत्िभ ् इि नामसकाFeeling of fullness
nādeya udaka नादेम उदकRiver water
nāga नागElement Lead-Plumbum with chemical symbol Pb at 82
nagnatava नग्नत्िNudity or exhibitionism
naik varṇa dṛṣṭimaṇḍala नकै ् िणश दृत्ष्टभण्डरMulticolored pupil
naikamūla roma नकै भरू योभDeep rooted hair
nairlajjya नरै ज्श ज्मShamelessness.
naiṣṭika hetu नत्ष्टक हेतुNishṭha refers to permanently getting rid from the sufferings/ pain, and Hetu refers to cause. Diseases hinder the person from getting salvation, so diseases are considered as Naișṭhika Hetu.
naiṣṭikī cikitsā नत्ष्टकी धचक्रकत्साIt’s made up of two words. Nishṭha and Chikitsa. Nishṭha refers to permanently getting rid from the sufferings / pain. Means for this is naiṣṭikī cikitsā
nakha bhedaḥ नख बेद्Decaying of nails
nakhacyutiḥ नखच्मतु त्Falling of nail
nakhāḥ nakhāni vā नखा् नखातन िाNails. A horny cell structure of the epidermis forming flat plates upon the dorsal surface of the terminal phalanges
nakhamāṁsam नखभाॊसभ ्Nail bed or Nail Matrix/Digital pulp. The portion of a finger or toe covered by the nail.
nakhaprabha नखप्रबColor of Nail
nakhasadanaṁ नखसदनॊFalling of nails
nakhasandhiḥ नखसत्न्ध्Nail root & Nail fold. Root of a horny cell structure of the epidermis forming flat plates upon the dorsal surface of the terminal phalanges
nakhaśātam नखशातभ ्Falling of the fingernails.
nakhaśātanaṁ नखशातनॊFalling of nails
nakṣatra darśanaṁ नऺत्र दशनश ॊSees star like objects
nakula नकु रIt is a wild animal, which is included in animate group of poison, i.e. mangoose.
nakulanirjitāḥ नकु रतनत्जतश ा्If the snakes are afflicted by the attacks of mongoose, then the poison of such snakes is mild in nature.
nālam नारभ ्Penis or Phallus. The male organ of copulation and in mammal’s urination.
nāma नाभName/Basonym of a plant
namana नभनBending of the body
namanayati नभमततAbility to bend; an adverse effect attributed to excessive use (Atiyoga) of Tikta rasa.
nānārujāvat purīṣapravartanam नानारुजाित ् ऩयु ीषप्रितनश भ ्Defecation with various types of pain
nānāvarṇaṁ नानािणंMulti color.
nānāvidhaṁ purīṣaṁ नानाविधॊ ऩयु ीषॊStool in different forms
napuṁsaka नऩसॊु कImpotent.
napuṁsaka नऩसॊु कHermaphrodite.
nara ati icchā नय अतत इच्छाNymphomania; Excessive desire for sexual intercourse with males
nara dveṣa नय द्िेषAversion to males
nārī ati icchā नायी अतत इच्छाExcessive desire for sexual intercourse with females
nartana bhrū नतनश भ्रूTrembling of eyebrow
nāsā nāsikā vā नासा नामसका िाNose -organ of smell
nāsākṣisandhiḥ नासाक्षऺसत्न्ध्Inner canthus. The angle at the inner end of the slit between the eye lids.
nāsānāḍī नासानाडीNostril-Anterior nares. External aperture of the nose
nāsapuṭabahirbhāgaḥ नासऩटु फर्हबाशग्Ala of nose. Wing of the nose, Broad portion forming the lateral wall of each nostril.
nāsārandhram नासायन्ध्रभ ्Nostril. One of the external aperture of the nose
nāsāsrotaḥ नासास्रोत्Nasal meatus. The passage or opening of nose.
nāsāvabhaṅgaśc नासािबङ्गश्च ्A bad prognostic sign resulting in the cases of snake bite which means that the nose bridge of the patient becomes bent or collapses.
nāsāvivaram नासाविियभ ्Nostril. One of the external aperture of the nose.
