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There are currently 176 terms in this directory beginning with the letter U.
uccabhavana icchā उच्चबिन इच्छा
Fond of residing in big building

uccaiḥ ucchavāsa उच्चै् उच्छिास
Very prolonged expiration.

uccārāt binā adhovāyu उच्चायात ् त्रफना अधोिामु
Flatus without sound

ucchavāsa ārodha उच्छिास आयोध
Suppressed expiration.

ucchavāsa nirodha उच्छिास तनयोध
Suppressed expiration.

ucchavāsa rodha उच्छिास योध
Suppressed expiration.

ucchavāsa saṁrodha उच्छिास सयोध
Suppressed expiration

ucchavāsa उच्छिास
Breath, expiration

ucchavāsahataṁ उच्छिासहतॊ
Death due to suffocation.

ucchavāsamārga उच्छिासभागश
Respiratory tract.

ucchiṣṭa icchā उत्च्छष्ट इच्छा
Fond of remnants

ucchrāyaṁ उच्रामॊ
Raised, Elevated

ucchritākṣaḥ उत्च्रताऺ्
Protrusion of the eye

ucchūna उच्छू न
Raised, Elevated

udabaṁdha उदफधॊ
Death by hanging.

udabaṁdhanīkṛta kaṇṭha उदफधॊ नीकृ त कण्ठ
Hanging a corpse of murdered person to simulate suicide.

udāharaṇam उदाहयणभ ्
Categorical examples

udakahatam उदकहतभ ्

udakaṁ iva purīṣaṁ उदकॊ इि ऩयु ीषॊ
Watery stool

udakapurṇodara उदकऩणु ोदय
Stomach full of water as in cases of drowning.

udakasadṛśaṁ mutraṁ उदकसदृशॊ भत्रु ॊ
Watery urine

udakopamaṁ mūtraṁ उदकोऩभॊ भत्रू ॊ
Watery urine

udāna vāyu उदान िामु
One of the five subtypes of Vāta (Vāyu) that is seated in thorax. It performs the functions like effort, strength and recollection required for the production of speech,

udañcī उदञ्ची
Habit of upward looking

udaram उदयभ ्

udaramādhmāpayati उदयभाध्भाऩमतत
distends the abdomen

udaraparśvam उदयऩाश्िभश
Side of abdomen; flank

udaraphalakam उदयपरकभ ्
Abdominal wall. (antero-lateral part)

udarda praśamana उददश प्रशभन
Substances pacifying udard (urticaria, itching & allergy) 2. frost bite

udarda उददश
Shivering by cold or Urticaria

udarodaraḥ sandhānam उदयोय् सन्धानभ ्
Abdominothoracic arch or boundary in front. (Costal arch)

udaśvita उदत्श्ित
a curd is churned by adding 1/2 of the water after removing the butter

udāvarta purīṣapravartanam उदाितश ऩयु ीषप्रितनश भ ्
Constipated or upward movement of stool

udayantaṁ āditya darśanaṁ उदमन्तॊ आर्दत्म दशनश ॊ
Sees the rising sun

udbhidaja उद्मबदज
organisms believed to be originated from soil

uddeśaḥ उद्देश्
Concise statement; statements briefly enunciating a theme or an object

uddhāraḥ उद्धाय्
Re-affirmation; statements which are reaffirmed after refuting the views of others

