vācaṁ nigṛhṇāti िाचॊ तनगवृ णाततimpedes speech
vādaḥ िाद्debate ; argument in a hostile spirit of challenge with the aid of authoritative knowledge .
vādhanaṁ िाधनॊsubstances having immediate adverse effects for short duration
vāditrasaṁprayoga asthāne िार्दत्रसप्रमोग अस्थानेPlaying musical instrument at inappropriate occasion.
vāhi िार्हA unit of Measurement; Synonym of droṇi=49.152 kg/l of metric units
vahni sudurbalaḥ ित्वन सदु फु रश ्Lack of digestive power
vahni ित्वनDigestive power
vahnisaṁtaptam ित्वनसतॊ प्तभ ्Making red hot over fire
vaibhatsyaṁ िबत्स्मॊFierce appearance
vaicityaṁ िधचत्मॊConfusion or absence of mind
vaidala varga िदर िगशA class of different pulses
vaiḍūryavarṇa dṛṣṭi maṇḍalaṁ िडै ू मिश णश दृत्ष्ट भण्डरॊPupil with the color of cat's eye gem
vaidyabhāga िद्मबागA synonym of Rudra Bhāga; Commission or Fees of a Vaidya.
vaidyavaśaga िद्मिशगsubordinate to vaidya.
vaigandhya िगन्ध्मBad smell
vaiguṇyaṁ adhovāyu िगै ण्ु मॊ अधोिामुRetention of flatus.
vaikalya िकल्मLoss of motor function or deformity
vaikarañjaḥ िकयञ्ज्Hybrid variety of the three types of snakes described in Ayurvedic literature i.e. darvikar, mandali and rajimān (folkore).
vaikṛtya indriya िकै ृ त्म इत्न्द्रमPreverted sensory organs
vaiśeṣika guṇa िशै वे षक गणुspecific property; property specifically attributed to a particular mahābhūta & can be percieved only by one sensory organ; e.g. smell attributed to Pṛthvī mahābhūta & can be percieved by olfactory sense.
vaiśeṣikaḥ िशै वषक्one of the orthodox indian philosophy postulated by Ācharya kanada and famous for molecular theory
vaiśrutyaṁ िश्रै ुत्मॊDefective hearing
vaisvaryaṁ िस्िमंHoarseness of voice.
vaivarṇya ििण्मशDiscoloration.
vajrasadṛśa िज्रसदृशResembles diamond - a property of described Vaikrānt Tourmaline
vāk bhaṅgaḥ िाक् बङ्ग्Restricted speech
vāk grahaḥ िाक् ग्रह्Restricted speech
vāk nigrahaḥ िाक् तनग्रह्Restricted speech
vāk saṅgaḥ िाक् सङ्ग्Restricted speech.
vāk stambhaḥ िाक् स्तम्ब्Restricted speech.
vakra darśanaṁ िक्र दशनश ॊLook objects in curved shape
vakra gati िक्र गततUnsteady gait.
vakra िक्रCurved or Tortuous
vākyadoṣaḥ िातमदोष्syntactical defects: a statement with deficiency in any of the five constituents of a sentence and does not convey the proper and complete meaning
vākyapraśaṁsā िातमप्रशसाsyntactical excellence: the statement is free from any syntactical impurity and express the exact meaning of the sentence
vākyaśeṣaḥ िातमशष्Supply of ellipsis; such statements wherein some word or words are found missing, which has to be supplied or supplemented appropriately to get the exact meaning of a sentence in that context.
valayaṁ िरमॊRing like appearance
valināśa िमरनाशAbsence of wrinkles
valkala vastra िल्कर िस्त्रCloth made out of bark of tree. It pacifies vata ,
valla िल्रIndicating measure equivalent to dose of metric units 190,250,375 mg (1.5,2 & 3 guṅjā)
vallī िल्रीClimbers; weak stemmed plants; A synonym of latā
valmīka िल्भीकAnt hill or termatorium.
valmīkaśikharākāraṁ िल्भीकमशखयाकायॊappears like Peaks of Hillock - a type etc. of clay used for different processes like shodhana
vamana dravya िभन द्रव्मEmetics;
vamana िभनTherapeutic emesis.
vamanopaga िभनोऩगSubstances that facilitate emesis
vaṁga िगॊElement Tin- Stannum with chemical symbol Sn at At.no 50 - one of the member of low melting metals
vaṁkanāla िकनारan apparatus used to intensify the flame by blowing
vaṁśī िशीThe dust particle visible in the rays of sun
vanacchanai िनच्छनैDried cow dung cakes obtained from forest area
vanaspati िनस्ऩततOne among 4 categories of medicinal plants; big trees having fruits but having rudimentary or modified flowers like Ficus bengalanesis
vānaspatya िानस्ऩत्मOne among 4 categories of medicinal plants; big trees having both fruits and flowers; e.g.: Mango tree
vāpi िावऩstep well water- which is well constructed with masonry works, which has stairs to descent inside and fetch the water. also called as Pacca well. Is sweet in taste and light for digestion.
