kācabhājana काचबाजनGlass bottle
kācakūpī काचकू ऩीGlass flask
kācanīlābha काचनीराबBluelish glass colored
kacāntaḥ कचान्त्Boundary where the hairs end.
kacchapasaṁsthāna कच्छऩसस्थानElevated like the shape of tortoise
kāccikābha कात्च्चकाबColor of gruel
kādambarī कादम्फयीThis is the denser layer of liquid below prasanna
kajjalī कज्जरीA Black sulphide of mercury prepared by rubbing the gandhak etc in different proportions with mercury in a mortar and pestle
kākalaṁ / kākalakaṁ काकर/ॊ काकरकॊUvula. Small soft structure hanging from free edge of soft palate in the midline above the root of the tongue
kākapadaṁ काकऩदॊIf there is no remedy for poisoning, it is the last line of treatment, in which incision is made on the scalp of the shape of crow’s feet, and on that the medicine is kept.
kākatulyagandha काकतल्ु मगन्धSmell of crow
kākavat pūrti काकित ् ऩतू तशSmell of crow
kakṣaḥ kakṣā vā कऺ् कऺा िाAxilla, Armpit
kāla mṛtyu कार भत्ृ मुTimely death, death in due time which means the life force residing in the body being endowed with full vitality by nature and maintained in the right manner will come to an end only with the complete wearing out of itself.
kāla rātri कार यात्रत्रThe night of all destroying time, night of destruction, the end of the world, and the night of man’s death. This context is explained while describing the ill effect of sleep, i.e. excessive, untimely and negatively take away the happiness and life like other death night.
kāla vāk कार िाक्Indistinct speech
kāla viruddha कार विरुद्धIt is a type of incompatibility (Virudda).Intake of cold and dry substances in winter; pungent and hot substance in the summer is a timely unwholesome diet/ drugs.
kalā करा1. A covering membrane 2. A division of time
kāla कारTime in general ,the point or period when something occurs , Proper time or occasion, time of the death
kalaha icchā करह इच्छाFond of quarrelling
kālaja bala कारज फरTemporal strength, acquired immunity
kālakhaṇḍa कारखण्डLiver. largest organ in the body situated on the right side below the diaphragm
kalāṁśa कराॊशIt is a measure indicating 1/16th part, Shodash kala
kālāntara vipākī कारान्तय विऩाकीPoison with delayed action, garavisha as it takes some time to get assimilated in the body to produce its toxic effects.
kālaprakarṣa कारप्रकषशKeeping the food articles for certain time and duration to get desirable modulation in properties. It a type of Samskara.
kalaśa करशA unit of Measurement; Synonym of one drona=12.288 kg/l of metric units
kālavarṇa कारिणशBlack color
kali icchā कमर इच्छाFond of quarrelling
kāliyakaṁ / kāleyakaṁ कामरमकॊ / कारेमकPancreas. A compound acino tubular gland situated behind the stomach in front of first and second lumbar vertebra
kalka कल्कPaste prepared by grinding with or without addition of water on stone slab/ machine
kalpita svapna कत्ल्ऩत स्िप्नDreams of imagination
kaluṣa darśanaṁ करषु दशनश ॊHazy vision
kāma काभEnjoyment: object of desire or of love or of pleasure; the third mansion to achieve the goal of life
kamala patra varṇa कभर ऩत्र िणशColor of lotus leaf
kāmbalika काम्फमरकIt is a kind of yusha (soup) preparation, in which the 1 part of whey (Dadhimastu) and 1/8th part of green gram are boiled. When pulses get boil completely then powder of salt, ginger, cumin seeds, pepper etc are added, mixed well and used.
kaṁcuka कॊ चुकThin film formed due to oxidation of associated impurities especially seen in mercury
kāṁjī काॊजीPrepared by using cereals( rice & horse gram) and pulses and fermented till it attains acidity
kāṁjika काॊत्जकAcidic fermented gruel/vinegar it is used for different pharmaceutical process
kampa कम्ऩTremor, to vibrate
kaṁsanīla कॊ सनीरBluish color like in dirt of bronze.
kaṁsyābha dṛṣṭimaṇḍala कॊ स्माब दृत्ष्टभण्डरColor of Abrus precatorius
kaṁsyasamachāya dṛṣṭi maṇḍala कॊ स्मसभछाम दृत्ष्ट भण्डरBronze colored pupil
kāṁsyasvaratulyaghoṣaḥ मबन्न
kāmukatva काभकु त्िDesire
kanaka कनकElement Gold-Aurum with symbol Au at At. no 79
kanda varga कन्द िगशGroup of rhizome/bulb/tuber;
kanda कन्दRhizome / Bulb / Tuber
kāṇḍaṁ/ kāṇḍo काण्ड/ॊ काण्डोBone, especially shaft of the bone. Dense connective tissue
kaṇḍarābhā कण्डयाबाColor of tendon.
kāṇḍekṣu iva काण्डऺे ु इिResembling cane sugar juice
kāṇḍekṣu saṅkāśaṁ काण्डऺे ु सङ्काशॊResembling cane sugar juice
kaṇḍekṣutulya कण्डऺे ुतल्ु मResembling cane sugar juice
kaṇḍitaṁ कत्ण्डतॊmade into small pieces
kanduka yaṁtra कन्दकु मत्रॊAn apparatus in which the cinnabar is bundled and legated with threads to make it like ball for extraction of mercury.