uddhasta bāhu उद्धस्त फाहु
Raised upper limb

uddhasta darśanaḥ उद्धस्त दशनश ्
Abnormal look

uddhūyamāna उद्धूमभान

uddhvaṁsa kaṇṭha उद्ध्िसॊ कण्ठ
Irritation in the throat

udgāra avarodhaṁ उद्गाय अियोधॊ
Suppression of belching

udgāra bāhulyaṁ उद्गाय फाहुल्मॊ
Excessive belching

udgāra bhūritā उद्गाय बरू यता
Excessive belching

udgāra prācuryaṁ उद्गाय प्राचुमं
Excessive belching

udgāra rodha उद्गाय योध
Suppression of belching

udgāra vibandha उद्गाय विफन्ध
Suppression of belching

udgāra vighātanaṁ उद्गाय विघातनॊ
Supression of belching

udgāra vinigraha उद्गाय वितनग्रह
Suppression of belching

udgāra उद्गाय

udgāraprabala chardi उद्गायप्रफर छर्दश
Vomiting with excessive belching

udgārasaṅga उद्गायसङ्ग
Suppression of belching

udgatākṣi उद्गताक्षऺ
Protrusion of the eye

udgataṁ उद्गतॊ
Protruded or raised

udgharṣaṇa उद्घषणश
The act of rubbing the body with powder opposite direction I.e. opposite to hair follicles.

udīrṇa akṣi उदीणश अक्षऺ
Protruction of the eye

udumbara — उदुम्बर
1. A unit of Measurement; Synonym of one karșa=12g of metric units
2. Ficus glomerata
3. copper

udumbara उदम्ु फय
1. A unit of Measurement; Synonym of one karșa=12g of metric units

udumbaraphalābhāsa उदम्ु फयपराबास
Color of ripened fig fruit


udvahana bhrū उद्िहन भ्रू
Frowning of the eyebrow

udvamanaṁ उद्िभनॊ

udvartanaṁ carmasya उद्ितनश ॊ चभस्म
Tortuous skin

udvastra उद्िस्त्र
Nudity or Exibitinalism

udvega उद्िेग
Inopportune excitement; anxiety

udvepana उद्िेऩन

udveṣṭana उद्िेष्टन
Cramps in the body

udvṛta उद्ितृ
Raised or elevated

udyānaṁ icchā उद्मानॊ इच्छा
Fond of Garden

ugra gandhiraktaṁ उग्र गत्न्धयततॊ
Blood with pungent smell

ugra ucchavāsa उग्र उच्छिास
Difficulty in expiration or labored breathing.

ugra vāk उग्र िाक्
Hard hitting speech

ugraruk उग्ररुक्
Severe pain

uhyam उवमभ ्
Deduction; such meaning which are to be reasoned out or guessed from the statement by one's own intelligence

ukhā उखा
(1) infra clavicular fossa. (2) Hollow on the side of the hip.

ulbaṇa उल्फण
Chronic/ serious/

ulūkhalaḥ उरखू र्
A kind of mortar & pesle especially used for pounding of material

ulūkhalaḥ उरखू र्
Socket (ball and socket joint. Peg and socket joint). A joint in which the round end of one bone fits into the cavity of other

uṇḍukaḥ उण्डु क्
Cecum. A blind sac.

undura उन्दयु

unmardana उन्भदशन
Massaging in upward direction or opposite to hair root, towards the heart is unmardana. Also called as Kneading

unmattacittatvaṁ उन्भत्तधचत्तत्िॊ
Perplexed mind

unmattalīlākṛti उन्भत्तरीराकृ तत
Intoxicated disposition

unmeṣa उन्भेष
Opening of eyelids

unmeṣaṇyaḥ sirāḥ उन्भेषण्म् मसया्
Nerves of the levator palpebrae superioris (from occulomotor)

unmīlanākṣama उन्भीरनाऺभ
Restricted movement of eyelid

unmukha उन्भखु
Upward looking face

unnata उन्नत
Raised or elevated

unnidratā उत्न्नद्रता

upabhoga उऩबोग
Enjoyment, eating, Use, consuming

upacāra viruddha उऩचाय विरुद्ध
Prescription – cold things after taking ghee etc will come under the unwholesome of prescription.

upacaya उऩचम
Increase in growth; anabolism; an action attributed to pṛthvī mahābhūta

upada उऩद
Generally translated as Allurement. Allurement is the greatest cause of all sorts of miseries and the abode of miseries. Renunciation eliminates all sorts of miseries.

upadeha उऩदेह
Feeling of Coating

upadeśaḥ उऩदेश्
Authoritative instructions; statements of enlightened persons which are in the form of advice or injunction

upadhāna उऩधान
A modality for treatment of poisoning Incision made on scalp (vertex) resembling the feet of the crow and then applying medicated paste or placing meat of goat, cow or buffalo over the incised scalp, which will absorb the poison from the body.

