Ayurvedic Dictionary
There are currently 13 terms in this directory beginning with the letter O.
odana ओदनRice preparation- Prepared with 5 parts of water and 1 part of rice. Prepared of well cleaned grains, devoid of water, well cooked and warm and light.
of mucous membranes of pharynx."
ojas ओजस ्The essence of all seven Dhātus, that is vital for life. Also indicates Bala (immunity). It is of two types: 1.Para that is present in the heart and, 2. Apara that is present all over the body. The ten attributes of Ojas are: Guru (heavy), Shīta (cold), Mṛdu (Soft), Ślakṣṇa (smooth), Bahala (abundant), Madhura (sweet), Sthira (stable), Prasanna (bright), Picchila (sticky), Snigdha (unctuous).
ojaskara ओजस्कयthe substance or process which promotes immunity and vitality
ojasvin ओजत्स्िन ्Enthusiastic
okasātmya ओकसात्म्मThe daily activities and food which are adapted to the body by habitual use.
oṣa ओषBurning sensation with sweating and restlessness. Localized burning sensation.
Osadha ओषधThose varieties of vegetable kingdom which are self destroyed soon after maturity of their fruit. Such as wheat, paddy, Sorghum etc which perish after harvesting
oṣṭha kṣepa ओष्ठ ऺेऩBiting lips
oṣṭhaprāntau ओष्ठप्रान्तौAngles of the mouth
oṣṭhasandaśanam ओष्ठसन्दशनभ ्Biting of lips
oṣṭhau ओष्ठौLips or Labia. Soft external structure that forms the boundary of the mouth.
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What is Ayurvedic Dictionary Sanskrit with translation?Ayurvedic Sanskrit Dictionary is an A-Z database of Ayurvedic medical terminologies for the students of Ayurveda and the general public interested in Ayurvedic medicine. Currently, it contains 6000+ Ayurvedic Sanskrit terms with the meaning, simply search the term or use A-Z alphabets to get the term meaning with a description.
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Who compiled the Ayurvedic terminology?Ayurvedic Sanskrit Dictionary with translation (Sanskrit – English): Ayurvedic terminology dictionary. Compilation by the National Institute of Ayurveda India, information sourced from nia.nic.in. Updated by AyurMedia with minor typographical corrections and more helpful explanations.