varadāyī ियदामीActing as giving boons
vārāha meda sadṛśaṁ िायाह भेद सदृशॊResembles the fat of the pig
vārāha sneha sadṛśaṁ िायाह स्नेह सदृशॊresembles the fat of the pig
vāribindukalpa akṣi िारयत्रफन्दकु ल्ऩ अक्षऺWater drop like projection in eye.
vāripūrṇa netra िारयऩणू श नेत्रLacrimation
vāritara िारयतयOne of the classical test for examining the bhasma-when pinch of bhasma is sprinkled over constant water , it floats indicating lightness compared to water
vāriviprahatāḥ िारयविप्रहता्Bettered by flowing water.
varṇa िणश1. Color 2. Complexion; an action attributed to Agni Mahābhūta
varṇabhraṁśa िणभ्रश शॊDiminished color or complexion
varṇahāni िणहश ातनDiminished color or complexion
varṇakṣaya िणऺश मDiminished color or complexion
varṇanāśa िणनश ाशDiminished color or complexion
varṇāpaghāta िणाशऩघातDiminished color or complexion
varṇapraṇāśa िणप्रणाशDiminished color or complexion
varṇasaṁkāśa िणसश काशDiminished color or complexion
varṇavikṛti िणवश िकृ ततDiminished color or complexion
varṇavināśa िणविनाशDiminished color or complexion
varṇopatāpa िणोऩताऩDiminished color or complexion
varṇya िण्मशComplexion promoters
varti िततशWick like project
vartimadhyam िततभध्मभHolding the wick in the middle should be ignited; a method of preparing Liquefied Sulphur (Gaṅdhaka druti)
vartivatasnehakalka िततितस्नेहकल्कFormation of wick on rolling between fingers – a classical test indicating the completion of preparation of medicated oil/ghee
vartmasaṅkoca ित्भसङ्कोचEyelids remain closed
vartula ितरुशA property of material
vāruṇi िारुणणIt is the fermented liquid obtained from the palm trees like dates – familiarly known as tāḍi, nīra
Vasā िसाThe upadhātu of Māṃsa Dhātu. The unctuous portion of pure Māṃsa;
vasāgandha िसागन्धSmell of fat
vasāmiśraṁ िसामभश्रॊMixed with fat
vāsanā िासनाPerfuming/ fragrance/storing- one of the processes to impart some qualities
vasātulyaṁ िसातल्ु मॊResemblance of fat
vaśīḥ िशी्One of the attributes and also synonym of the ātma (soul): Controller, The one who controls
vasopamaṁ िसोऩभॊResemblance of fat
vāṣpa akṣi िाष्ऩ अक्षऺLacrimation
vastrabaddha िस्त्रफद्धIt is a process generally used to segregate the material in bundles
vastragālita िस्त्रगामरतScreening / filtering / straining through cloth
vastraniṣpīḍana िस्त्रतनष्ऩीडनSqueezing through cloth/flannel
vāta asahatva िात असहत्िIrritation towards wind.
vāta dveṣa िात द्िेषAversion to wind
vāta kopana िात कोऩनsubstances that vitiates Vata Doṣa
vāta prasravaṇa िात प्रस्रिणExcessive passing of flatus
vāta saṁśamana िात सशभनsubstances that pacify vitiated Vata Doṣa
vaṭaka िटकPills - one of the Dosage form with round solid masses/balls
vātapūrṇadṛtisparśa िातऩणू दृश ततस्ऩशशLooks as balloon filled with air
vātapūrṇatā िातऩणू तश ाFilled with gas
vatsanābha ित्सनाबA Poisonous Root Aconitum ferox having an appearance similar to that of the navel of a calf.
vāṭya maṇḍa िाट्म भण्डIs a gruel prepared out of 1 part of coarse powder of roasted Yava (barley) and 14 parts of water.
vāṭya िाट्मPorridge- prepared with fried barley
vaya िमAge- it is defined as the state of body correspondence to length of time, broadly divided in 3 stages, childhood, adulthood and old age.
vayaḥ sthāpana िम् स्थाऩनSubstances which delay ageing process;
vayas िमस ्Age, any time or period of life
vāyavyaṁ dravya िामव्मॊ द्रव्मsubstances having vayu as the predominant mahābhūta;
vāyu िामुA synonym of Vāta, one of the three bodily Doṣas, that is predominant of Vāyu and Ākāśa Mahābhūtas. This is a vital biological force that performs the fuctions like all sensory perceptions, all motor activities, and higher mental activities. This is of five subtypes: Prāṇa, Vyāna, Udāna, Samāna and Apāna. The major sites of distribution of Vāyu are: Large intestine, pelvis, extremities, ears, bones and skin. The attributes of Vāyu are: Rūkṣa (dry), Laghu (light), Śīta (cold), Khara (rough), Sūkṣma (minute), Cala (mobile).