kanīna kanīnakau vā कनीन कनीनकौ िाInner canthus, Medial angle of eye
kanīna sandhiḥ कनीन सत्न्ध्Inner canthus, Medial angle of eye
kaniṣṭhikā kaniṣṭhā vā कतनत्ष्ठका कतनष्ठा
kāṅkṣāvināśa काङ्ऺाविनाशLack of interest
kaṇṭaka śodhanam कण्टक शोधनभ ्Criminal investigation & legal punishment of offenders.
kaṇṭaka कण्टकspines of a plant
kaṇṭha kūjanaṁ कण्ठ कू जनॊVoice resembles the sound of pigeon
kaṇṭhaḥ / kaṇṭhaṁ कण्ठ्/कण्ठॊ(1) Larynx. (2) Front of the neck. (3) Throat
kaṇṭheśvayathu कण्ठे श्िमथुLaryngeal oedema which is produced by Rajimān (kraits) snake bite.
kaṇṭhodhvaṁsa कण्ठोध्िसॊIrritation in the throat.
kaṇṭhopalepa कण्ठोऩरेऩMucus coating in throat
kaṇṭhya कण््मPromoter/beneficial for Throat or Voice
kapha kopana कप कोऩनSubstances that vitiates Kapha dosha
kapha sampūrṇa iva कप सम्ऩणू श इिFeels as chest filled with mucus
kapha saṁśamana कप सशभनSubstances that pacify vitiated Kapha dosha
kapha saṁsrāva कप सस्रािdiQlalzko% diQ"Bhoua (Vij.M.N.10.3), diQlalzko% 'ys"elzqfr (Dal.S.U.57.5)
kapha कपA synonym for Śleṣmā. One of the three bodily Doṣas responsible for stability, unctousness, lubrication, immunity, and cohesion. This is predominant of Pṛthvi and Jala Mahābhūtas. The attributes of Kapha are: Guru (heavy), Manda (dull), Hima (cold), Snigdha (unctuous), Ślakṣṇa (smooth), Mṛtsna (soft) and Sthira (stable). Major seats of Kapha are: thorax, throat, head, Kloma, joints, stomach, Rasa, meda, nose and tongue. This is of five types: Avalaṃbaka, Kledaka, Bodhaka, Śleṣaka, Tarpaka.
kaphādhikaṁ कपाधधकॊMucus in excess
kaphadigdha śiraḥ कपर्दग्ध मशय्Feels as head filled with mucus
kaphamavyaktarasatvād annarasāṁścānuvartate śīghram कपभव्मततयसत्िाद न्नयसाॊश्चानिु ततश े शीघ्रभ ्Because of indistinct taste property of poison it causes aggravation of kapha and it quickly disturbs taste of food.
kaphaniṣṭhīva कपतनष्ठीिMucus spitting
kaphānugataṁ कपानगु तॊMucus followed by stool
kaphānuviddhaṁ chardi कपानवु िद्धॊ छर्दशMucus along with Vomit
kaphaprasekaḥ कपप्रसेक्Mucus discharge through mouth; Salivation
kaphaprasevaḥ कपप्रसेि्Mucus discharge through mouth
kapharuddha kaṇṭha कपरुद्ध कण्ठmucus discharge through mouth
kaphāśayaḥ कपाशम्Kaphasthanani especially chest, stomach & head.
kaphasruti कपस्रतु तMucus discharge through mouth
kaphasthānāni कपस्थानातनSeats of the kapha as described in the text.
kaphoṇiḥ कपोणण्Elbow. The joint of the arm and the forearm
kaphopadigdha kaṇṭha कपोऩर्दग्ध कण्ठMucus coating in throat
kaphotkleśa कपोत्तरेशMucus discharge through mouth
kapolaḥ कऩोर्Cheek. Side of the face forming the lateral wall of the mouth below the eye
kapota iva kūjanaṁ कऩोत इि कू जनॊVoice resembles the sound of pigeon
kapota varṇa pratimā कऩोत िणश प्रततभाColor of pigeon
kapotābha कऩोताबColor of pigeon
kāra कायit is a source of water which comes under Antariksha Jala( rain water). Water which is drawn after liquefication of hail stones. Qualities of this water are pure and soft.
karabhakapila कयबकवऩरTawny color like camel
karaḥ कय्Hand or Manus. the part of the body attached to the forearm at wrist
karajāḥ कयजा्Nails. A horny cell structure of the epidermis forming flag plates upon the dorsal surface of the terminal phalanges.
karāla danta कयार दन्तUneven teeth
karamadhya कयभध्मA unit of Measurement; Synonym of one karsha=12g of metric units
karamūlam कयभरू भ ्Wrist. the joint between the arm and the forearm
kāraṇa dravya कायण द्रव्मCausative substances that are said to be the cause of manifestation of all other substances; nine in number.
karaṇa कयणThe means or instrument by which an action is effected , the idea expressed by the instrumental cause, instrumentality
karaṇam कयणभ ्1. Subordinate cause 2. Sensory and motor organ 3. medicines
karaṇāni कयणातनIntellectual, sensory and some functioning organs of the faculties.
karavīraka कयिीयकNerium odorum and Thevetia nerifolia, both are varieties of karveer plant, which is mentioned in poisonous plants having poison in its roots (all parts are poisonous as per toxicology).
