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Ayurvedic Dictionary

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There are currently 106 terms in this directory beginning with the letter R.
radita यर्दत
A type of snake bite in which superficial puncture marks of snake fangs and the affected part being attended with reddish, bluish, whitish or yellowish lines or stripes and characterized by the presence of a very small quantity of venom in the punctured wound.

rāga याग

rāgaḥ याग्
attachment : affection or sympathy for

rahashya bhashanam — रहस्य भाषाणं
1. Uncovering secrets 2. Reveals even secrets.
Synonyms: hridisthitani guhyani vaak — हृदिस्थितानि गुह्यानि वाक्
1. Uncovering the secret words in the heart.

rahaskāmatā यहस्काभता
Fond of staying in solitude.

rahasya bhāṣāṇaṁ यहस्म बाषाणॊ
Reveals even secrets.

raja यज
to be affected or moved

rajaḥ यज्
Synonym of curna- fine form of herbal powder- a solid doses forms used for therapeutics

rājahasta याजहस्त
Hand length of a king -Equals to 22 inches

rajas यजस ्
1. One of the three qualities (sattva, Rajas and Tamas) or constituents of everything in creation. 2. Initiation, Mobility, Activity 3. The menstrual discharge of a woman. ; The quality of passion, one of the three ‘property’ of manas and conceived as the fundamental substratum of the universe.

rājī avanaddhaṁ याजी अिनद्धॊ
Appearance of lines

rājī santataṁ याजी सन्ततॊ
Appearance of lines

rājī याजी
Appearance of lines of veins

rājimān यात्जभान ्
Rājimān (kraits variety of snakes) snakes with characteristic pattern of variegated color with spots and streak.

rājimat purīṣaṁ यात्जभत ् ऩयु ीषॊ
Stool with colored lines

rājimat यात्जभत ्
Appearance of lines of veins

rajo āvṛtaṁ iva darśanaṁ यजो आितृ ॊ इि दशनश ॊ
Sees objects covered by dust

rakṣoghnaṁ यऺोघ्नॊ
substances used to prevent infection

rakta varga यतत िगश
Group of following 7 plants

rakta यतत धातु
The second Dhātu among seven Dhātus whose function is Jīvana (to give life). It is formed in Yakṛt (liver) and Plīhā (spleen) with the help of Raṅjaka Pitta and Rakta Dhātvagni. This is dominant in Agni mahābhūta. Is named so because of its Rakta i.e Red color.

raktābha यतताब

raktābhaṁ mūtraṁ यतताबॊ भत्रू ॊ
Urine with the color of blood

raktamokṣaṇa यततभोऺण
Bloodletting. It means the procedure of blood-letting for the therapeutic purposes for removing morbid Doṣa/ poisons with blood. Blood can be eliminated through scraping, application of horn or leech or venesection. It is practiced in poisoned blood and blood born diseases in pitta (billeous) predominant diseases and also in a few vāta (neurological) disorders.

raktapuṣṭi यततऩत्ु ष्ट
Nourishment of Rakta Dhātu.

raktasirājālaṁ यततमसयाजारॊ
Network of reddish vessels

raktavarṇa यततिणश
Color of blood, Red

raktavastra icchā यततिस्त्र इच्छा
Fond of red colored garment

ramaṇīya यभणीम

raṁjana यॊजन
To Color; To stain; Dying; electroplating

raṅjaka pitta यञ्जक वऩत्त
One of the five subtypes of Pitta that is situated in Yakṛt (liver) and Plīhā. This transforms Rasa into Rakta (blood).

rasa agrāhitā यस अग्रार्हता
loss of gustatory sensation

rasa ajñānaṁ यस अऻानॊ
Loss of gustatory sensation

rasa aparijñānaṁ यस अऩरयऻानॊ
Loss of gustatory sensation

rasa dhātu यस धातु
The first Dhātu among seven Dhātus and is dominated by Jala. This is pumped out of Hṛdaya and continuously circulates all over the body to nourish other tissues. It is of 9 Anjalis in quantity. Vyāna and Samāna Vāyu help in its circulation. The major function of Rasa Dhātu is Prīṇana (nourishing).

rasa icchā यस इच्छा
Fond of staying in solitude.

rasa nāśa यस नाश
Loss of gustatory sensation

rasa nindak यस तनन्दक्
Abusers/ persons with no faith in science related with mercury

rasa यस
Taste; feeling perceived by Rasanendriya(Tongue) when the substance comes in contact with it; 6 in number; Each Rasa indicates the pattern of pharmacological activity of the substance;

rasajña यसऻ
Expert in the subject of Iatrochemistry

rasakarma यसकभश
Practical’s related to Iatrochemistry

rasakriyā यसक्रक्रमा
a decoction is concentrated without addition of sweetening substances to reduce semi-solid substances over heat

rasāla यसार
Curd when mixed with sugar and spices such as pepper and churned. Is nutritive, aphrodisiac, unctuous, provides strength and is tasty.

rasaliṅga यसमरङ्ग
Amalgamated mercury shaped like śiva linga for worship

rasanā यसना
Tongue. Gustatory apparatus. One of the five sense organs that perceives taste.

rasana यसनेत्न्द्रम्
sense organ of taste

rasarāja यसयाज
Mercury – one of the synonym of mercury

rasavidyā यसविद्मा
The science of transmutation/alchemy/ chemiagiri

rasāyana यसामन
The term Rasāyana comprises of two words I.e. Rasa and Ayana, Rasa signifies either Rasa Rakthadi Dhātus(tissues) of the body, Ayana convey the sense of Apyayana, which suggest a measure or methodology to saturate or enrich or conduct a special benefit to the body .Based on these principle, it has been said that one which capacity to enrich the Sapthadhātu of the body or the drugs possessing the qualities to saturate or replenish the Dhātu(tissues).