upadhātu उऩधातु
The minor structural components that stabilize and sustain the body.

upaghāta उऩघात
Pain or loss of function

upahati उऩहतत
Diminished function

upajihvike उऩत्जत्विके
Palatine tonsils. A mass of lymphatic tissue that lies in tonsillar fossa on each side of oropharynx between glosso palatine and pharyngio palatine arches.

upakleda उऩतरेद
Wet / moistening; an action attributed to Jala mahābhūta

upālambhaḥ उऩारम्ब्
Censure or reproach; the loop-holing of another's reasons with regard to fallacies and invalid reasoning’s

upalepa उऩरेऩ

upamā उऩभा
Simility; a basis for nomenclature of plants

upamānam उऩभानभ ्
Analogy ; one of the tools of examination or investigation

upanāha उऩनाह
Poultice- application of these poultice which are prepared by substances which are unctuous, heavy, hot in properties, helps to pacify the vitiated vata.

upanakham उऩनखभ ्
Nail fold. A groove in the cutaneous tissue surrounding the margins and proximal edges of nail

upanāsikā sirā उऩनामसका मसया
Anterior facial vein, near the nose.(Angular vein)

upanayaḥ उऩनम्
step of discussion and interpretation of hypothesis which bring the argument nearer to the truth

upaplavaḥ उऩप्रि्
Affliction: A cause of great suffering

uparama उऩयभ
Weakness or Loss

uparatna उऩयत्न
A class of following semi precious stones

uparodha उऩयोध
Suppression, Diminished

upasaṁrodha उऩसयोध
Supression, Diminished

upasaraṇa उऩसयण
Melting like feeling

upasneha उऩस्नेह

upaśoṣa उऩशोष

upaśoṣaṇaṁ उऩशोषणॊ
substances that absorbs secretions

upastambha उऩस्तम्ब
Supression, Diminished

upasthaḥ उऩस्थ्
Male or female external genital organs.

upatāpa उऩताऩ

upaviṣaḥ उऩविष्
A class of following semi poisonous plants

upāyaḥ उऩाम्
Methods , techniques

upayogasaṁsthā उऩमोगसस्था
Denotes the rules for Eating. It depends on the digested food.

upayoktā उऩमोतता
One who consumes the food according to the prescribed method of dietics for the healthy & the sick

uraḥ उय्
Thorax. The part of the human body enclosed by the ribs and sternum. The major seat of Kapha.

uraḥkoṣṭhaḥ उय्कोष्ठ्
Thoracic cavity. the space lying above the diaphragm and closed within the walls of the thorax.

urdhvatrikam उध्ित्रश त्रकभ ्
Intra scapular region. Area between the scapulae

urogrīvam उयोग्रीिभ ्
Thorax and neck. the part of the body between the base of the neck superiorly and the diaphragm inferiorly.

urvīsaṁjñe sirā उिॉसऻॊ े मसया
Profunda femoris. Femoral vessels. deep seated branch of femoral artery, femoral vessel

urvyāṁ prasāraṇaṁ sarpavat उव्मां प्रसायणॊ सऩिश त ्

uṣmāyanaṁ उष्भामनॊ
Hotness; Heat

uṣṇa उष्ण
heat/hotness; one of the 20 gurvadi gunas; caused due to activated agni mahābhūta; denotes physiological & pharmacological hotness; manifested by increased agni, improved appetite & digestion, increased motion in channels, pacifies vata, kapha, increases pitta. An attribute of Pitta.

uṣṇāsaha उष्णासह
Intolerance to heat

uṣṇavarjyo vidhiḥ उष्णिज्मो विधध्
Treatment without heat generating property.

uṣṇavātātapairdagdhe उष्णिातातऩदै शग्धे

uṣṇmāśniyāt उष्ण्भात्श्नमात ्
Hot food treatment- indicated for those who suffer from diseases of kapha, & vata , who have purgation’s, who are in oleation therapy & who's body is free from moisture should be treated with hot foods.