karbura कफयुशMultiple color
kardama iva कदशभ इिResembles wet mud
kardamābhaṁ कदशभाबॊColor of wet mud
kardamāṁbhonibhaṁ कदशभाॊबोतनबॊColor of wet mud
kardamopama कदशभोऩभResembles wet mud
karīṣagni कयीषत्ग्नFire of cow dung applied for mild & consistent heating
karkaśatā ककश शताRoughness
karma uparati कभश उऩयततLoss of motor function
karma कभश1. One among the six causative factors which resides in substance and responsible for pharmacological action 2. efforts done by body senses and mind
karmakṣaya कभऺश मLoss of motor function
karmoparamaḥ कभोऩयभ्Loss of motor function.
karṇa śabda कणश शब्दFlute like sound in the ear.
karṇa srotaḥ कणश स्रोत्External auditory meatus. the canal which transmits the sound waves from the exterior to the tympanic membrane
karṇa कणशEar. One of the five sense organs. Hearing apparatus.
karṇaḥ कण्शEar. The organ of hearing
karṇakṣveḍaḥ कणक्ष्िेड्Tinnitus
karṇalatikā कणरततकाLobule of the ear
karṇamardana कणभदशनRubbing of ear
karṇamūlam कणभश रू भ ्Parotid region (Parotid mould or bed). The region located near to the ear
karṇanādaṁ कणनश ादॊFlute like sound in the ear.
karṇanāḍī कणनश ाडीExternal auditory canal. The canal which transmits the sound waves from the exterior to the tympanic membrane
karṇanāsakṣi hīna darśanaṁ कणनश ासक्षऺ हीन दशनश ॊSees objects with defective organs before eyes
karṇapīṭhaṁ कणऩीठॊ(1) Bottom of the conche. (2) Lobule of the ear
karṇapoorana कणऩश यू णIt’s a part of daily regimen in this process oil is poured in to ears. It prevents ailments of head and neck.
karṇapṛṣṭham कणऩश ष्ृ ठभ ्Mastoid region. A process of the temporal bone.
karṇaputrakaḥ कणऩश त्रु क्Tragus. The cartilaginous projection in front of the exterior meatus of the ear
karṇaputrikā कणऩश त्रु त्रकाAntitragus (Tragus - Sen). a projection on the ear of the cartilage of auricle in front of the tail of the helix, posterior to tragus
karṇaśaṣkulikā कणशश ष्कु मरकाPinna. Auricle. The auricle or the projected part of external ear
karṇāvaṭuḥ कणाशिटु ्Cavum, concha of the ear. the concavity on the median surface of the auricle of ear
karṇikā कणणकाSpike like projection
karṇikāpātanaṁ कणणकाऩातनॊRemoval or excision of granulomatous growth in the wound which is caused due to bite by the insects, spiders & rats.
karpara pācana कऩयश ऩाचनA method of Cooking, is classified under Krittana Varga in which hot pans are used, e.g. Pancakes, Dosa etc.
karpūraḥ कऩयूश ्Elbow. The joint between the arm and forearm.
karṣaḥ कष्शA unit of Measurement; Two kolas will make one karsha= 12 g of metric units
kārṣṇa काष्णशBlackish discoloration of the skin
kārśya काश्मशThinness, emaciation, leanness
kartā कताशimplies for physician or synonymous of soul
kartanaṁ कतनश ॊCutting pain.
kārya dravya कामश द्रव्मEffectual substances that are manifestations of the 9 causal substances, e.g. Tinospora cordifolia, Withania somnifera
kārya कामशthe objective of physician to maintain the equilibrium of the body humors
kāryākāryavibhāgajñaḥ कामाशकामविबागऻ्Loss of knowledge.
kāryaphalaṁ sukhāvāpti कामपश रॊ सखु ािात्प्तResult of the act is attainment of happiness. It is known by satisfaction of mind intellect, sense organs & the body.
kāryaphalam कामपश रभ ्the outcome of intervention in the form of healthy state
karyayoni — कार्ययोनिIntimate cause of illness.
kāsahara कासहयSubstances that relieve cough;
kaṣaṇa kaṇṭha कषण कण्ठIrritation
kaṣāya skandha कषाम स्कन्धGroup of Drugs having actions attributed to astringent taste.
kaṣāya vastra कषाम िस्त्रThese kinds of clothes have qualities like cold, decreases heat, decreases pitta dosa. It is best suited in summer season, also used by saint’s priests during perform ritual acts, yaga etc.
kaṣāya कषामBoiled & filtered decoction of herbs, used for the therapeutics & pharmaceutical manufacturing
kaṣāyānurasaṁ कषामानयु सॊAstringent taste in lesser grade
kaṣāyavarṇaṁ कषामिणंColor of decoction
kaśerukā कशरुकाVertebra - Any of the 33 bony segments of the spinal column.
kāṣṭhauṣadhi काष्ठौषधधMaterials from Herbal kingdom
kāṣṭhe raśmibhirvā hatam काष्ठे यत्श्भमबिाश हतभ ्One bespattered with blood, with limbs broken or dislocated should be regarded as slain with sticks or whip.
kaṭakaṭāyanatva कटकटामनत्िGnashing of the teeth
kathā icchā कथा इच्छाFond of gossip.