vāyukopa िामकु ोऩExcessive passing of flatus
vāyusañcāra िामसु ञ्चायExcessive passing of flatus
vedanā sthāpana िेदना स्थाऩनAnalgesics
vedanaṁ śvāsa िेदनॊ श्िासBreathing with pain
vega aprādurbhāva िेग अप्रादबु ाशिDeprived of reflex
vega िेगDerived from Vij- to agitate, to make quickly. The Vega word means in the medical context, natural urges (for elimination), reflex, and excitement. Usually, however it is taken in the sense of natural urges of the body, which call for urgent satisfaction. in Ayurvedic parlance denotes natural reflexes or urges. They are of two types Dharaniya (Suppressible urges) such as Greed, Anger etc and Adhāraṇīya (non suppressible urges) such as Sneezing, Sleep etc.
vegāntara िेगान्तयInterval between two attacks (impulses) of poison.
vegasrāvī िेगस्रािीSudden bleeding.
vertebrae in horizontal position."
veśavāra िेशिायMeat which is devoid of any bone is cooked, ground along with spices such as pepper, garlic etc and ghee. This mixture is made into flattened balls and cooked in steam. Resembles present day cutlet in many respect.
veśavārābhaṁ िेशिायाबॊStool resembles the veśavāra condiment
veśmanaḥ vibhūṣā िेश्भन् विबषू ाDecoration of palace.
veṣṭana िेष्टनCramps in body
veṣṭanai iva pārśva िेष्टनै इि ऩाश्िशCramps like pain in flanks
veśvāra िेशिायsoup prepared with boneless meat by adding sufficient water and seasoning with 3 pungent, ghee & jiggery
vibaddha muktaṁ aniyata purīṣapravartanaṁ विफद्ध भतु तॊ अतनमत ऩयु ीषप्रितनश ॊDry or loose defecation irregularly.
vibaddha muktaṁ antarāntarā purīṣapravartanaṁ विफद्ध भतु तॊ अन्तयान्तया ऩयु ीषप्रितनश ॊDry or loose defecation irregularly.
vibaddha muktaṁ purīṣapravartanaṁ विफद्ध भतु तॊ ऩयु ीषप्रितनश ॊDry or loose defecation irregularly.
vibaddhaṁ विफद्धॊObstructed
vibaddhasaṁbaddha mukhaṁ विफद्धसफॊ द्ध भखु ॊMouth filled with mucus
vibandha adhovāyu विफन्ध अधोिामुRetention of flatus
vibandha hṛdayaṁ विफन्ध रृदमॊFeeling of stiffness of pericardial region
vibandhaṁ indriya विफन्धॊ इत्न्द्रमWeakness of sense organs
vibandhaṁ urasaḥ विफन्धॊ उयस्Feeling of stiffness in chest
vibandhaṁ विफन्धॊObstructed
vibhāga विबागDivision or partial withdraw
vibhañjanaṁ विबञ्जनॊBreaking pain
vībhatsa ceṣṭā िीबत्स चेष्टाBizzare activities
vibhatsatvaṁ विबत्सत्िॊFierce appearance
vibhinnena iva विमबन्नेन इिBreaking pain
vibhramaṁ विभ्रभॊPreverted, Perplexed
vibhraṁśa विभ्रशॊDerangement:
vibhrānta cetaḥ विभ्रान्त चेत्perplexed mind
vibhrānta darśanaṁ विभ्रान्त दशनश ॊPerplexed sight
vibhrāntākṣaḥ विभ्रान्ताऺ्Frantic eye
vibhu विबुBeing everywhere, all pervading, omnipresent. An attribute of ātma.
vicāra विचायmorbidity; caused due to substance with Vayu mahābhūta predominance.
vicchinnadhāraṁ mūtraṁ वित्च्छन्नधायॊ भत्रू ॊHesitant micturation
vicchinnaṁ ārtava वित्च्छन्नॊ आतिशHesitant Menstrution
vicchinnaṁ chardi वित्च्छन्नॊ छर्दशIntermittent vomiting
vicchinnaṁ kaphaṁ वित्च्छन्नॊ कपॊSplitted sputum
vicchinnaṁ śvāsa वित्च्छन्नॊ श्िासShattered breathing.
viceṣṭana विचेष्टनPresence of abnormal actions of body.
vicetaḥ विचेत्Loss of consciousness.
vicetanaṁ विचेतनॊLoss of tactile sensation
vicitra vastra विधचत्र िस्त्रAlleviates kapha & vayu Doṣa
vicitrarupa darśanaṁ विधचत्ररुऩ दशनश ॊSeeing objects in multi color.