nāsikābhyāṁ raktaṁ नामसकाभ्माॊ यततॊBleeding through Nose
nāsikāpuṭaṁ vā नामसकाऩटु ॊNostril-Anterior nares. External aperture of the nose
nāsikāviṣaya ajñānam नामसकाविषम अऻानभ ्Anosmia or loss of the sense of smell
naṣṭa piṣṭi नष्ट वऩत्ष्टLoosing original shape of mercury by grinding / reducing , to a very fine state of division
naṣṭacchāyā नष्टच्छामाDiminished complexion
naṣṭamānasaḥ नष्टभानस्Confusion or absence of mind
nasya नस्मAdministration of drugs by nasal route, all drugs and measures introduced through nose spread throughout the head and its constituent drugs may influence all the Doṣas, poisons and disease situated in these parts.
nasyadhūmāñjanādiśu नस्मधूभाञ्जनार्दशुA way to cause harm by administering the poison through the way of nasal application, inhalation (smoking) and collyrium.
nata grīvā नत ग्रीिाForward bending of the neck
nātidrutaṁ नाततद्रतु ॊOne should not eat food in hurry; it may leads to food improper mixing of food with saliva, indigestion and entry of food in wrong tract.
nātivilambitam नाततविरत्म्फतभ ्One should not eat too slow by this one doesn't get satisfaction, eats more, food becomes cold and is digested irregularly.
nayana budabudaḥ नमन फदु फदु ्Eye ball. The globe of the eye
nayanaplava नमनप्रिLacrimation
netra dūṣikā नेत्र दवू षकाExcreta of eye
netra mala नेत्र भरExcreta of the eye
netra upadeha नेत्र उऩदेहExcreta of eye
netra virecana नेत्र वियेचनLacrimation
netrābhyāṁ raktaṁ नेत्राभ्माॊ यततॊBleeding through eye
netracchādanam नेत्रच्छादनभ ्Eyelid. One of two movable protective folds that cover the anterior surface of
netrakośaḥ नेत्रकोश्Palpebrae, Lids. Related to eye lids
netranāḍī नेत्रनाडीNasolacrimal duct. A duct connecting nose to the lacrimal apparatus
netrāntapradeśaḥ नेत्रान्तप्रदेश्Outer canthus. The angle at the outer end of the slit between the eye lids
netraplava नेत्रप्रिLacrimation
nicaya purīṣapravartanam तनचम ऩयु ीषप्रितनश भ ्Retention of stool
nidarśanam तनदशनश भ ्an Illustrative statements which explains a subject matter with the help of an example understandable to common man
nidrā abhāva तनद्रा अबािSleeplessness
nidrā bhraṁśa तनद्रा भ्रशॊSleeplessness
nidrā nāśa तनद्रा नाशSleeplessness
nidrā तनद्राSleep; When the Mana (mind) & Indriya’s (sense organs) get exhausted, they withdraw themselves from the objects & the individual get sleep. Sleep is caused by Tamas, Kapha, physical and mental exertion, adventitious, as sequel to diseases and normally at night.
nidrāhāni तनद्राहातनSleeplessness
nidrākṣayaḥ तनद्राऺम्Sleeplessness
nidrāviparyaya तनद्राविऩममशSleeplessness
nigamanam तनगभनभ ्Deduction or conclusive statement ; step of inference for re- establishment of truth
nighaṇṭu तनघण्टुLexicon; Texts containing various information of medicinal substances like synonyms, pharmacological properties and actions.
nigraha तनग्रहRetention, Stiffness, Restriction
nigrahasthānam तनग्रहस्थानभ ्loopholes of a competitor by which opponent can be defeated in a hostile discussion
nihanti तनहत्न्तArrests/ destroys
nihśvāśa तन्श्िासInspiration, inhalation
nikocam bhrū तनकोचभ ् भ्रूFrowning of the eyebrow
nikocanam akṣi तनकोचनभ ् अक्षऺContraction of the eye
nikṣipta तनक्षऺप्तPlacing/Having poured/ To put down
nikuñcanaṁ तनकु ञ्चनॊContraction of skin
nīlā dīnāṁ tamasaśc darśanaṁ नीरादीनाॊ तभसश्च ् दशनश ॊBlue/dark vision It is a symptom produced in fifth impulse of poisoning which means that one’s vision becomes blue or in dark color.
nīlābhaṁ mūtraṁ नीराबॊ भत्रू ॊBluish urine.
nīlāruṇābhaṁ purīkṣāṁ नीरारुणाबॊ ऩयु ीऺाॊReddish blue colored stool
nīloṣṭha नीरोष्ठBluishness of lips due to cyanosis (asphyxia) which is sign of (imminent) death of poisoned patient.