rāśi puruṣa यामश ऩरुु ष
the concept about that body is made up of 24 constituents viz. 5 Mahā bhutas,the 5 organs of sense, 5 organs of action, 5 tanmatras, ayakta, Buddhi, ahamkara and Manas

rāśi यामश
Quantity; consists of Sarvagraha (total account), and Parigraha (individual account) which ascertain the results of the food taken in proper or improper quantity.

raśmibhi यत्श्भमब
Like rays-ply of colors/ fire

rataṁ यतॊ
Indulgent; Habituated

rathyācailaparidhāna यर्थमाचैरऩरयधान
Wearing rags from road sides.

rathyaika druma sevī यर्थमकै द्रभु सेिी
Habit of sitting under tree on roadways

ratiḥ यतत्
Delight; Desire; Love; Name of the wife of Kamadeva- god of Love

ratna varga यत्न िगश
Group of precious and precious stones

ratna यत्न
Precious Stones

rātricaryā यात्रत्रचमाश
Night regimen, regimens starting from dawn to night. It includes Dinner, Sleep and cohabitation.

raudra ceṣṭā यौद्र चेष्टा
Terrifying activities.

raudrayaṁtra यौद्रमत्रॊ
Exposing of the material to scorching sun

raukṣya यौक्ष्म

recanaṁ येचनॊ
An act of emptying, lessening, exhausting. 2. Emission of breath, exhalation, Purging, Evacuation; substances that expels excreta by increasing its liquid content;

rekhāpūraṇa येखाऩयू ण
Filling into papillary ridges of the fingers -One of the classical test for examining the bhasma indicating fineness

retas येतस ्

riktatā sirā रयततता मसया

riraṁsā रययॊसा
Excessive desire for sexual intercourse

rocanā योचना
Insaspissated bile

rocanācūrṇasannibham mūtram योचनाचूणसश त्न्नबभ ् भत्रू भ ्
Urine with the color of bezoar

rocanācūrṇavarṇa mūtraṁ योचनाचूणिश णश भत्रू ॊ
Urine with the color of bezoar

rodana योदन

rodhaḥ योध्
Obstruction, Suppression, Stiffness

rodhan योधन ्
A process of mercury by which the mercury is reactivated from its inert state by submerging in liquid media

rodhanaṁ योधनॊ
Stiffness of pericardial region

roga योग
Discomfort; pain; Disease

roganut योगनतु ्
Substances that are primarily used for treating diseases;

roma asaṁbhava योभ असबि
Absence of hair

roma sadanam योभ सदनभ ्
Falling of Hair

roma saṁlulanaṁ योभ सरॊ रु नॊ
Wavering of the pubic hairs.

roma saṁvejanaṁ योभ सिेजनॊ

romacyuti योभच्मतु त
Falling of hair

romaharṣaḥ योभहष्श

romakūpebhya raktaṁ योभकू ऩेभ्म यततॊ
Bleeding through hair follicles

romāñca योभाञ्च

romarājī योभयाजी
Appearance of hairy lines

romaśātanaṁ योभशातनॊ
substances causing fall of body hair

romavidhvaṁsanaṁ योभविध्िसनॊ
Falling of hair

ropaṇaṁ योऩणॊ
substances facilitating wound healing

roṣaṇaṁ योषणॊ

ruciḥ रुधच्
Taste, Desire

rucikara रुधचकय
Stomachic, Excites desire; That which improves taste perception.

ruḍhī रुढी
Tradition; a basis for nomenclature of plants.

rudhiragandhaṁ रुधधयगन्धॊ
Smell of blood

rudhirānvayaṁ रुधधयान्िमॊ
Mixed with blood

rudhiraṣṭhīva रुधधयष्ठीि
Spitting of blood or haemoptysis

rudrabhāga रुद्रबाग
11% Commission given by the pharmaceutical traders to physician- rudra are eleven in number

rudrāṁśa रुद्राॊश
1/11th portion of price of medicine

rudyate रुद्मते

rugṇatva रुग्णत्ि

rujā रुजा

ruk anugataṁ purīṣapravartanaṁ रुक् अनगु तॊ ऩयु ीषप्रितनश ॊ
Painfi; defecation

rukṣa रुऺ
Dryness; one of the 20 gurvādi guṇa; caused due activated Vāyu mahābhūta; denotes physiological & pharmacological dryness; manifested by dryness of body parts, stoppage of flow in body channels; pacifies kapha, increases vāta.

rukṣam रुऺभ ्
Dry parching, Poison aggravates the bodily vāyu in virtue of its parching quality.

rukṣaṇaṁ रुऺणॊ
To cause dryness ; emaciation

rukṣānn upācareta रुऺान्न ् उऩाचयेत
Dry food treatment- those who have more of food accumulation in their body, who are unctuous, those suffering from Madhumeha, who have more of kapha in body should be treated with dry food.

rūpa रूऩ
Form, figure, appearance of any visible object or thing.

rūpadarśana asahatva रूऩदशनश असहत्ि
Intolerance to see the objects

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Who compiled the Ayurvedic terminology?

Ayurvedic Sanskrit Dictionary with translation (Sanskrit – English): Ayurvedic terminology dictionary. Compilation by the National Institute of Ayurveda India, information sourced from Updated by AyurMedia with minor typographical corrections and more helpful explanations.

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