viḍa lavaṇa विड रिणred granular salt
viḍa विडa mixture of materials like kśāra. Amla. Gandhaka, lavaṇa etc along with group of urine mūtra used to hasten the process of jāraṇa- digestion , also act as appetizer
vidagdha विदग्धPartially transformed/ partially digested
vidagdhaṁ raktaṁ विदग्धॊ यततॊDecomposed Menstrual blood
vidagdhe anne chardi विदग्धे अन्ने छर्दशVomitting while digesting
vidagdhopamaṁ ārtava विदग्धोऩभॊ आतिशDecomposed Menstrual blood
vidāha विदाहInternal burning sensation.
vidāhi विदार्हsubstances that produces burning sensation
viḍālapadaka विडारऩदकA unit of Measurement; Synonym of one karșa=12g of metric units
viddha विद्धsting/arrow poison
viddham विद्धभ ्Unwholesome in rules of eating- taking meals in public, ugly places, in burial ground etc.
vidhānam विधानभ ्Right interpretation; statements for proper arrangement of subject, views etc. in an orderly manner
vidhāraṇa aśakti adhovāyu विधायण अशत्तत अधोिामुInability to bear urge of defecation
vidhāraṇa aśakti mūtraṁ विधायण अशत्तत भत्रू ॊInability to bear urge of micturation
vidhiḥ विधध्A mandatory injunction prescribed in Text
vidhūpana nāsikā विधूऩन नामसकाSmoky sensation
vidhvaṁsanaṁ roma विध्िसनॊ योभFalling of hair
vidīrṇa dṛṣṭimaṇḍala विदीणश दृत्ष्टभण्डरSplitted pupil
vidrumasannibha विद्रभु सत्न्नबColor of coral red.
viduta darśanaṁ विदतु दशनश ॊSees lightening before eyes.
vidyā विद्माKnowledge, learning, science
vidyādhara yantra विद्माधय मन्त्रAn apparatus used to extract mercury from cinnabar etc.
vigatalakṣmīḥ विगतरक्ष्भी्loss of lustier.
vighātaṁ विघातॊLoss of motor function
vigrathitaṁ विग्रधथतॊNodular
vihaṅgagandha विहङ्गगन्धSmell of birds
vihārapara विहायऩयUnsteady activities
vihatarasatvaṁ विहतयसत्िॊDistaste
vihvala darśanaṁ विविर दशनश ॊPerturbed vision
vijihākṣi वित्जहाक्षऺDisorted eye
vijihma bhrū वित्जवभ भ्रूTortuous eyebrow
vijihmā वित्जवभाTwisted or Curved
vijjalaṁ purīṣaṁ विज्जरॊ ऩयु ीषॊSlimy or lubricious stool.
vijñāna विऻानThe act of distinguishing or discerning; a systematic and perfect knowledge
vijṛmbhaṇaṁ विजम्ृ बणॊYawning
vijṛmbhikā विजत्ृ म्बकाYawning
vikalpa विकल्ऩProportional variation there are many kinds of preprations.
vikalpanam विकल्ऩनभ ्Option; statement which do not fix a rule rigidly but give option for a suitable variant
vikalpasāmarthya विकल्ऩसाभर्थमशHaving potential for various formulations; one of the specific character of dravya
vikāraḥ विकाय्it signifies 1. derivatives 2. ailments
vikaraṇa विकयणderangement , because of subtle property of poison it penetrates into and deranges the minutest capillaries.
vikarṇa nāsikaṁ विकणश नामसकॊOne whose ear and nose are cut.
vikarṣiṇaḥ विकवषणश ्Sucking pain
vikartana विकतनशCutting pain
vikartikā विकततकाCutting pain
vikāsarodha maṇeḥ विकासयोध भणे्Phymosis
vikāsī विकासीProperty of a substance by virtue of which it gets distributed all over the body without passing through routine digestive process and causes depletion of ojas & displaces tissues from their physiological places
vikiraṇa mūtraṁ विक्रकयण भत्रू ॊFrequent micturation.
vikothaḥ विकोथ्Putrefaction
vikrānta mukhaṁ विक्रान्त भखु ॊAwkward face
vikriyā sandhi विक्रक्रमा सत्न्धDepressed joint
vikrocanam विक्रोचनभ ्Contraction
vikrośanaṁ विक्रोशनॊCrying
vikṛta akṣi विकृ त अक्षऺAbnormal, Deformed
vikṛta iva darśanaṁ विकृ त इि दशनश ॊSees obejcts in deformed size
vikṛta kāla विकृ त कारUnwholesome time-if it is having contrary, excess, deficient to those of the seasons.
vikṛta udaka विकृ त उदकVitiated water-water should be known as devoid of merits when it is excessively deranged in respect of smell, color, taste,& touches too slimy, deserted by aquatic bird-animals are reduced & is unpleasing.