nimajjanam तनभज्जनभ ्Sinks in water
nimeṣa ekākṣi तनभेष एकाक्षऺClosing of one of the eye or Nictation
nimeṣa kṛcchrāt akṣi तनभेष कृ च्रात ् अक्षऺClosing of the eye with difficult
nimeṣa तनभेषClosure of the eyelids, a moment, to flutter the eyelids.
nimeṣākṣi तनभेषाक्षऺClosing of the eye or Nictation
nimeṣonmeṣaṇaṁ akṣi तनभेषोन्भेषणॊ अक्षऺFrequent closing and opening of eye.
nimīlanam akṣi तनभीरनभ ् अक्षऺClosing of the eye or Nictation
nimitta kāraṇa तनमभत्त कायणAuxiliary cause; Instrumental cause
nimitta तनमभत्तMeans; the cause of anything.
nimnatā तनम्नताDepressed in the middle of tongue
nipatana तनऩतनFalling down
nirālokā dṛṣṭimaṇḍalaṁ तनयारोका दृत्ष्टभण्डरॊOpacity in pupil
nirāntra तनयान्त्रFree from intestines
nirapatratā तनयऩत्रताShamelessness
nīrasakomal नीयसकोभर ्Soft and without any moisture- indicative of the optimal stage of preparing medicated oil/ghee
nirbhaya तनबमशFearlessness
nirbheda akṣi तनबेद अक्षऺBreaking pain in the eye.
nirbhugna akṣi तनबग्ुश न अक्षऺDistorted eye or vision
nirbhugna darśanaṁ तनबग्ुश न दशनश ॊSees objects in distorted form
nirbhugna hṛdaya तनबग्ुश न रृदमTwisting like feeling in heart.
nirbhugna तनबग्ुश नDistorted, Tortuous
nirbījaṁ तनफॉजॊFutility of semen
nirdeśaḥ तनदेश्Statements which elaborate a theme briefly said with a detail of description
nirdhuma — निर्धूम1. One of the classical tests for examining the Bhasma specifically for arsenic indicates no free availability of material
2. one of the ideal properties of Shilajatu (shilajit).
nirdhūma तनधूभश1. One of the classical tests for examining the bhasma specifically for arsenic indicating no free availability of material
nirgamana jihvā तनगभन त्जविाProtrusion of the tongue
nirgandha तनगन्ध1.Make the material free from odor/ odorless 2.Make the material sulphur free
nirgandhaṁ mūtraṁ तनगन्श धॊ भत्रू ॊUrine without smell
nirgandhaṁ raktaṁ तनगन्धॊ यततॊBleeding without smell
nirghṛṇitva तनघणशृ णत्िMercilessness or cruel disposition.
nirjalīkaraṇa तनजरीकयणA process by which the crystalline water in the materials will be evaporated making amorphous
nirmalāni tejāṁsi तनभरातन तजाॊमसSees objects glowing
nirmathan hṛdaya तनभथश न ् रृदमStirring like feeling in heart.
nirmathan तनभथश न ्Churning pain
nirmathanam akṣi araṇivat तनभथश नभ ् अक्षऺ अयणणित ्Pain in the eye as being churned with Araṇi (Fire producing stick)
nirṇayaḥ तनणमश ्Decisissive statements which establish a conclusion, settlement of a subject after detailed consideration of all relevant and related facts
nirodha hṛdaya तनयोध रृदमStiffness of pericardial region
nirodha तनयोधStiffness, Retention
nirucchvās तनरुच््िास ्Breathlessness
niruddharaktaḥ तनरुद्धयतत्Stoppage of bleeding, after the bite of darvikar snake (group of cobra snake variety) the blood does not come out from the site of bite.
niruddhavāk तनरुद्धिाक्Choked voice
niruttha तनरुत्थOne of the bhasma test –shouldn’t increase the weight of silver when mixed with bhasma
nirvacanam तनिचश नभ ्specific description with such example which could be understood by experts only
nirvikalpakam तनविकल्ऩक-प्रत्मऺNon-differentiated knowledge
nirvikāra तनविकायDevoid of pathogenecity; the quality of self which is devoid of all bodily and psychological ailments.
nirvīrya तनिॉमशThe material with no potency
nirviṣa तनविषशType of a non venomous snake bite which is marked by presence of one or more fang marks and absence of swelling and presence of slightly vitiated blood at the spot and is not attended with any change in physiological condition of the person bitten.