uṣṇodaka उष्णोदक
water is boiled & reduced to 1/8th or 1/4th or 1/2th of the quantity after boiling

uṣṭrīkṣīra उष्रीऺीय
The milk of camel

utkampa उत्कम्ऩ

utkārikā उत्कारयका
Poultice- like preparation prepared with anti venomous drugs to soothe or aggravate and release the local Doṣas (impure body elements).

utkartana उत्कतनश
Incision of bitten part/ affected part through which the spread of poison can be stopped .

utkleda उत्तरेद

utkleśa उत्तरेश

utkliṣṭa उत्त्तरष्ट

utkṣepaṇaṁ snāyujālasya उत्ऺेऩणॊ स्नामजु ारस्म
Contraction of tendon.

utkṣepaṇaṁ उत्ऺेऩणॊ
Throwing upwards; expulsing upwards

utkṣepanigrahaḥ sakthi उत्ऺेऩतनग्रह् सत्तथ
Restricted foreward movement of lower limb

utkṣepanigrahaḥ उत्ऺेऩतनग्रह्
Restricted forward movement

utpāta उत्ऩात
Natural calamities – are of 3 types celestial, mundane and atmospheric weeping of idoles, appearance of magical cots etc. Mundane are earth quakes etc while falling of stars etc are atmospheric. These are also considered as cause of pestilence.

utpāṭanaṁ उत्ऩाटनॊ
Uprooting pain.

utpāṭayata iva उत्ऩाटमत इि
Uprooting pain.

utpāṭitaḥ उत्ऩार्टत्
Pulled up by the roots , Eradicated.

utpattiḥ उत्ऩवत्त्
originate or evolve

utrāsa उत्रास

utrastadṛṣṭi उत्रस्तदृत्ष्ट
Rolling of the eye

utsādana उत्सादन
The act of rubbing the body with unctuous substances in opposite direction, i.e opposite to hair follicles. Rubbing is done even with unctuous paste.

utsāha उत्साह
Enthusiasm, motivation, effort, activeness, to have willingness to do adventure.

utsāhabhraṁśa उत्साहभ्रशॊ
Loss of enthusiasm

utsāhahāni उत्साहहातन
Loss of enthusiasm

utsāhakṣaya उत्साहऺम
Loss of enthusiasm

utsaṅgaṁ उत्सङ्गॊ

utsannaṁ उत्सन्नॊ

utsedhaṁ उत्सेधॊ

utśoṣa purīṣaṁ उत्शोष ऩयु ीषॊ
Dry stool

uttamāṅgam उत्तभाङ्गभ ्
Head or head & neck

uttaradantaḥ उत्तयदन्त्
Tooth of the upper jaw.

uttarādhara vibhāgaḥ उत्तयाधय विबाग्
Superior (proximal) and Inferior (distal)

uttaraṁ उत्तयॊ
Rejoinder or reply

uttarapādaḥ उत्तयऩाद्
Dorsum of the foot.

uttarāyaṇa/ ādāna kāla उत्तयामण/ आदान कार
Ascent of sun or northward movement of sun. this movement reduces the moisture (Saumya) from the earth, even it takes out the strength from living beings. Śiśira, Vasanta & Grișma ŗtu together constitute Uttarāyana which brings about reduction of strength.

uttarīya उत्तयीम
Resembles sacred thread wore by Brahmans in India, generally wore by brāhmins

uttaroṣṭha उत्तयोष्ठ
Upper lip or labium. upper half of soft external structure that forms the boundary of the mouth.

utthāpana उत्थाऩन
a process of recovering of mercury etc from previous mūrcchanā process / regaining in the original form

uttuṇḍitaṁ उत्तत्ु ण्डतॊ
Elevated skin.

utviṇḍitākṣaṁ उत्त्ित्ण्डताऺॊ
Protrusion of the eye

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Who compiled the Ayurvedic terminology?

Ayurvedic Sanskrit Dictionary with translation (Sanskrit – English): Ayurvedic terminology dictionary. Compilation by the National Institute of Ayurveda India, information sourced from Updated by AyurMedia with minor typographical corrections and more helpful explanations.

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