vikṛta vāyu विकृ त िामुAir that known to cause illness such as not in accordance with the season excessively moist, speedy, harsh, cold, hot excessively clashing with each other, affected with unsuitable smell, vapor, gravel, dust & smoke
vikṛtadeśa विकृ तदेशUnwholesome place-it contains excessive moisture , is troubled by reptiles, mosquitoes, flies, rats. Vultures, jackals etc. with dried & damaged crops, smoky winds crying birds & dogs, with natural calamities like flood ,earthquakes etc.
vikṛtayanti विकृ तमत्न्तDestroys/ damages/ deforms - a property of Vaikrānta
vīkṣaṇa asahatva िीऺण असहत्िIntolerance to see the objects
vikṣepāḥ विऺेऩा्Seizures; Irregular movement or sudden spasm
vikṣepaṇa विऺेऩणAbnormal movement
vikūjanam विकू जनभ ्Voice resembles the sound of pigeon or indistinct sound
vikūṇanaṁ विकू णनॊContraction of the eye
vilāpa विराऩLament; Utters moaning sounds
vilekhanaṁ ātmānaṁ विरेखनॊ आत्भानॊScratches on his own body
vilepanaṁ icchā विरेऩनॊ इच्छाFond of applying unguent
vilepī विरेऩीA rice gruel preparation differing in consistency with Peya. It is more solid than Peya. To prepare Vilepi, 4 parts of water and 1 part of broken rice are taken and boiled till rice is soft.
viloma adhovāyu विरोभ अधोिामुRetention of flatus
vilūnapakṣa विरनू ऩऺBird with wings cut off.
vimala विभरStainless, spotless, clean, bright, pure, clear, transparent – in the contest of water refers to water which is free from all physical and chemical impurities like Clay, mud, turbidity, carbonate and non carbonate salts etc.
vimārga विभागशAn abnormal path
vimlāpanaṁ विम्राऩनॊmutiliation of swelling by massage
vimoha pakṣma विभोह ऩक्ष्भFalling of eyelashes
vimoha विभोहImpairment of orientation
vimuṁcati विभचॊु ततDisassociates/ releases
viṇa/vida विणexcreta of animal
vinadya purīṣapravartanaṁ विनद्म ऩयु ीषप्रितनश ॊDefecation with excessive bending
vinagna bhāva विनग्न बािNudity or exhibitionism
vināma विनाभBending of the body
vinamya mūtraṁ विनम्म भत्रू ॊMicturation with excessive bending
vinamya purīṣapravartanaṁ विनम्म ऩयु ीषप्रितनश ॊDefecation with excessive bending
vināśaḥ विनाश्demolition or dying out
vinaṣṭa vāk विनष्ट िाक्Dumbness
vinaṣṭamamlatājātaṁ विनष्टभम्रताजातॊThe liquid attaining acidity by losing its sweetness
vinaya विनमmodesty or decency
vinidrā वितनद्राSleeplessness
vinigrahaḥ वितनग्रह्Retention
viniṣṭa vāk वितनष्ट िाक्Dumbness
viniṣṭhanan वितनष्ठनन ्Defecation with burning and gripping pain
viniṣṭhīvana वितनष्ठीिनSpitting
vipaka — विपाकthe principle that indicates the pharmacological behavior of a substance post digestion and metabolism.
Expressed in terms of Rasa — 3 in number 1. Madhura 2. Amla 3. Katu, It is ascertained based upon the action of the
vipāka विऩाकprinciple that indicates the pharmacological behavior of a substance post digestion & metabolism; expressed in terms of rasa; 3 in number
viparītaṁ विऩयीतॊAntagonistic
viparyayabuddhiḥ विऩममश फद्ु धध्Perverted intelligence
viparyayaḥ विऩममश ्when exceptionary example is given in an already existed exception
viparyayaḥ विऩममश ्Reverse action
vipaśyan विऩश्मन ्Looking in all direction
vipluta akṣi विप्रतु अक्षऺUnstable eye ball.
viplutaṁ iva darśanaṁ विप्रतु ॊ इि दशनश ॊPerverted sight
viplutaṁ visphoṭitaṁ asthi विप्रतु ॊ विस्पोर्टतॊ अत्स्थMultiple cracks on bone
vipradveṣa विप्रद्िेषAversion to Brahmins
vipralāpa विप्रराऩIncoherent speech
vipūyakaḥ विऩमू क्Bed smell
viramitaśabda वियमभतशब्दSubsiding of sound on placing the material over fire- one of the test indicating the completion of medicated oil/ghee preparation
virasāsyatā वियसास्मताDistaste in mouth.
virecana dravya वियेचन द्रव्मsubstances inducing purgation;
virecanopaga वियेचनोऩगadjuvant of purgation; D97substances used to facilitate purgation
vireka vaiṣamyaṁ वियेक िषम्मॊRetention of urine or stool
vireka वियेकtherapeutic purgation.
