Kurch/Kurchas - कूर्चKurchas in the human body are mentioned as six which have brush-like structures. Concerning the Kurcha Sharira, two Marmas are mentioned. 1. Kurcha Marma (Region in between the two eyebrows) 2. Kurcha-Shira Marma (The upper part of Kurcha).
Submitted by: Aashish Vishwanath Kakad
Asatmya - असात्म्यThings that are not pleasing or favorable to the mind, body, and senses are called Asatmya.
yuktayuktavaak — युतायुक्तवाक्Incoherent speech.
yusha [yusa] — यूषA soup made with pulses. It is a semisolid recipe made by boiling any kind of pulse, but not rice. For Yusa to be prepared as a liquid, water/ Kwata/ Swarasa/ Hima/ Takra and Kalka of Ousadha Dravya's are taken and processed by adding 16 times of water.
yuktivyapashraya — युक्तिव्यपाश्रयBased on planned/logical reasoning and certain principles, treatment/medicine/therapies are provided.
yuktikrita bala — युक्तिकृत बलArtificial immunity
yukti — युक्तिWisdom/skill
Yoni — योनि1. Vagina.
2. Source material.
3. Place of origin; the Root cause of everything.
yogvahi — योगवाहिCatalyst: A substance that accelerates/enhances the properties of others. A quality of Vata. Drug vehicles; are substances that when administered with/after the drug work in harmony with the drug to facilitate the purported action of the drug; e.g. Honey, Warm water, etc.
yog [yogah] — योगःA state of meditation : where there is no existence of sensation.
yavagu — यवागुGruel; A congenial preparation of cereals, such as rice, wheat, and barley. It is divided into three types: Manda (which is just the liquid part of the prepared gruel), Peya, and Vilepi.
yava — यवCereal- barely, 8 mustard seeds are equal to one yava.
yasah [yash] — यशःSuccess; Conducting to reputation: splendor, glory, fame, honor, respectability.
yantra — यन्त्रInstrument; equipment; Machine
yamla chaya [yamala chhaaya] — यमला छायाDual shadow
yamadanstra kala — यमदंष्ट्र कालThe junction period between Kartika masa and Margasirsa is called Yamadanstra Kala: this period is influenced by Yamaraja, so a heavy meal taken during this time will lead to loss of health.
yakshakdarm — यक्षकर्दमFive plants: Cinnamomum comphora, Aqualaria aggalocha, Piper cubeba, Moschus moschiferus, yakshadhupa
yakritpindsaprabha— यकृत्पिण्डसप्रभाResembling the color of liver
yakrit khandtulya— यकृत् खण्डतुल्यReddish black Almost like liver.
yakrit khandnibha— यकृत् खण्डनिभReddish black like liver.
yakrit khandopama — यकृत् खण्डोपमReddish black similar to Liver
yakrita iva — यकृत् इवResembling the color of liver
yanashakti — यानाशक्तिLack of ability to walk.
yamama — याममA measure of time equivalent to 3 hours
yushita— व्युषितAllowing to stay overnight –soaking
yudasah— व्युदासःSpasmodic movement or tics
vyavasthitatva व्मित्स्थतत्िStability; substance is relatively stable than its properties and actions;
vyavasāyaḥ व्मिसाम्the process by which ascertainment is made
vyavāyī व्मिामीQuality due to which a substance permeates all over the body before getting digested; caused due to activated Vayu & akash; e.g.
vyavaya — व्यवायIt indicates sexual intercourse/sexual regimen.
vyatirekavyapti — व्यतिरेकव्याप्तिःNegative invariable concomitance
vyathitaceta व्मधथतचेतDisturbed mind
vyathita indriya व्मधथत इत्न्द्रमWeakness of sense organs
vyapadeśastu bhūyasā व्मऩदेशस्तु बमू साconcept of nomenclature of substances on the basis of the predominant mahābhūta within in it.
vyakulatva karṇaṁ व्मकु रत्ि कणंIrritation in the ear
vyaktānukūla akasmāt darśanaṁ व्मततानकु ू र अकस्भात ् दशनश ॊLooks as turbid and clear, frequently and alternatively
vyakta व्मततFifth stage of Kriyakāla characterized by the manifestation of specific symptoms of a disease.
vyadha व्मधNeedling type of pain
vyāyāma śakti व्मामाभ शत्ततPower of exercise- it is examined by capacity for work.
vyāyāma asahatvaṁ व्मामाभ असहत्िॊIntolerance to exercise.
vyāyāma व्मामाभExercise; The act or movement of the body that causes fatigue. Etymologically the meaning vyāyāma (व्ममभ) is intensive development of self control of the mind over body or intensive bending of the body in various directions.
vyāvṛitiḥ akṣi व्माितृ त् अक्षऺProtrusion of the eye.