kaṭhina कर्ठनHardness; one among 20 gurvadi gunas. Caused due activated prithvi; denotes physiological & pharmacological hardness; causes hardening/ consolidation.
kāṭhinyacarmakośa कार्ठन्मचभकोशHardness of the foreskin of the penis
kāṭhinyaṁ कार्ठन्मॊHardness
kaṭi kapālaḥ कर्ट कऩार्Hip bone
kaṭī prothaḥ कटी प्रोथ्Natis. Buttock. Gluteal Prominence. Haunch.
kaṭiḥ / kaṭī कर्ट्/कटी(1) Loins, lumbus. (2) Pelvis. (3) Waist
kaṭisandhiḥ कर्ट सत्न्ध्Hip joint
kaṭu rasatā कटु यसताPungent taste or Taste of Chillies
kaṭu skandha कटु स्कन्धGroup of drugs having actions attributed to pungent taste.
kaṭu कटु1. Pungent; One among six rasa. 2. Synonym of Katuki(Picrorrhiza kurroa) and Rajika(Brassica juncea).
kaṭvara कट्ियcurd is churned without adding water along with butter
kaṭyantram कट्मन्त्रभ ्Large intestine
kauṇya कौण्मLoss of motor function of hand
kaupa कौऩThis kind of well water more alkaline due to excessive minerals, which enhance Pitta and Agni. This kind of water is useful in Spring and Summer seasons.
kaurparasandhiḥ / kūrparasandhirvā कौऩयसत्न्ध्/कू ऩयश स त्न्धzElbow joint. The joint between arm and forearm
kavacābharṇeṣu किचाबणेषुMode of administration of poison via armour and ornaments.
kavala किरHolding the little quantity of liquid (medicinal decoctions/ Luke warm water/medicinal oils) in buckle cavity, make it move briskly inside and spitting out.
kavalagraha किरग्रहA unit of Measurement; Synonym of one karsha=12g of metric units
kāyacchidrāṇi कामत्च्छद्राणणApertures of the body.
kāyāgni कामात्ग्नAll factors responsible for digestion and metabolism / transformation.
kayuṣṭhavarṇa कमष्ु ठिणशColor of Garcinia morella
keśabhūmiḥ के शबमू भ्Field of hairs. Field of hairs
keśapatana के शऩतनFalling of hair which is a sign of (imminent) death of poisoned patient.
keśaprasādana के शप्रसादनOne among the daily regimen, combing is good for hairs; it removes dust, louse and dirt. Maintains hygiene of head.
keśaśāt के शशातA bad prognostic condition in the patient of snake bite where the hair come off the body, even on the slightest pull.
keśayantra के शमन्त्रAn apparatus resembling the filter prepared out of the hairs useful for filtration
keśya के श्म1. Beneficial for the hair. 2. Synonym of Krishnagaru(Aqualaria agollacha) & Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba)
kevalānvayi anumānaṁ के िरान्ितम व्मात्प्त्Purely positive concomitance
kevalavyatireki anumānaṁ के िरव्मततयेक्रक व्मात्प्त्Purely negative concomitance
kha खAkaśa; Space, synonym of Srotas
khaḍā खडाIs a special kind of Soup (Yusha) prepared out of 4 parts of Takra (Butter milk) and 1/16 part of Samidhanya (pulse) like Green gram, black gram, horse gram etc, boiled together. When pulses are cooked completely salt, ginger, pepper are added and seasoned with ghee and cumin seeds.
khadyotaguṇa darśanaṁ खद्मोतगणु दशनश ॊSees fire fly before eye
khai adhovāyu खै अधोिामुPassing flatus through ulcer
khaiḥ purīṣapravartanaṁ खै् ऩयु ीषप्रितनश ॊPassing stool through ulcer
khālityaṁ खामरत्मॊBaldness
khalva yantra खल्ि मन्त्रAn apparatus of various shapes and made of different materials used for grinding and rubbing of the materials
khāni nirudhya खातन तनरुध्मThe blood vitiated due to poison transudates and obstructs the channels of blood circulation, leading to death of the patient.
khañjatvaṁ खञ्जत्िॊLimbing
kharāgni खयात्ग्नStrong heat
kharapāka खयऩाकCompletion of the process beyond the optimal stage
kharasparśatva खयस्ऩशत्श िRough in touch
kharātapa खयातऩScorching sun used for various pharmaceutical processes such as purification, drying and impart addition qualities in medicines.
khāri खारयA unit of Measurement; Four combined droni are equals to one khari=196.608 kg/l of metric units
kharjūrasadṛśa खजूयश सदृशResembles as Date (Phoenix sylvestris)
kharpara खऩयशOne of the mineral of zinc
khasatva खसत्िThe extract /product obtained from extraction from mica
khaṭāvakhādī खटािखादीStriking in bed by limbs
khebhyaḥ raktaṁ खेभ्म् यततॊBleeding from hair follicles
khecara खेचयLiteral meaning is hovering in sky; the other meaning is making the materials micro fine so as to pass through any minute channels/pores which produce lightness in the body.
khoṭa खोटIt is process of compounding mercury in which the mercury is made thermo stable
khuḍakaḥ / khulako खुडक् / खुरकोAnkle joint/Heel. The joint between tibia, fibula and talus bones.
khuḍḍāka खुड्डाकbrief , small or little
khuḍḍukā खुड्डु काAnkle joint/Heel. The joint between tibia, fibula and talus bones.
