jaḍatā जडताLess activity of body, speech and mind.
jagala जगरThis is the more denser layer below the kadambari in the fermentation process
jāgaraṇaṁ जागयणॊSleeplessness
jagavdiṣaṇṇam जगत्व्दषण्णभ ्The whole world became despaired and gloomy after looking at the ferocious creature that emerged before the emergence of ambrosia during churning of the sea.
jaghanakapālini जघनकऩारातनHip bones-Innominate bones. Pelvic bone.
jaghanam जघनभ ्Pelvis. (1)The external genitals. (2)The bony structure formed by the innomimante bones, sacrum coccyx, and the ligaments uniting them.
jala varga जर िगशGroup of water;
jala जर1. Water. 2. One of the five basic elements (Paṅcamahābhūtas) that make up all the matter in the universe. Indicative of liquidity and cohesion.
jāla जारClear manifestation of tendon network
jalacara vihaṁga vasā जरचय विहॊग िसाAquatic bird's fat
jāladharā sirā / jālandharā जारधया
jaladhra sira/jalandhara — जालधरा सिरा/जालन्धराGreat saphenous vein. Superficial vein extending from the foot to the saphenous opening.
jalagarbhatama जरगबतभA kind of germ defect produced from air bubbles/ water marks
jālakāvṛtam जारकाितृ भ ्Covered with a membrane or net.
jalamṛtaḥ जरभतृ ्Death of a person by drowning in water.
jālāni जारातनPlexus, network, interlacing or decussation. A network of nerves or veins
jalanidherjanitam जरतनधेजतश नतभ ्Source of pearl indicating oceanic origin
jālāntaragata जारान्तयगतindicating the particle size
jalasaṁtrāsa जरसत्रॊ ासHydrophobia.
jalaukā जरौकाIt is leech, belonging to annelida group of animal kingdom, which have anticoagulant enzymes in their saliva which helps them to suck blood continuously when they bite. Some of them are non poisonous which are used for therapeutic bloodletting while someone poisonous.
jalavāhinyaḥ sirāḥ जरिार्हन्म् मसया्Lachrymal ducts. A duct that conveys tears from the lachrymal lake to the lachrymal sac
jalpaḥ जल्ऩ्to argue and defend one's own view in a debate
jambūpallava जम्फऩू ल्रिTender leaves of blackberry
janapada जनऩदGroup of peoples leaving in specific location, i.e. community
janapadodhvaṁsa जनऩदोध्िसॊIt is made out of two words janapada and Dwamsa, Janapada refers to group of peoples leaving in specific location, community and Udwamsa refers to destruction, thus it Janapadodwamsa refers to the factors which destroys the health of the people living in a specific area due to pollution of Air(vayu), Water(Jala), Place(Bhumi/soil) and Time(Kala). In modern science it’s called as epidemics/Pestilence.
janapadodhvaṁsakara bhāva जनऩदोध्िसकय बािFactors involved in causing of epidemics / out breaks of certain diseases. These are 4 factors like place, time, air& water. Vitiation of these leads to epidemic outbreaks.
jāṅgama viṣa जाङ्गभ विषThe poison of animate origin in creatures like snakes, insects, spiders, scorpions, leeches, fish, frog, dogs, lion, tiger, jackal, hyena, etc.
jāṅgama जाङ्गभSubstance of animal origin like honey, milk, flesh, blood, nail, etc.
jaṅgamasthāvar viṣa yoni जङ्गभस्थािय विष मोतनPoison is of two types one is jangam (animal origin-mobile) & another is sthavar (plant and mineral origin- immobile).
jangamasyad urdhvabhagam — जङ्गमंस्याद् उर्ध्वभागंGangadhar's commentary on Charak Samhita says the tendency of animate poisons is to move upwards in the body.
jaṅghāsthinī जङ्घात्स्थनीTibia & fibula. Bones of the leg
jānu जानुKnee. The anterior aspect of the leg at the articulation of femur and tibia
jānukapālikā जानकु ऩामरकाPatella-knee cap. A lens shaped sesamoid bone situated in front the knee in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle.
jānusandhiḥ जानसु त्न्ध्Knee joint.