virocanaṁ वियोचनॊExcessive defecation
virodha वियोधSuppression, Obstruction
viruddha āahāra विरुद्ध आहायThe food, drinks, & medicine, which does the dislodgement of Dośa from its site I.e. Dośatlkesa, but does not expel it out and which acts contradictory to the body tissues. They do not help in the nourishment of Dhātu and in due course produce many diseases/incompatible food. Food which are antagonist to body and Dhātu are called as Viruddha.
vīrudha िीरुधplants having weak stem; creepers, climbers, prostate, etc; one of the 4 categories of medicine plants.
virupa akṣi विरुऩ अक्षऺDeformed or Abnormal eye
virya — वीर्य1. The principle responsible for the therapeutic activity of the substance; may be compared with the fraction of a substance possessing the active principles; it is ascertained either by contact or period of its stay in the body.
2. One of the bases of nomenclature of plants.
vīrya viruddha िीमश विरुद्धPotency Unwholesome- taking diet and drugs having cold potency in combination with those of hot potency.
vīrya िीमश1. The principle responsible for the therapeutic action of the substance; may be compared with the fraction of a substance containing the active principles; it is ascertained either by contact or duration of its stay in the body.
vīryaviruddha aśniyāta िीमविरुद्ध अत्श्नमातNon- antagonistic food. food doesn’t have two component of different VIRYA.
viṣa adhiṣṭhāna विष अधधष्ठानpoisonous part/ source of inanimate poison.
viṣa āśrayasthāna विष आश्रमस्थानpart containing poison in animals
viṣa dūṣita tṛṇa विष दवू षत तणृPoisoned grass.
viśada विशदNon adhesiveness.
viṣāda विषादDejection; Depression
viśadam विशदClear; Transparent, Lucid; one of the 20 gurvadi gunas; caused due activated akash & pṛthvī; denotes physiological & pharmacological clarity and transparency; clears channels. An attribute of Vata.
viṣadātā विषदाताpoisoner.
viṣādhānaṁ विषाधानॊVehicle of poison, blood is a vehicle for poison through which it circulates readily throughout the body producing fatal symptoms in the body.
viṣaghātiyoga विषघाततमोगAntitoxic medication.
viṣaghna विषघ्नAntitoxic medication.
viṣaghnairgadaiḥ spṛṣṭam विषघ्नगै दश ै् स्ऩष्ृ टभ ्(The food) detoxified by antitoxic medication.
viṣaghnam विषघ्नभ ्antidote for poison (antitoxic).
viṣahatam विषहतभ ्death due to poisoning.
viṣakanyā विषकन्माA girl/woman made poisonous by administering small amount of poison to her, right from birth becomes poisonous.
viṣama dṛṣṭimaṇḍala विषभ दृत्ष्टभण्डरIrregular pupil
viṣamāgni विषभात्ग्नThe state in which the action of Agni is rendered erratic (either excessive or decreased, variable from time to time) due to the dominant influence of Vata.
viṣamāśana विषभाशनFood takes untimely which is quantitatively either excess / low.
viṣamāsana विषभासनUnequal proportion
viṣamavinatā aṅguli विषभविनता अङ्गमु रIrregular bending of fingers
visaṁhata hanu विसहॊ त हनुDislocation of Jaw
visaṁjñā विसऻॊ ाLoss of consciousness.
visaṁjñakalpaḥ विसऻॊ कल्ऩ्Loss of consciousness.
visaṁjñatā विसऻॊ ताLoss of consciousness
viṣānvaya विषान्िमPotentially poisonous contamination.
viṣapītaṁ विषऩीतॊPerson who had ingested poison.
viṣāprada विषप्रदpoisoner.
visarga विसगशPeriod of liberation: period of time when moisture, unctuousness and strength of the body gets enhanced
visargaḥ विसग्शsuns act of hydration bestows strength to the living organisms
viṣasadbhāva विषसद्बािpresence of toxicity.
viṣasaṁkaṭaṁ विषसकटॊcatastrophic stage of poisoning, a combination of factors like bodily constitution, season, food, vitiated body elements which on being present simultaneously produce fulminating symptoms in the victim.
viṣasūdana विषसदू नAntitoxic
viṣavarga विषिगशClass of poisons
viṣavegaḥ विषिेग्Impulse (attacks) of poison, a poison produces 7 attacks in human, 4 in animals, 3 in bird. Impuse occur when poison cross one compartment/ membrane (kalā) to invade the next.
viṣavīrya विषिीमशPower of poison.
viṣayeṣvasakta विषमेष्िसततUnattached to sexual pleasure
viśeṣa विशषेSpecialty; Dissimilarity; opposite of sāmanya; denotes dissimilarity between two substances, properties or actions; one of the fundamental concepts in āyurvedic pharmacology that states that substances can potentially lead to a decrease or negative impact in the dissimilar substances or attributes in the living system, when engaged in an effective interaction.