khurakhura svaraḥ खुयखुय स्िय्Hoarse voice, resembling the sound of Khur Khur
kīlakau कीरकौClavicles. The collarbone, curved like the letter 'f' which articulates with sternum and scapula.
kīlaṁ कीरॊFleshy growth, Piles in rectum
kīlāṭa कीराटCoagulated milk is a solid part prepared by adding milk to buttermilk or curd.
kiṁśukodakābha क्रकॊ शकु ोदकाबColor of washing of Ervethrina indica
kiṁśukodakasaṅkāśaṁ क्रकॊ शकु ोदकसङ्काशॊColor of washing of Ervethrina indica
kiṇaḥ agharṣaṇāgranthiḥ क्रकण् अघषणश ाग्रत्न्थ्Rough skin resembles callous or cicatrix.
kiṇakharasparśa क्रकणखयस्ऩशशfd.kor~ [kjLi'kZ ;Lr rr~ fd.k[kjLi'k±] fd.k% oz.kLFkkua (Chakra.C.Ci.7.22)
kiṇvaka क्रकण्िकSynonym of surabija-seed
kīṭa कीटThese are different types of insects which have powerful sting organs with which they inject poison into the body.
kīṭairdaṣṭānugraviṣaiḥsar pavat samupācāret कीटैदशष्टानग्रु विष्ै सऩिश त ् सभऩु ाचायेत ्A bite by a strongly poisoned insect should be treated like poisoned snake bite to all intents and purposes.
kīṭakā sarpanti iva कीटका सऩत्श न्त इिFormication
kīṭaviṣecāpi svedo na pratiṣidhyate कीटविषचावऩ स्िेदो न प्रततवषध्मतेMeasure of fomentation (sweda) is not forbidden in a case of insect bite because the poison of an insect is mild and applications of heat do not increase its potency.
kiṭibha क्रकर्टबA manifestation of dushivisha which has characteristics similar to psoriasis.
kitta — किट्ट1. Waste products.
2. Slag obtained in the process of Satvapatana.
3. type of iron oxide (Mandura and other metals).
kiṭṭa क्रकट्ट1. Slag obtained in the process of satvapatana 2. type of iron oxide
klaibyam तरब्ै मभ ्Impotence; Inability to perform sexual act.
klama तरभExhaustion without exertion or Feeling of weakness in heart.
klamaṁ तरभॊIt is a symptom produced in animate type of poisoning which means mental exhaustion (fatigue).
klāntaḥ तरान्त्Restless : Fatigue
kledaḥ तरेद्Life: means combination of body, sense organs, mind and soul.
kledaka kapha तरेदक कपOne of the five subtypes of Kapha that causes moistening and loosening of the food particles to help in the process of digestion.
kleśayate ciram तरेशमते धचयभ ्Affects for a long time.
klība तरीफImpotent, neuter, emasculated,
klinna त्तरन्नWetting of the material by using prescribed liquids
klinnaṁ त्तरन्नॊMoistened, Wet
kliptībhāva त्तरप्तीबािRetention
klomanāḍī तरोभनाडीLarynx, Trachea, Bronchi. (1)The enlarged upper end of trachea below the root of trunk. (2) Cylindrical cartilaginous tube. (3) Two main branches leading from the trachea to the lungs.
kokila कोक्रकरWood charcoal
kokilaḥ svaravaikṛtyaṁ कोक्रकर् स्ियिकै ृ त्मॊOn being poisoned the voice of cuckoo becomes abnormal and hoarse.
kola कोरA unit of Measurement; Eight seeds of masha/ two sana will make one seed of kola= 6 g of metric units
koṇa कोणA property of minerals and metals
korasandhayaḥ कोयसन्धम्Condyloid and hinge joints
koṣaḥ (śaḥ) कोष् (श्)Sac/Scrotum/Prepuce. (1)Bag like part of the organ (2) the double pouch of the male hich contains the testicles and part of spermatic cord. (3) The fore skin or fold of skin over the glans penis
koṣṭa viruddha कोष्ट विरुद्धBowel unwholesome –Administration of a mild purgative in a small dose for a person of costive bowel and administration of strong purgatives in strong doses for a person having laxed bowel.
koṣṭha कोष्ठ1. A closed space or area, typically indicative of organs in the abdominal, thoracic and pelvic cavities 2. Physiologically, koṣṭha is also indicative of gastro intestinal tract. Dependending on the dominance of Doṣa, depending on the ability to digest the food, and depending on the bowel movements, the koṣṭha of an individual can be classified as Krūra (hard bowel movements) Mṛdu (soft bowel movements) and Madhya (normal bowel movements).
koṣṭhakaṁ / koṣṭhakāsthi कोष्ठकॊ /कोष्ठकात्स्थClavicle. Collar bone, which joins acromion of scapula and sternum.
koṣṭhāṅga कोष्ठाङ्गViscera/Splanchna. Internal organs enclosed within the cavity especially the abdominal organs.
koṣṭhī कोष्ठीA heating device
koṭaraḥ कोटय्Orbit or orbital cavity. The bony pyramid shape cavity the skull containing and protect the eyeball.
koṭha कोठWheels on the skin.
kotha कोथSuppuration and sloughing, It is a symptom produced by insect of dooshivisha category (causing chronic poisoning).