vyāviddhaṁ iva darśanaṁ व्माविद्धॊ इि दशनश ॊSees obejcts in distorted form
vyāsa व्मासThrowing of extremities outward.
vyāpti व्मात्प्तinherent and inseparable adherence between the two things
vyāpādanaṁ व्माऩादनॊDecaying, Defective or Putrefaction
vyāna Vāyu व्मान िामुA subtype of Vāta that is seated in Hṛdaya. It is responsible for pumping Rasa from Hṛdaya to all parts of the body. It controls all types of movements in the body.
vyāluptam व्मारप्ु तभ ्It is a type of snake bite in which marks of two fangs are seen along with bleeding.
vyālīḍha व्मारीढIt is a type of snake bite in which marks of one- two fangs are seen but there is no bleeding.
vyākhyānam व्माख्मानभ ्Explanation; statements which elaborate a subject matter in detailed
vyādhikṣamatva व्माधधऺभत्िImmunity; Made of two words Vyādhi – disease and Kshamatva – Resistance i.e the power of the body which prevents the development of diseases or resists a developed disease is called as vyadhikshamatva. Compared to Immunity.when etiological factors come in contact with the body they try to produce disease. At the same time the body tries to resist, that power of resistance is Vyādhikśamatva.
vṝttikara िॄवत्तकयlife sustaining
vṛttiḥ िवृ त्त्path to be adopted. One should adopt only such of the means of livelihood as do not clash with virtuous path.
vṛttāyattama ित्तृ ामत्तभproperty of gems
vṝṣyaṁ िॄष्मॊEugenics; aphrodisiacs; substances that enhance the sexual power like that of bull
vṝścikā िॄत्श्चकाscorpions.
vṝścanaṁ िॄश्चनॊCutting pain
vṛṣatā िषृ ताVirility, generative power, ability to reproduce.
vṛntāka mūṣā िन्ृ ताक भषू ाCrucible with stem - a kind of crucible resembling brinjal -generally used in extraction of zinc from its ore.
vṛithi िवृ त्त:It means round, circular, continued, routine works , daily regimen, regimen which is practised and adopted daily which may or may not responsible for good health.
vṛddhi िद्ृ धधA state of abnormal growth
vṛddhi िद्ृ धधGrowth, Increase; gain; a state of gain of anybody constituent resulting in a positive balance.
vratyārtha ित्ृ माथशMaintain the health & life- foods consumed by healthy person, it is meant to maintain health & life.
vrataḥ व्रत्Continence: The exercise of self constraint
vraṇaiḥ mūtraṁ व्रणै् भत्रू ॊPassing urine through ulcer
vraṇai adhovāyu व्रणै अधोिामुPassing Flatus through ulcer
vraṇadvārāvasādī raktaṁ व्रणद्िायािसादी यततॊBlood clotting in ulcer
vraṇa viddha विद्ध व्रणPunctured or stab wound.
vraṇa mukhāt purīṣapravartanaṁ व्रण भखु ात ् ऩयु ीषप्रितनश ॊPassing stool through ulcer
viyataḥ विमत्Ether: space
vivṛtti mukhaṁ वििवृ त्त भखु ॊWhirling of mouth
vivṛtatā mukhaṁ विितृ ता भखु ॊOpened mouth
vivṛtaṁ kṛcchreṇa mukhaṁ विितृ ॊ कृ च्रे ण भखु ॊMouth opens with difficulty
vivṛtaḥ विितृ ्expanded or opened
vivṛta akṣi विितृ अक्षऺWidely opened eye.
vivrīyate muhu nāsikā विव्रीमते भहु ु नामसकाFrequent widening of nose.
vivikta icchā विवितत इच्छाFond of staying in solitude
vivekaḥ वििेक्Discrimination : the faculty of distinguishing and classifying things according to their real properties , a state of wisdom
vivecana वििेचनDiscriminating , distinguishing, analyzing, and dividing.
vivartavāda विितिादthe ideology of the Vedānt philosophy which believes that Brahma is only truth and others in the world are false
vivarta oṣṭha विितश ओष्ठTwisted lip
vivarṇatvaṁ वििणत्श िॊDiscoloration
viṭvarjitaṁ purīṣaṁ विट्ित्जतश ॊ ऩयु ीषॊWatery stool
viṭsaṁsṛṣṭaṁ mūtraṁ विट्ससॊ ष्ृ टॊ भत्रू ॊUrine mixed with stool
vitrastaṁ akṣi वित्रस्तॊ अक्षऺFrightened eye
vitrāsana वित्रासनTerrorizing
vītī bhāva िीती बािEmaciation, Wasting
viṭgandhaṁ mūtraṁ विट्गन्धॊ भत्रू ॊUrine with the smell of Stool
viṭgandha विट्गन्धSmell of stool
vītaśoṇitaṁ nakha िीतशोणणतॊ नखNail with less blood
viṭasagandha विटसगन्धSmell of stool