viśīrṇa roma विशीणश योभFalling of hair
viśīrṇa vāk विशीणश िाक्Withering speech
viśīrṇabandhana danta विशीणफन्धन दन्तLooseness of teeth
viśīrṇādhāraṁ mūtraṁ विशीणाशधायॊ भत्रू ॊFluent less micturation
viśīrṇaṁ iva darśanaṁ विशीणं इि दशनश ॊSees things as broad
viśīrṇaṁ kūrcakaḥ विशीणं कू चकश ्Falling down or teeth enamel
viśīrṇamāṁsaṁ विशीणभाॊसॊPutrefaction of flesh
viṣkira śakuni vasā वित्ष्कय शकु तन िसाgallinaceous bird fat
viṣkira वित्ष्कयGallinaceous- those animals and birds which disperse food before taking; Includes birds which scratch the earth in search of food. Exp- the watail, wild fowl, snake bird, lapwing, peacock etc.
viśleṣa jānu विश्रेष जानुSplitting pain in knee
viśleṣaṁ विश्रेषॊDislocation, Flabbiness
viśliṣṭiṁ uraḥ वित्श्रत्ष्टॊ उय्Depression of chest
vismāpana विस्भाऩनCreating surprise
vismaraṇa विस्भयणForgetting
viṣopadrava विषोऩद्रिComplications/secondary diseases due to poisoning.
viṣopasarga विषोऩसगशPoisoning.
viṣpaṣṭaṁ iva ābhāti akṣi विष्ऩष्टॊ इि आबातत अक्षऺBright looking eye
visra विस्रA smell like that of raw meat, smell like blood. An attribute of Pitta.
visragandha विस्रगन्धSmell of live fish
visraṁ विस्रॊSmell of live fish
viṣṭambha adhovāyu विष्टम्ब अधोिामुRetention of flatus
viṣṭambha purīṣa pravartanaṁ विष्टम्ब ऩयु ीष प्रितनश ॊRetention of stool
viṣṭambha विष्टम्बFullness of abdomen due to constipation
viṣṭhabdhaṁ akṣi विष्ठब्धॊ अक्षऺStiffness of eye
viśuddhaṁ chardi विशद्ु धॊ छर्दशWhitish vomit
viśuṣkabhāva akṣi विशष्ु कबाि अक्षऺAbsence of mucus in eye
viṣyanda विष्मन्दliquefaction; caused due to Jala mahābhūta predominance.
viṭ chardi विट् छर्दशVomitting with stool
viṭ jalaṁ purīṣaṁ विट् जरॊ ऩयु ीषॊWatery stool
viṭ mārgaḥ विट् भाग्शRectum
vītamāṁsaṁ nakha िीतभाॊसॊ नखNail with less flesh
vitaṇḍā वितण्डाTalk in which one cant establish his own view
viṭasagandha विटसगन्धSmell of stool
vītaśoṇitaṁ nakha िीतशोणणतॊ नखNail with less blood
viṭgandha विट्गन्धSmell of stool
viṭgandhaṁ mūtraṁ विट्गन्धॊ भत्रू ॊUrine with the smell of Stool
vītī bhāva िीती बािEmaciation, Wasting
vitrāsana वित्रासनTerrorizing
vitrastaṁ akṣi वित्रस्तॊ अक्षऺFrightened eye
viṭsaṁsṛṣṭaṁ mūtraṁ विट्ससॊ ष्ृ टॊ भत्रू ॊUrine mixed with stool
viṭvarjitaṁ purīṣaṁ विट्ित्जतश ॊ ऩयु ीषॊWatery stool
vivarṇatvaṁ वििणत्श िॊDiscoloration
vivarta oṣṭha विितश ओष्ठTwisted lip
vivartavāda विितिादthe ideology of the Vedānt philosophy which believes that Brahma is only truth and others in the world are false
vivecana वििेचनDiscriminating , distinguishing, analyzing, and dividing.
vivekaḥ वििेक्Discrimination : the faculty of distinguishing and classifying things according to their real properties , a state of wisdom
vivikta icchā विवितत इच्छाFond of staying in solitude
vivrīyate muhu nāsikā विव्रीमते भहु ु नामसकाFrequent widening of nose.
vivṛta akṣi विितृ अक्षऺWidely opened eye.
vivṛtaḥ विितृ ्expanded or opened
vivṛtaṁ kṛcchreṇa mukhaṁ विितृ ॊ कृ च्रे ण भखु ॊMouth opens with difficulty
vivṛtatā mukhaṁ विितृ ता भखु ॊOpened mouth
vivṛtti mukhaṁ वििवृ त्त भखु ॊWhirling of mouth
viyataḥ विमत्Ether: space
vraṇa mukhāt purīṣapravartanaṁ व्रण भखु ात ् ऩयु ीषप्रितनश ॊPassing stool through ulcer
vraṇa viddha विद्ध व्रणPunctured or stab wound.