koṭhāḥ कोठा्It is a symptom seen in third impulse of poisoning which means urticaria.
kovidārapuṣpavarṇaṁ कोविदायऩष्ु ऩिणंColor of Bauhinia flower
krama virudda क्रभ विरुद्दOrder unwholesome- if a person takes food before his bowel and emptying his urinary bladder or when he does not have an appetite or after his hunger has been aggravated.
krāmaṇa क्राभणMaterial is made to spread all over by using various measures.
kramāpekṣitva क्रभाऩेक्षऺत्िProperties and actions of a substance depends upon its current state;
krantanaṁ icchā क्रन्तनॊ इच्छाFond of walking
krathanaṁ क्रथनॊØFkua Do.kua (Arun.Ah.N.4.13), ØFku~ dwtu~ (Hem.Ah.N.4.13), ØFku~ ukl;k v‰qra 'kCn oqQoZu~
kṛcchra कृ च्रDifficult functioning
kṛcchralakṣyākṣaraṁ कृ च्ररक्ष्माऺयॊIndistinguishable voice
kṛcchrapākaḥ कृ च्रऩाक्Delayed digestion
kṛcchronmīlanaṁ कृ च्रोन्भीरनॊDifficulty in opening eye.
kriyāharatvaṁ bāhu क्रक्रमाहयत्िॊ फाहुLoss of motor function of upper limb
kriyāhīnaḥ क्रक्रमाहीन्Loss of motor function
kriyākāla क्रक्रमाकारVarious stages of evolution of the disease during which a proper intervention can prevent the progress of the disease.
kriyākṣayaṁ क्रक्रमाऺमॊLoss of motor function.
kriyānivartanaṁ क्रक्रमातनितनश ॊLoss of motor function
kriyāsannirodhaḥ क्रक्रमासत्न्नयोध्Loss of motor and sensory function; Suppressed physical & mental activities
kriyāstambhaḥ क्रक्रमास्तम्ब्Loss of motor function
kriyāsu aśakti क्रक्रमासु अशत्ततLoss of motor function
kṛkalābha कृ कराबChameleon
kṛkaṇṭaka कृ कण्टकIt is chameleon, belonging to reptile family, containing poison in its saliva.
kṛmi roga कृ मभ योगWorm infestation
kṛmighna कृ मभघ्नAnthelmentics/Antimicrobials; substances indicated in management of worm infestation; both macro- & micro-scopic
kroḍaḥ क्रोड्Cardiac region. The region contained the heart.
kroḍapuṭa क्रोडऩटुA graded heating system- heat given with cow dung cakes equivalent to Varaha puta
krodhaviṣam क्रोधविषभ ्Poisoning due to anger Powerful enemies and even the servant and relations of the sovereign in a fit of anger poison the king.
krodhena bhāsākṣi क्रोधेन बासाक्षऺWrathful eye
krośanaṁ śvavat क्रोशनॊ श्िित ्Making sound of dog
kṛśarā कृ शयाTo prepare kṛśarā rice, gram, salt, ginger, asafetida are taken in appropriate quantity and boiled together to obtain. Also called as Khicadi/ Khara Pongal/ one pot preparation. It enhances the Agni (digestive fire) and alleviates Vataja and Pittaja disorders.
kṛśatā कृ शताWasting, Leanness
kṛṣṇa varga कृ ष्ण िगशGroup of 10 substances that colors mercury viz. Kadali(Musa paradisiacal), Karavellaka(Momordica charantia), etc.
kṛṣṇaṁ cātisravatyasṛk कृ ष्णॊ चाततस्रित्मसकृ ्Bite by a rabid animal results in copious flow of dark blood from the site of bite.
kṛṣṇamaṇḍalam कृ ष्णभण्डरभ ्Iris. The colored contractile membrane suspended between lens and cornea
kṛṣṇāruṇakapāla varṇa कृ ष्णारुणकऩार िणशColor of blackish red
kṛṣṇatārakā कृ ष्णतायकाIris. The colored contractile membrane suspended between lens and cornea
kṛta कृ तmaterial is fried by using ghee or oil by addition of pungents, mustard, asa foetida & turmeric etc.
kṛtaghnaḥ कृ तघ्न्Ungrateful
kṛtānna varga कृ तान्न िगशGroup of prepared foods;Panak, Peya, Krishara
kṛtrima viṣa कृ त्रत्रभ विषArtificial/ synthetic poison
kṛtsna कृ त्स्नAll, Whole, entire
kruddhaśūraṁ akruddhabhīru क्रु द्धशयू ॊ अक्रु द्धबीरुViolent when angry and fearful when anger subsides, an indication of mental constitution.
krūra koṣṭha क्रू य कोष्ठA physiological type of Koṣṭha produced because of the dominance of Vāta. The individual with this type of Koṣṭha, passes hard stools and has irregular digestive ability.
kṣālaṇa ऺारणWashing drugs with running water to remove the external impurities & contaminations like dust.
kṣamā ऺभाPatience, forbearance, forgiveness, Resistance
kṣāmasvarā ऺाभस्ियFeeble voice.
kṣaṇabhaṅguravāda ऺणबङ्गयु िादthe ideology which believe that nothing is stable or permanent and every things undergoes through continuous process of decaying
kṣaṇāt chardi ऺणात ् छर्दशSudden vomiting
kṣapayeccavikāśitvāddoṣ āndhātūnmalānapi ऺऩमेच्चविकामशत्िा द्दोषान्धातन्ू भरानवऩBecause of disintegration property of poison it annihilates the root principles dosas (dhatus) and the malas (excreta) of the body.