jānvadhaḥ sandhiḥ जान्िध् सत्न्ध्Proximal tibio-fibular joint. Upper tibiofibular joint
japā puṣpanibhaṁ जऩा ऩष्ु ऩतनबॊResembling the color of the shoe flower- hibiscus- indicating an ideal property of Cinnabar, Copper
jarā जयाA stage indicating the age
jaraṇa śakti जयण शत्ततIndividual capacity to digest the consumed food. Peoples who indulge in exercise or any kind of physical activity he will be having adequate digestive fire for proper digestion of taken food.
jāraṇa जायणA mercurial process made to digest without increment in the weight of the initial mercury.
jarāyuja जयामजुviviparous class of creatures
jātarasam जातयसभ ्Formation of desired qualities in the prepared medicine- indicative of the completion of process of the fermentation process
jāṭharāgni जाठयात्ग्नThe Agni that acts on the food in the gastro intestinal tract to digest it.
jatrumūlam जत्रभु रू भ ्Suprasternal notch. Notch above the sternum.
jatrusandhiḥ जत्रसु त्न्ध्Sternoclavicular joints. The joint space between the sternum and the medial extremity of the clavicle
jentāka जेन्ताकHot house: A dry hot bath
jihmā dṛṣṭiḥ त्जवभा दृत्ष्ट्Distorted eye
jihmākṣaḥ त्जवभाऺ्Distorted eye
jihmaṁ त्जवभॊTortuous, Curved, Distorted
jihvā त्जविाTongue. A freely movable muscular organ lying partly in the floor of the mouth and partly in the pharynx
jihvādaṁśanaṁ त्जविादॊशनॊBiting own tongue
jihvākhādanam त्जविाखादनभ ्Biting own tongue
jihvāmūlam त्जविाभरू भ ्Root of tongue, Pharyngeal part of dorsum of tongue. Root of the tongue
jihvāpasaraṇaṁ त्जविाऩसयणॊProtrusion of tongue
jihvāprabandha त्जविाप्रफन्धRoot of tongue. Root of the tongue
jihvāsaṁdaṁśanaṁ त्जविासदॊ ॊशनॊBiting own tongue
jihvāsevanī त्जविासेिनीFrenulum linguae. Fold of mucous membrane that extends from the floor of the mouth to the inferior surface of the tongue along its midline.
jihvāśoph त्जविाशोपSwelling of the tongue.
jijñāsā त्जऻासाinquiry or investigation to explore something
jīrṇaṁ aśniyāta जीणं अत्श्नमातAnother meal should be consumed after the previous food is get digested completely, this make easier to digest the food.
jīrṇamadya जीणभद्मMature beverages
jīrṇāvasthā जीणाशिस्थाThe organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age.i,e.after 60 years is considered as age of growing older. During this period body tissues, sense organ, strength, energy, virility, etc, goes down. This is the stage of Vata predominance.
jīvaḥ जीि्The Soul; the spirit: Be or remain alive, To live, Restore for life.
jīvajīvakāḥ जीिजीिका्A small bird.
jīvana जीिन1. Life 2. To give life, one of the functions of Rakta Dhātu.
jīvanīya pañcamūla जीिनीम ऩञ्चभरूGroup of following five plants having viz. Shatavari (Root of Asparagus racemosus), Jivanti (Leptadenia reticulata), Jeevak (Rhizome of Malaxis muscifera), Risbhak (Rhizome of Malaxis accuminata) Meda (Rhizome of Polygonatum verticillatum).
jīvanmukti जीिन्भत्ु ततAttaining eternal salvation
jīvita dhāmāni जीवित धाभातनVital organs. Important organs or essential organs for life
jīvitam जीवितभ ्Life: means combination of body, sense organs, mind and soul.
jīvitāyatanāni जीवितामतनातनVital organs. Important organs or essential organs for life
jñaḥ ऻ्Knower of the field : a synonym of the self
jñāna ऻानKnowing, understanding, becoming acquainted with proficiency , learning
jñānapraṇāśaḥ ऻानप्रणाश्Loss of knowledge
jñānendriya ऻानेत्न्द्रमAn organ of perception, the faculty of perceiving by means of sense organs
jṛmbhā जम्ृ बाIt is a symptom produced in second impulse of poisoning, which means yawning.
jvalanajvāladarśanaṁ असत ्
jvalanārkasamaprabhāḥ ज्िरनाकश सभप्रबा्Characteristic of mandali (viper snake variety) snakes which means they have the glow like the fire and sun.
jvalanti iva ज्िरत्न्त इिColor of burnt scar.
jvarahara ज्ियहयAnti-pyretic;