nirvṛtti तनिवशृ त्तManifestation : originate or come into existence
niryāsa तनमाशसExudate of a plant
niryātam तनमाशतभ ्A process of Extraction
niryūha तनमहूशsynonym of kashaya - boiled & filtered liquid of herbs for specific time used for the therapeutics & pharmaceutical manufacturing
niśācara तनशाचयWalking in night
niśāvihāra तनशाविहाय#NAME?
niścandra तनश्चन्द्रOne of the classical test for examining the bhasma/kajjali indicating no free availability/complete compounding of material
niśceṣṭa तनश्चेष्टLoss of motor function
nishphalam — निष्फलम्1. Without use /waste/useless/worthless
2. without any effect/result
niṣkramaṇa jihvā तनष्क्रभण त्जविाProtrusion of tongue.
niṣkriya तनत्ष्क्रमInactive. A specific property of Ātmā.
niṣkriyata iva akṣi तनत्ष्क्रमत इि अक्षऺFeeling of displacement of eye
niṣkulī तनष्कु रीPeeling of epidermal layer in ash gourd etc
nispandana तनस्ऩन्दनThe twitching in the head
niṣpatram तनष्ऩत्रभ ्Without lamellae -A property of mineral
niṣphalam तनष्परभ ्1. Without use/useless
niṣphalatā तनष्परताInfertility; Futility of semen
niṣpicchaṁ ārtava तनत्ष्ऩच्छॊ आतिशNon slimy menstrual blood
niṣpīḍan तनष्ऩीडन ्Compression, It is treatment procedure of poisoning in which expelling of poison is done by squeezing the area of bite where incision is not advisable.
niṣpīḍyata iva तनष्ऩीड्मत इिCompressing type of sensation
niṣprabha तनष्प्रबLack of complexion
niṣprekṣyaṁ तनष्प्रेक्ष्मॊBlurred vision.
nissaṁjñā तनस्सऻॊ ाLoss of consciousness.
nissāra तनस्सायIll nourishment
nissāraṇaṁ guda तनस्सायणॊ गदुProlapsed Rectum
nissāraṇaṁ jihvā तनस्सायणॊ त्जविाIndrawing of tongue
nistandrī तनस्तन्द्रीSleeplessness
niṣṭhā pāka तनष्ठा ऩाकFinal stage of digestion that succeeds Avastha Pāka
niṣṭhanaṁ तनष्ठनॊDefecation with bearing and gripping pain
niṣṭhīvana तनष्ठीिनSpitting
niṣṭhīvikā तनष्ठीविकाSpitting
nistoda तनस्तोदNeedling pain
nisvanaṁ purīṣapravartanaṁ तनस्िनॊ ऩयु ीषप्रितनश ॊDefecation without sound
niśvāsa daurgandhyaṁ तनश्िास दौगन्ध्मॊBad smell on breathing
niśvāsa saṁgraha तनश्िास सग्रहLabored breathing
niśvāsa saṁrodha तनश्िास सयोधLabored breathing
niśvāsa vaigandhyaṁ तनश्िास िगन्ध्मॊBad smell on breathing
niśvāsa तनश्िासBreath (exhalation)
nitambaḥ तनतम्फ्Buttock. The external prominences posterior to the hips
nitātaṁ ārtava तनतातॊ आतिशContinuous menses
nitya तनत्मEternal which is existed for ever
Nityaga kala तनत्मग कारEternal moving time is that which is concerned with the day / Season.
nityagaḥ तनत्मग्Continuously going on process
nityagya तनत्मग्मEternal moving time is that which is concerned with the day / Season.
nityatva तनत्मत्िPerpetual
nivṛti तनितृ तIt refers to Freedom from action- satya buddhi transcends all karma and affords freedom from action is Nivṛtti. This freedom from action or state of inaction is considered to be the highest achievement.
niyamaḥ तनमभ्Austerity; act of voluntary penance or meritorious piety
niyamana तनमभनOne of the mercurial processes by which the mercury is restrained from the hyper reactive state achieved during rodhana/ bodhana process
niyogaḥ तनमोग्Injunction; statements in the form of command or orders which are to be followed strictly without doubt or discussion
nṛśaṁsa icchā नशृ सॊ इच्छाFond of cruel activities.
nṛtya icchā नत्ृ म इच्छाFond of dancing