kṣāra varga ऺाय िगशGroup of alkaline substances;
kṣāra ऺायAlkaline substances obtained from plants through a specific procedure.
kṣāradvaya ऺायद्िमCombination of following 2 sources of alkaline drugs; Sarjikshara,
kṣārapañcaka ऺायऩञ्चकGroup of five sources of alkaline drugs; Sarja (Vateria indica), Palash (Butea monosperma), Tila (Sesamum indica), Yavās (Alhagi camelorum).
kṣāraṣaṭaka ऺायषटकGroup of Six sources of alkaline drugs Dhab (Anogeissus latifolia), Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera), Tila (Sesamum indicum), Langali (Gloriosa superba), and Kutaja (Holarrhena antidysenterica).
kṣārāṣṭaka ऺायाष्टकCombination of following eight sources of alkaline drugs; Palāsh(Butea frondosa), Apamarga(Achyranthes aspera), Tila(Sesamum indicum), Snuhi(Euphorbia neriifolia), Arka(Calotropis procera), Chincha(Tamarindus indica), Yavakshar, Sajjikshar
kṣarati ऺयततThe blood transudates when vitiated due to dushivisha.
kṣāratoyavat ऺायतोमित ्Resembling alkaline water
kṣāratraya ऺायत्रमGroup of Three sources of alkaline drugs Sajjikshar, Yavkshar, and Tankan.
kṣārodaka ऺायोदकkshara is to be dissolved in 6 times of water and filtered for 21 times
kṣārokṣitakṣata akṣi ऺायोक्षऺतऺत अक्षऺEye resembling color or ulcer produced by alkali
kṣatajābhaḥ ऺतजाब्Reddish
kṣatajaṁ kṣatācca nāyāti ऺतजॊ ऺताच्च नामाततIt is a sign of death of a poisoned person in which there is absence of bleeding from ulcers.
kṣaudra ऺौद्रVariety of honey collected from small type of honey-bee, it’s of brownish color. It’s of ununctuous and astringent taste and cold in potency. It aggravates Vata and alleviator of Pitta.
kṣaudranibhaṁ ऺौद्रतनबॊHoney colored
kṣaudrarūpa ऺौद्ररूऩHoney colored
kṣaudravarṇa ऺौद्रिणशHoney colored
kṣaudravarṇarasaṁ ऺौद्रिणयसॊHoney colored and taste
kṣaya ऺमLoss; a state of loss of anybody constituent resulting in a negative balance.
kṣepaḥ bhrū ऺेऩ् भ्रूSpasmodic movement of the eyebrow
kṣepanigraha sakthi ऺेऩतनग्रह सत्तथRestricted foreward movement of lower limb.
kṣipan iva akṣi क्षऺऩन ् इि अक्षऺFeeling of protrusion of eye
kṣipraṁ क्षऺप्रॊSpontaneous, Sudden
kṣipramokṣa क्षऺप्रभोऺPremature ejaculation
kṣiptam क्षऺप्तभ ्adding some excipients to increase palatability
kṣīra varga ऺीय िगशGroup of milk obtained from different animals.
kṣīra ऺीयMilk; Synonym of Dugdha.
kṣīrapāka ऺीयऩाकMilk extract/drugs extracted out by adding milk and water and reducing over fire till milk remains.
kṣīrāṣṭaka ऺीयाष्टकClass of Eight milk producing animals.cow, buffalo, sheep, goat, horse, elephant, human.
kṣīratraya ऺीयत्रमClass of following 3 latex producing plants; group of latex plants viz. Snuhi(Euphorbia neriifolia), Ashmantak(Ficus rumphii), Arka(Calotropis procera)
kṣīratulyam ऺीयतल्ु मभ ्Milky
kṣitipradeśaṁ viṣadūṣitaṁ क्षऺततप्रदेशॊ विषदवू षतॊLand affected by poison which causes swelling and burning sensation in those parts of body which comes in contact with it and nails and hair tend to fall off due to its effect.
kṣoda ऺोदSynonym of curna- fine form of herbal powder- a solid doses forms used for therapeutics
kṣodaṁ iva pṛṣṭha ऺोदॊ इि ऩष्ृ ठPowdering like pain
kṣudhā ऺुधाHunger, an uneasy sensation occasioned by the lack of food
kṣudhābhāvaḥ ऺुधाबाि्Loss of Appetite
kṣudrāntram ऺुद्रान्त्रभ ्Small intestine. The alimentary canal extending from the pylorus to the caecum
kṣudrāntrāvayavaḥ ऺुद्रान्त्रािमि्Loop of small intestine. Convoluted parts of small intestine.
kṣuṇṇaṁ ऺुण्णॊa process of powdering the material by pounding
kṣut asahatva ऺुत ् असहत्िIrritation to hunger
kṣut nāśa (kṣunnāśa) ऺुत ् नाश (ऺुन्नाश)Loss of Appetite
kṣut praṇāśa ऺुत ् प्रणाशLoss of Appetite
kucau कु चौBreast, Mammary glands. Compound alveolar gland consisting of 15 to 20 lobes of glandualr tissue
kuḍava कु डिA unit of Measurement; Four pala are equal to one kudava =192 g of
kudhānya varga कु धान्म िगशGroup of inferior quality grain.