vraṇadvārāvasādī raktaṁ व्रणद्िायािसादी यततॊBlood clotting in ulcer
vraṇai adhovāyu व्रणै अधोिामुPassing Flatus through ulcer
vraṇaiḥ mūtraṁ व्रणै् भत्रू ॊPassing urine through ulcer
vrataḥ व्रत्Continence: The exercise of self constraint
vratyārtha ित्ृ माथशMaintain the health & life- foods consumed by healthy person, it is meant to maintain health & life.
vṛddhi िद्ृ धधGrowth, Increase; gain; a state of gain of anybody constituent resulting in a positive balance.
vṛddhi िद्ृ धधA state of abnormal growth
vṛithi िवृ त्त:It means round, circular, continued, routine works , daily regimen, regimen which is practised and adopted daily which may or may not responsible for good health.
vṛntāka mūṣā िन्ृ ताक भषू ाCrucible with stem - a kind of crucible resembling brinjal -generally used in extraction of zinc from its ore.
vṛṣatā िषृ ताVirility, generative power, ability to reproduce.
vṝścanaṁ िॄश्चनॊCutting pain
vṝścikā िॄत्श्चकाscorpions.
vṝṣyaṁ िॄष्मॊEugenics; aphrodisiacs; substances that enhance the sexual power like that of bull
vṛttāyattama ित्तृ ामत्तभproperty of gems
vṛttiḥ िवृ त्त्path to be adopted. One should adopt only such of the means of livelihood as do not clash with virtuous path.
vṝttikara िॄवत्तकयlife sustaining
vyadha व्मधNeedling type of pain
vyādhikṣamatva व्माधधऺभत्िImmunity; Made of two words Vyādhi – disease and Kshamatva – Resistance i.e the power of the body which prevents the development of diseases or resists a developed disease is called as vyadhikshamatva. Compared to Immunity.when etiological factors come in contact with the body they try to produce disease. At the same time the body tries to resist, that power of resistance is Vyādhikśamatva.
vyākhyānam व्माख्मानभ ्Explanation; statements which elaborate a subject matter in detailed
vyakta व्मततFifth stage of Kriyakāla characterized by the manifestation of specific symptoms of a disease.
vyaktānukūla akasmāt darśanaṁ व्मततानकु ू र अकस्भात ् दशनश ॊLooks as turbid and clear, frequently and alternatively
vyakulatva karṇaṁ व्मकु रत्ि कणंIrritation in the ear
vyālīḍha व्मारीढIt is a type of snake bite in which marks of one- two fangs are seen but there is no bleeding.
vyāluptam व्मारप्ु तभ ्It is a type of snake bite in which marks of two fangs are seen along with bleeding.
vyāna Vāyu व्मान िामुA subtype of Vāta that is seated in Hṛdaya. It is responsible for pumping Rasa from Hṛdaya to all parts of the body. It controls all types of movements in the body.
vyāpādanaṁ व्माऩादनॊDecaying, Defective or Putrefaction
vyapadeśastu bhūyasā व्मऩदेशस्तु बमू साconcept of nomenclature of substances on the basis of the predominant mahābhūta within in it.
vyāpti व्मात्प्तinherent and inseparable adherence between the two things
vyāsa व्मासThrowing of extremities outward.
vyathita indriya व्मधथत इत्न्द्रमWeakness of sense organs
vyathitaceta व्मधथतचेतDisturbed mind
vyatirekavyapti — व्यतिरेकव्याप्तिःNegative invariable concomitance
vyavasāyaḥ व्मिसाम्the process by which ascertainment is made
vyavasthitatva व्मित्स्थतत्िStability; substance is relatively stable than its properties and actions;
vyavaya — व्यवायIt indicates sexual intercourse/sexual regimen.
vyavāyī व्मिामीQuality due to which a substance permeates all over the body before getting digested; caused due to activated Vayu & akash; e.g.
vyāviddhaṁ iva darśanaṁ व्माविद्धॊ इि दशनश ॊSees obejcts in distorted form
vyāvṛitiḥ akṣi व्माितृ त् अक्षऺProtrusion of the eye.
vyāyāma asahatvaṁ व्मामाभ असहत्िॊIntolerance to exercise.
vyāyāma śakti व्मामाभ शत्ततPower of exercise- it is examined by capacity for work.
vyāyāma व्मामाभExercise; The act or movement of the body that causes fatigue. Etymologically the meaning vyāyāma (व्ममभ) is intensive development of self control of the mind over body or intensive bending of the body in various directions.
yudasah— व्युदासःSpasmodic movement or tics
yushita— व्युषितAllowing to stay overnight –soaking