kuhaṇikā कु हणणकाElbow. The joint between the arm and the forearm.
kūjanaṁ कू जनॊCooing Sound
kūjati कू जततVoice resembles the sound of pigeon
kukkuṭapuṭa कु तकु टऩटुA graded heating system- heat applied with cow dung cakes on surface of the earth
kukṣi कु क्षऺ(1) Abdomen, (2) Flank. The portion of the trunk located between the pelvis and the thorax.
kukṣigolakau कु क्षऺगोरकौKidneys. Renes. Paired retroperitoneal organs on each side of vertebral column.
kukṣigraha कु क्षऺग्रहGripping pain in abdomen
kukūlapācana कु कू रऩाचनCooking with steam exp- Iddali, Ata, Puttu etc
kukundarau — कुकुन्दरौ(1) Highest nerve of the iliac crest, on both sides (2) Ischial tuberosity
kukundarau कु कु न्दयौ(1) Highest nerve of the iliac crest, on both sides
kumbha कु म्ब1. A unit of Measurement; Two combined drona will make one kumbha= 24.576 kg/l of metric units 2. an earthen pot used for processing & storing the material
kumbhīka कु म्बीकThe man who first becomes a passive member of an act of sodomy to gain erection and then commits the act of sex with a woman is called kumbheek.
kumudaiḥ ācitaṁ iva darśanaṁ कु भदु ै् आधचतॊ इिSees objects covered by the color of white water lily
kumudini कु भर्ु दतनone of the synonym of crucible used for different pharmaceutical processes such as in extraction of metals
kuṇapagandha कु णऩगन्धCadaverous smell
kuṇapaprakāśaṁ कु णऩप्रकाशॊCadaverous smell
kuñcanaṁ कु ञ्चनॊGurgling sound
kundākṛti avabhāsa कु न्दाकृ तत अिबासColor of Jasmine bud
kundakusumaiḥ ācitaṁ iva darśanaṁ कु न्दकु सभु ्ै आधचतॊ इि दशनश ॊSees objects covered by the color of Jasmine
kuṇḍala darśanaṁ कु ण्डर दशनश ॊSees ear ring like objects before eyes
kuṇḍalāni कु ण्डरातनCoils or loop of the intestine.
kundapāṇḍura dṛṣṭimaṇḍala कु न्दऩाण्डु य दृत्ष्टभण्डरJasmine like pale colored pupil
kuṇitva कु णणत्िOpened eyelid.
kuṇṭhakoṇāgram कु ण्ठकोणाग्रभ ्A property of material
kunthatā कु न्थताLoss of motor function of hand
kūpikā कू वऩकाGlass flask/ bottle
kūpita ucchavāsa कू वऩत उच्छिासLaboured breath
kupyatyebhreśu nirhṛtam कु प्मत्मेभ्रेशु तनरृशतभ ्The poison of venomous rat/ mole even though apparently eliminated from the system may, sometimes, still get aggravated repeatedly on cloudy days or in foul weather.
Kurch/Kurchas - कूर्चKurchas in the human body are mentioned as six which have brush-like structures. Concerning the Kurcha Sharira, two Marmas are mentioned. 1. Kurcha Marma (Region in between the two eyebrows) 2. Kurcha-Shira Marma (The upper part of Kurcha).
Submitted by: Aashish Vishwanath Kakad
kūrcikā कू धचकश ाMilk is heated and mixed with buttermilk or curd to obtain koorcikā is a uniformly semi-solid substance. Best used in Vataja and Pittaja disorders.
kūrmābha कू भाशबIt is a characteristic feature of darvikara snake (group of cobra snake variety) bite having swelling resembling with shell of tortoise.
kūrmapṛṣṭhavat kaṭhina कू भऩश ष्ृ ठित ् कर्ठनHardness like the outer side of tortoise
kūrmonnatā jihvā कू भोन्नता त्जविाElevated like the shape of tortoise
kūrparāsthi कू ऩयश ात्स्थOlecranon process. Hook like projection on the superior end of ulna.
kuseśayadalacchāyaṁ कु सेशमदरच्छामॊResembles the color of the petals of red lotus -ma property of mineral
kuṣṇatāṁ māṁsa कु ष्णताॊ भाॊसPutrefaction of flesh
kuṣṭhaghna कु ष्ठघ्नSubstances indicated for skin disorders.
kuthita kapha कु धथत कपSputum with fetid smell
kuṭila sirā कु र्टर मसयाVaricose vein. Enlarged twisted superficial vein.
kuṭilaṁ कु र्टरॊAsymmetrical, blended, Curled
kuṭilopasthaṁ कु र्टरोऩस्थॊBlended penis
kuṭkāsthi कु ट्कात्स्थCoccyx or Sacrum coccyx. Small bone at the base of vertebral column.
kuṭṭayitvā कु ट्टतमत्िाPounding
kūyakaṁ कू मकॊHair follicles. An invagination of the epidermis from which a hair develops.
kuyumavaṇa कु मभु िणColor of saffron flower
kvaṇanaṁ तिणनॊSnoring sound
kvātha तिाथsynonym of kashaya - boiled & filtered liquid of herbs for specific time used for the therapeutics & pharmaceutical manufacturing